Miracle remedy for cough and cold
Pretty weird to develop some trends of our own food market: bananas and pineapples that grow in the distant tropics, on the shelves of Russian stores are full. And figs in some cities, day with fire will not find, although the area of origin is much closer to the borders of our country — in Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey.
But still, sometimes it gets to the domestic consumer, and that opens to amazing fruit not only facets of taste, but the abyss use. In particular, figs has already established itself as a wonderful remedy for cold, cough and other problems associated with infection or inflammation of the Airways. There is even a recipe for figs with milk, a pleasant beverage, rejuvenating and health.
For making this tool suitable for both fresh and dried figs. The latter, of course, to get easier – especially in winter, when colds, cough "season" is in full swing. In an extreme case, fit and "jerky" version, because most of their useful properties Fig preserves even in this form.
How to cook figs with milk for cough?
For therapeutic purposes it is better to choose the Abkhazian figs – it is smaller in size, but the taste of it is rich of vitamins and minerals in it more, and expectorant and antipyretic effects, it will appear brighter. Turkish figs has large fruits, but most often they are sold unripe, and the taste be "no".
Ingredients for making cough drink will only need milk and figs, nothing else is needed.
The proportions are as follows: 1.5 cups of milk it takes one large or two small figs (either dried or fresh).
By the way, the milk should be fatter. Choose this, what would the percentage of fat he had from 3.2 and above. Homemade milk – all out of competition. If possible, boil the figs in it.
Fresh figs before making the coffee, wash, dry, soaked in warm water for 15-20 minutes. The fruits are cut into 3-4 pieces and pour warm boiled milk. The broth pan with non-stick coating – put it on medium heat and bring the milk to a boil. Then when the cover is closed figs boiled in milk. Heating remains minimal, and the boiling milk is slightly pronounced. Cooking time – half an hour. During this time, the volume of milk in the pan is reduced by approximately one – third of the excess liquid from it evaporated, and it itself will be slightly thicker. Then the contents of the pan poured into the thermos and close tightly – sealed figs will continue to "steam" in the milk. After 3 hours the drink is ready to use.
How to drink nettles?
Drink "Fig" milk in the form of heat, but store it relies in the fridge, otherwise, just like any other milk drink, it can turn sour. Before use a portion of the broth is heated in the microwave or on the stove.
The dosage is 1 drink a day for children and 1.5 cups for adults. You can take half a Cup (or a little more for adults) means morning and evening, after meals. Figs with milk is harmless, tasty, no side effects, so it does not matter if you or your child will drink a little more than the norm. The treatment is usually 5-7 days, but sometimes improve the patient's condition occurs before the second or third day from the beginning of use. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=645
But still, sometimes it gets to the domestic consumer, and that opens to amazing fruit not only facets of taste, but the abyss use. In particular, figs has already established itself as a wonderful remedy for cold, cough and other problems associated with infection or inflammation of the Airways. There is even a recipe for figs with milk, a pleasant beverage, rejuvenating and health.
For making this tool suitable for both fresh and dried figs. The latter, of course, to get easier – especially in winter, when colds, cough "season" is in full swing. In an extreme case, fit and "jerky" version, because most of their useful properties Fig preserves even in this form.
How to cook figs with milk for cough?
For therapeutic purposes it is better to choose the Abkhazian figs – it is smaller in size, but the taste of it is rich of vitamins and minerals in it more, and expectorant and antipyretic effects, it will appear brighter. Turkish figs has large fruits, but most often they are sold unripe, and the taste be "no".
Ingredients for making cough drink will only need milk and figs, nothing else is needed.
The proportions are as follows: 1.5 cups of milk it takes one large or two small figs (either dried or fresh).
By the way, the milk should be fatter. Choose this, what would the percentage of fat he had from 3.2 and above. Homemade milk – all out of competition. If possible, boil the figs in it.
Fresh figs before making the coffee, wash, dry, soaked in warm water for 15-20 minutes. The fruits are cut into 3-4 pieces and pour warm boiled milk. The broth pan with non-stick coating – put it on medium heat and bring the milk to a boil. Then when the cover is closed figs boiled in milk. Heating remains minimal, and the boiling milk is slightly pronounced. Cooking time – half an hour. During this time, the volume of milk in the pan is reduced by approximately one – third of the excess liquid from it evaporated, and it itself will be slightly thicker. Then the contents of the pan poured into the thermos and close tightly – sealed figs will continue to "steam" in the milk. After 3 hours the drink is ready to use.
How to drink nettles?
Drink "Fig" milk in the form of heat, but store it relies in the fridge, otherwise, just like any other milk drink, it can turn sour. Before use a portion of the broth is heated in the microwave or on the stove.
The dosage is 1 drink a day for children and 1.5 cups for adults. You can take half a Cup (or a little more for adults) means morning and evening, after meals. Figs with milk is harmless, tasty, no side effects, so it does not matter if you or your child will drink a little more than the norm. The treatment is usually 5-7 days, but sometimes improve the patient's condition occurs before the second or third day from the beginning of use. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: kozdor.ru/odna_stat.php?id=645