Updated skin: 7 great recipes!
Figs, one of the oldest plants of the planet, rich in vitamins "A", "b" and "C". As they are composed of proteins and carbohydrates, sugars, polysaccharides and pectin. Famous figs are rich in potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus.
With such a rich dowry figs – a godsend for in-home cosmetology! Masks of figs soothing and regenerative skin properties. They are able to deeply moisturize the skin, relieving it from peeling.
Figs are composed of face masks gives the skin the ability to retain water, making it soft and supple. For dry and sensitive skin masks of figs is a godsend! Besides figs, tones and refreshes the skin a cooling effect.
The infusion of the figs for daily wiping the skinto give your skin a beautiful, healthy look with a velvety effect quite a few times a day wipe face with an infusion of figs, prepared from 25 grams of the fruit, filled with one Cup of boiling water. Components infused within a few hours, then prorezyvatsja and the infusion is ready for use.
The mask of Fig for any type of skinFor the preparation of masks you can use dried figs and fresh. If you are using dried figs, then the fruits should be soaked for 15 minutes in boiled water or milk, then 2 fruit puree them in a blender. The figs add 1 egg yolk, mashed with a tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of vegetable oil (for oily skin is better suited olive oil or grape seed oil). Components are mixed and applied to clean, dry face apply the mask also on décolleté and neck. For the skin mask is valid for 20-25 minutes, then it should be removed by using mineral water dipped cloth.
To achieve the desired effect this mask should be done within a month, 2-3 treatments per week.
Cleansing mask of FigPulp and juice of ripe figs helps not only cleanse the skin but also rejuvenation. This should be applied to the face crushed pulp of figs, sustain it for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.
The mask of Fig and mango for aging skinTo prepare the mask, you need to prepare the following ingredients: figs – 2 pieces mango – 1 PC., half a Cup of curd, one tablespoon of honey, peach oil – 1 tablespoon, one egg. Composite masks are thoroughly mixed.
On the skin the mask is applied in the form of heat for 30-40 minutes. To remove the mask should be a cotton pad soaked in fresh milk. After removed the mask, the face is rinsed with warm water.
Full course of application of this mask lasts for two months at 2 treatments per week. As a result, your skin becomes smooth and silky, getting adequate nutrition and hydration, which is very important for flabby skin.
The mask of Fig, banana and Apple to the swollen skinto Cope with inflammation and swelling of the skin, giving the skin elasticity and velvety will help the mask of Fig (2 fruit), one banana, the pulp of one sour Apple, two tablespoons of cottage cheese high-fat, peach oil (1 tbsp), one egg and oil solution of vitamin E (10 drops). Put all ingredients in the blender on maximum speed whisk until smooth.
Next, apply the mask on the face, hands, neck and chest in a thick layer. Keep the mask on the skin should be in for 30-40 minutes, then it's very easy and carefully remove it with doilies, rinse with first warm plain water and then with cool mineral water.
The course consists of 2-3 procedures per week for two months. The best time for this course of the cold time of the year.
The mask of Fig and milkMask, consisting of figs (3 pieces), one Cup of fresh milk, half a Cup of oatmeal, almond oil – 1 tablespoon, one egg and honey – 1 tbsp is a superb nourishing, moisturising and circulation-boosting agent. You should be in the autumn-winter period in two months on 1-2 treatments weekly.
To prepare this mask used is peeled and boiled in milk figs. Then mix it with the other ingredients and thoroughly whisk.
On the skin the mask of Fig should be applied in a warm state. The same mask and lubricates the eyelids. On the skin the mask should be kept for 30-40 minutes. Remove the mask first with a cotton swab and then opolaskivaniem face with warm water.
The mask of Fig and curd for dry skinthe Mask of Fig and cheese copes with inflammation on dry skin, helps heal wounds on the skin, giving it elasticity and velvety tenderness.
The preparation of this mask is that first purify and mash one ripe figs, then combine it with two tablespoons of cottage cheese.
