Mix figs with olive oil, and you will receive a unique tool for the recovery!
I've always liked this dried fruit - a natural sweetness with rich taste especially good with milk ... Now, after learning about all the useful properties of figs , I love it even more
Fruit fig <! / useful in fresh and in dried form. Unfortunately, feast on fresh fruit only ripped off - a luxury not available to everyone, so we have prepared a wonderful recipe for healing the whole body with dried figs
. If you have problems with the stomach or detected high cholesterol, be sure to try this effective natural medicine!
Properties figs figs helps to organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The high content of fat in figs helps to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. The fig is rich Ca , which is very easy to digest. Perfect for people with lactose intolerance. Potassium , which is abundantly present in figs, supports heart. Also figs contain large amounts of antioxidants that enhance the immune system and improve your overall health. Figs improves the skin and evens out the complexion. It is a good remedy for insomnia and morning sickness.
Natural remedy of inzhira
Ingredients 40 dried fruits figs olive oil
Pour dried figs olive oil, close the jar lid. Keep figs in the refrigerator for a little over a month. After 40 days, you can take the medicine: 1 Dried figs in oil on an empty stomach will help to improve health and to solve problems that are already present. Figs soaked in oil has unsurpassed useful properties!
Tell your friends about this recipe for health. Fruits figs will support you in the spring, in the most difficult period of beriberi - time to make stocks of miracle drugs
Fruit fig <! / useful in fresh and in dried form. Unfortunately, feast on fresh fruit only ripped off - a luxury not available to everyone, so we have prepared a wonderful recipe for healing the whole body with dried figs
. If you have problems with the stomach or detected high cholesterol, be sure to try this effective natural medicine!

Properties figs figs helps to organize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The high content of fat in figs helps to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. The fig is rich Ca , which is very easy to digest. Perfect for people with lactose intolerance. Potassium , which is abundantly present in figs, supports heart. Also figs contain large amounts of antioxidants that enhance the immune system and improve your overall health. Figs improves the skin and evens out the complexion. It is a good remedy for insomnia and morning sickness.
Natural remedy of inzhira

Ingredients 40 dried fruits figs olive oil
Pour dried figs olive oil, close the jar lid. Keep figs in the refrigerator for a little over a month. After 40 days, you can take the medicine: 1 Dried figs in oil on an empty stomach will help to improve health and to solve problems that are already present. Figs soaked in oil has unsurpassed useful properties!
Tell your friends about this recipe for health. Fruits figs will support you in the spring, in the most difficult period of beriberi - time to make stocks of miracle drugs
I never thought that this can be done from the usual strawberry. Just lovely sight!
Here are the most delicious spaghetti! One little trick - and you're done.