Found a new effective way of losing weight for the lazy! No harm for health.

Some people are born with a fast metabolism. However, this is extremely rare. Most of the people indulge in unhealthy foods and engaged for hours in the gym just to burn a few extra calories. With age, metabolism slows and weight control is becoming increasingly difficult. For such people it invented a simple recipe for a drink that will help lose those extra kilos, while not bothering to nothing else. Wonder Drink is working even when you're just sitting at the computer or watching television. It speeds up the metabolism, and because of this weight is gradually reduced.


2 teaspoons honey; 1 teaspoon cinnamon; 250 ml of water. Method:

1. Boil a glass of water.
2. Put cinnamon in a saucepan, zaley boiling water. Cover and let it brew.
3. Add the honey, when the water cools down. Never add honey in hot water, as it will lose its beneficial nutrients.
4. Drink half a glass of this drink before bedtime. What is left, cover and put in the fridge. The next morning, not warming drink, drink it.

In this sweet water do not need to add anything more, other than those ingredients. It is best to take it on an empty stomach.

This simple way to help people with the problem of excess weight to speed up metabolism. Of course, you can throw a couple of kilos, eating just this drink, but to achieve perfect results also suggest you exercise regularly and eat right.

Share this magic recipe with your friends! The drink is very simple to make, effective and at the same time delicious.

via takprosto cc