Prepared: chicken-cheese mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes on the skin. We remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in milk, and opolaskivaniem the skin with warm water. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: maski-lica.ru/pgs2/maski-iz-inzhira.html
With such a rich dowry figs – a godsend for in-home cosmetology! Masks of figs soothing and regenerative skin properties. They are able to deeply moisturize the skin, relieving it from peeling.
Figs are composed of face masks gives the skin the ability to retain water, making it soft and supple. For dry and sensitive skin masks of figs is a godsend! Besides figs, tones and refreshes the skin a cooling effect.

The infusion of the figs for daily wiping the skinto give your skin a beautiful, healthy look with a velvety effect quite a few times a day wipe face with an infusion of figs, prepared from 25 grams of the fruit, filled with one Cup of boiling water. Components infused within a few hours, then prorezyvatsja and the infusion is ready for use.
The mask of Fig for any type of skinFor the preparation of masks you can use dried figs and fresh. If you are using dried figs, then the fruits should be soaked for 15 minutes in boiled water or milk, then 2 fruit puree them in a blender. The figs add 1 egg yolk, mashed with a tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of vegetable oil (for oily skin is better suited olive oil or grape seed oil). Components are mixed and applied to clean, dry face apply the mask also on décolleté and neck. For the skin mask is valid for 20-25 minutes, then it should be removed by using mineral water dipped cloth.
To achieve the desired effect this mask should be done within a month, 2-3 treatments per week.
Cleansing mask of FigPulp and juice of ripe figs helps not only cleanse the skin but also rejuvenation. This should be applied to the face crushed pulp of figs, sustain it for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.
The mask of Fig and mango for aging skinTo prepare the mask, you need to prepare the following ingredients: figs – 2 pieces mango – 1 PC., half a Cup of curd, one tablespoon of honey, peach oil – 1 tablespoon, one egg. Composite masks are thoroughly mixed.
On the skin the mask is applied in the form of heat for 30-40 minutes. To remove the mask should be a cotton pad soaked in fresh milk. After removed the mask, the face is rinsed with warm water.
Full course of application of this mask lasts for two months at 2 treatments per week. As a result, your skin becomes smooth and silky, getting adequate nutrition and hydration, which is very important for flabby skin.
The mask of Fig, banana and Apple to the swollen skinto Cope with inflammation and swelling of the skin, giving the skin elasticity and velvety will help the mask of Fig (2 fruit), one banana, the pulp of one sour Apple, two tablespoons of cottage cheese high-fat, peach oil (1 tbsp), one egg and oil solution of vitamin E (10 drops). Put all ingredients in the blender on maximum speed whisk until smooth.
Next, apply the mask on the face, hands, neck and chest in a thick layer. Keep the mask on the skin should be in for 30-40 minutes, then it's very easy and carefully remove it with doilies, rinse with first warm plain water and then with cool mineral water.
The course consists of 2-3 procedures per week for two months. The best time for this course of the cold time of the year.
The mask of Fig and milkMask, consisting of figs (3 pieces), one Cup of fresh milk, half a Cup of oatmeal, almond oil – 1 tablespoon, one egg and honey – 1 tbsp is a superb nourishing, moisturising and circulation-boosting agent. You should be in the autumn-winter period in two months on 1-2 treatments weekly.
To prepare this mask used is peeled and boiled in milk figs. Then mix it with the other ingredients and thoroughly whisk.
On the skin the mask of Fig should be applied in a warm state. The same mask and lubricates the eyelids. On the skin the mask should be kept for 30-40 minutes. Remove the mask first with a cotton swab and then opolaskivaniem face with warm water.
The mask of Fig and curd for dry skinthe Mask of Fig and cheese copes with inflammation on dry skin, helps heal wounds on the skin, giving it elasticity and velvety tenderness.
The preparation of this mask is that first purify and mash one ripe figs, then combine it with two tablespoons of cottage cheese.
Prepared: chicken-cheese mixture is applied for 20-30 minutes on the skin. We remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in milk, and opolaskivaniem the skin with warm water. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: maski-lica.ru/pgs2/maski-iz-inzhira.html