10 healing properties of figs. The benefits and taste that is impossible to convey in words!
Probably many times heard about this unusual fruit called "figs", but not everyone knows what it looks like. Figs covered with a thin skin with fine hairs. More common yellow-green fruit, but also come in red, black and white. Also called the wine berry, fig tree or the fruit of the fig tree. The fig is one of the most useful and delicious fruit. Although figs - it is a seasonal fruit, it can be purchased year-round in dried form. It is rich in vitamins A and B, as well as phosphorus, calcium and iron. It also contains a lot of digestible sugar, which will not harm your figure.
health benefits:
1. Freshens breath
In order to get rid of bad breath, eat 2-3 fruits of the fig tree.
Fig long been used to increase potency. 5 figs soaked in milk overnight and eat them in the morning.
3. It dissolves kidney stones
Figure 6 Pour a glass of water and boil. Pei the beverage daily for a month to dissolve kidney stones. Use this method only in the initial stages of the disease.
4. Dries pimples
Apply the pulp of fresh figs all over the face for 20 minutes. This tool is great for treating acne. Use the juice of fresh figs, you can also get rid of warts. Do once a week a compress.
5. Monitors for Diabetes
Figs contains potassium, which helps reduce the amount of insulin in the blood. Consume daily 5 seeds of a fig tree with one teaspoon of honey to control diabetes. Already after the first week you will see results.
6. Strengthens bones
High levels of calcium in figs will help to strengthen your bones.
7. Used varicella
Figs are used to facilitate the flow of such diseases as chicken pox.
8. It is effective for weight loss
Dried figs speeds up metabolism, promotes weight loss and satisfies hunger. In order to lose weight and cooked stewed fruit of the fig tree.
9. Reduces sore throat
To get rid of a sore throat, take 3 figs 1 cup of boiling milk. Leave for 10 minutes on the fire. The resulting broth drink in the form of heat.
10. Treats constipation
For the treatment of constipation eat dried figs, mixed with honey, for a month each morning.
Figs - it's very useful delicacy, both fresh and dried. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The fig is very sweet and it is often used for desserts. Turn on your imagination and develop with the help of the fruit of the fig tree every dish a work of art.
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via takprosto cc

health benefits:
1. Freshens breath
In order to get rid of bad breath, eat 2-3 fruits of the fig tree.
Fig long been used to increase potency. 5 figs soaked in milk overnight and eat them in the morning.
3. It dissolves kidney stones
Figure 6 Pour a glass of water and boil. Pei the beverage daily for a month to dissolve kidney stones. Use this method only in the initial stages of the disease.
4. Dries pimples
Apply the pulp of fresh figs all over the face for 20 minutes. This tool is great for treating acne. Use the juice of fresh figs, you can also get rid of warts. Do once a week a compress.
5. Monitors for Diabetes
Figs contains potassium, which helps reduce the amount of insulin in the blood. Consume daily 5 seeds of a fig tree with one teaspoon of honey to control diabetes. Already after the first week you will see results.
6. Strengthens bones
High levels of calcium in figs will help to strengthen your bones.
7. Used varicella
Figs are used to facilitate the flow of such diseases as chicken pox.
8. It is effective for weight loss
Dried figs speeds up metabolism, promotes weight loss and satisfies hunger. In order to lose weight and cooked stewed fruit of the fig tree.
9. Reduces sore throat
To get rid of a sore throat, take 3 figs 1 cup of boiling milk. Leave for 10 minutes on the fire. The resulting broth drink in the form of heat.
10. Treats constipation
For the treatment of constipation eat dried figs, mixed with honey, for a month each morning.
Figs - it's very useful delicacy, both fresh and dried. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The fig is very sweet and it is often used for desserts. Turn on your imagination and develop with the help of the fruit of the fig tree every dish a work of art.
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via takprosto cc
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