Healing milk with figs, carrots and even with "Borjomi"... a Healing elixir for cough, constipation and stress!
The healing power of milk was known to the ancient healers, because they did not meet any sickness that would not heal with milk. It is therapeutic and a therapeutic tool — an ancient healer, protects the most valuable! Adding a glass of milk slice of exotic figs or carrots just from the garden, it is possible to believe in miracles...
"Website" shares with you effective recipe based on milk, which we found in the Orthodox practitioner. This is what the doctor ordered.
Treatment milk
Once again not to spend money on expensive and not always effective pharmaceutical preparations, take into consideration these simple folk recipes and your family will always be healthy and safe from diseases!
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The author
Christina Mironyuk Fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. Loves movies, appreciates the music on vinyl. The architecture and sculpture that inspires inquisitive personality round the clock! Christina has been studying digital technology for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity in the interior, and in life. Inspiring mountain view and the book "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" by Jules Verne — that is necessary for the happiness of our charming author!

"Website" shares with you effective recipe based on milk, which we found in the Orthodox practitioner. This is what the doctor ordered.
Treatment milk
- Figs with milk
This strange mixture is a natural cure for cough! In addition, this drink can strengthen the immune system, cure sore throat and hoarseness, to get rid of the heat and save you from constipation. Figs with milk will restore the vitality of the body, get rid of a cold will help the nervous and cardiovascular system to cope with congestion and to overcome stress. To prepare this tasty and healthy drink is very simple: bring 1 Cup milk to a boil, add in the pan 2 washed and chopped pieces of fruit, dried or fresh figs. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes on small fire. Next, remove the broth from heat and cover, leave for 1-2 hours to infuse. After the figs will give all the beneficial properties of milk, strain the latter and take a warm drink 3 times a day half a Cup before meals.
We recommend you to take the medicine for at least 7 days. In such a short period you will get rid of a cough, sore throat, and significantly strengthen the immune system. Important! The drink should not be used in individual intolerance of milk or of figs.
- Milk, carrot and honey
Autumn on the doorstep, and no one is safe from seasonal colds. Well if the cold... a Week suffer a runny nose and cough! Another thing — the flu, laryngitis, bronchitis, sore throat. In Orthodox monasteries for the treatment of colds used plants and herbs growing in abundance under the open sky. And here's another recipe from an Orthodox practitioner, it is very effective! Mix 2 parts of carrot juice, 1 part milk and 1 part honey. Mix it well. Drink this healthful beverage every hour (up to 15 times a day). You can increase the number of ingredients and cook healthful drink for the whole day. Remember that during flu need to drink plenty of fluids! Herbal tea, tea with raspberry or viburnum — all are valid and good.
- Milk with "Borjomi"
The milk is combined with healing mineral water turns into an effective treatment for any bronchitis! Take half a Cup of hot milk and add the same amount of "Borjomi". That's the whole drink. To drink this drug should 3 times a day for 1/3 Cup. Illness as a hand lift!
- Milk with sage leaves
Dry cough folk medicine recommends to drink milk with sage leaves. Why? This infusion softens cough, promotes sputum and airway clearance. Besides, sage has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, promotes the healing process and strengthens the body's defenses. Pour 1 Cup milk into an enamel pan, add 1 tbsp chopped sage leaf and boil few minutes. Ready-mix procedure. Drink half a glass of hot decoction 3 times a day, adding a little honey.
- Garlic milk
Milk with garlic — ancient medicine for a hundred diseases. Not surprising, since garlic is a real natural antibiotic. Garlic milk can cure a cold, lower bad cholesterol, reduce inflammation in arthritis and build the nervous system. Mix 250 ml of water and 500 ml of milk, put on fire. Cleanse 10 tooth. garlic and add to boiling mixture. Reduce the heat to low and Tomi mixture 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 2 tsp of sugar. Drink garlic milk 2 times a day with or without food. Be healthy!
Once again not to spend money on expensive and not always effective pharmaceutical preparations, take into consideration these simple folk recipes and your family will always be healthy and safe from diseases!
Don't forget to save this article useful and share it with friends on social networks.
The author

Christina Mironyuk Fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. Loves movies, appreciates the music on vinyl. The architecture and sculpture that inspires inquisitive personality round the clock! Christina has been studying digital technology for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity in the interior, and in life. Inspiring mountain view and the book "Twenty thousand leagues under the sea" by Jules Verne — that is necessary for the happiness of our charming author!
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