How much is moving to different city
Recent statistics showed that about every second of the five thousand people surveyed would like to relocate in the next five years, he moved to another city. In this regard, the experts decided to analyze the cost of the move and the first month of life in different cities around the world.
The website shares with his readers those very interesting and useful data. Click on the images below to see a detailed list of necessary expenses.
Note: the data on prices current at the beginning of January 2017.
- The rankings are based on the cost of the first month of living in the city.
- The cost calculation was based on the exchange rate on 30 January 2017.
- Rents were calculated from the average cost for an apartment of 35 sq. m.
- In the average cost of telephone charges included: buying a SIM card and its activation, and a monthly Internet package with a volume of 5 GB.
Zurich, Switzerland
London, UK
Kong, China
Tokyo, Japan
Oslo, Norway
Paris, France
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Tel Aviv, Israel
Milan, Italy
Brussels, Belgium
Madrid, Spain
Beijing, China
Vienna, Austria
Berlin, Germany
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Moscow, Russia
Lisbon, Portugal
Bangkok, Thailand
Athens, Greece
Hanoi, Vietnam
Riga, Latvia
Sofia, Bulgaria
Source movinga
Photos on the preview sborisov /depositphotos.com, duha127 / depositphotos.com
See also
How much is the life in different countries
15 the Paradise of the countries in which to live cheaper than at home
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/15-rajskih-stran-v-kotoryh-zhit-deshevle-chem-u-vas-doma-1034560/