In India, this recipe is called the “Elixir of Immortality”: Tushari Jalayat explains slowly, with an arranging.
Healing milk It was known to ancient physicians, because there was not a single disease that was not cured with milk. This is a therapeutic and therapeutic tool - the oldest healer, protecting the most valuable! Adding to a glass of milk a slice of exotic figs or carrots only from the garden, you can believe in miracles.
"Site" She's sharing with you some potent milk-based recipes that we found in a collection of old recipes. That's what the doctor ordered. Pay close attention to the recipe for garlic milk: since the time of Avicenna, this drug has been used to treat even very serious diseases.
Milk treatment
In order not to spend money on expensive and not always effective pharmaceuticals, take these simple folk recipes and your family will always be healthy and protected from diseases!
Don’t forget to save this useful article and share it with your friends on social networks.

"Site" She's sharing with you some potent milk-based recipes that we found in a collection of old recipes. That's what the doctor ordered. Pay close attention to the recipe for garlic milk: since the time of Avicenna, this drug has been used to treat even very serious diseases.
Milk treatment
- Figs with milk
This outlandish mixture is a natural cough cure! In addition, such a drink can strengthen the immune system, cure sore throat and hoarseness of the voice, get rid of heat and save from constipation. Figs with milk will restore the vitality of the body, get rid of colds, help the nervous and cardiovascular system to cope with overload and overcome stress. Prepare one. delicious very simple: bring 1 glass of milk to a boil, add 2 washed and sliced into pieces of fruit dried or fresh figs to the pan. Cook the resulting mixture for about 10 minutes on a small heat. Next, remove the broth from the stove and wrap, leave for 1-2 hours to insist. After figs give all the beneficial properties to milk, strain the latter and take a warm drink 3 times a day, half a glass before meals.
We recommend taking this medicine for at least 7 days. In such a short period, you will get rid of cough, sore throat and significantly strengthen the immune system. Important! The drink should not be consumed with individual intolerance to milk or figs. - Milk, carrots and honey
Autumn is on the threshold and no one is immune to the seasonal cold. I wish I had a cold... I had a cold and a cough for a week! Another thing - flu, laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat. In Orthodox monasteries, plants and herbs growing in abundance under the open sky were used to treat colds. Here's another one. prescriptionVery effective! Mix 2 parts of carrot juice, 1 part of boiled milk and 1 part of honey. Stir it well. Consume this healing drink every hour (up to 15 times a day). You can increase the number of ingredients and make a healing drink for the whole day. Remember that during the flu you need to drink as much liquid as possible! Herbal tea, tea with raspberries or kalina - all means will be effective and good. - Borjomi milk.
Milk in combination with medicinal mineral water turns into an effective means of therapy bronchitis! Take half a glass of hot milk and add the same amount of Borjomi. That's the whole drink. Drink such a medicine is necessary 3 times a day for 1/3 cup. I'll take it off! - Milk with sage leaves
With a dry cough, traditional medicine recommends drinking milk with sage leaves. Why? Such an infusion softensIt helps to separate sputum and cleanse the respiratory tract. In addition, sage has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, contributes to a speedy recovery and strengthens the body's defenses. Pour 1 glass of milk into an enameled pan, add 1 tbsp of crushed leaf sage and boil for a few minutes. Prepared mixture of strain. Drink half a glass of hot broth 3 times a day, adding a little honey. - Garlic milk
Milk with garlic is an ancient cure for a hundred ailments. Not surprisingly, garlic is the real thing. antibiotic. Garlic milk is able to cure a cold, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, reduce inflammation in arthritis and adjust the nervous system. Mix 250 ml of water and 500 ml of milk, put on the fire. Clean 10 teeth. garlic and add to the boiled mixture. Reduce the fire to a minimum and tome the mixture for 10 minutes, stirring periodically. Add 2 tsp of sugar. Consume garlic milk 2 times a day, regardless of food intake. Bless you!
In order not to spend money on expensive and not always effective pharmaceuticals, take these simple folk recipes and your family will always be healthy and protected from diseases!
Don’t forget to save this useful article and share it with your friends on social networks.
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