5 Morning Habits That Gain Weight

You do not eat fast food and sweets for a long time and exercise regularly, but a couple of extra pounds seem to stick. Few people realize that the usual morning rituals prevent you from losing weight.
Website Here are 5 morning habits you should give up.
1. You sleep too much.

Lack of sleep causes the production of the hormone cortisol, which leads to overeating. Sleeping too much is not the best option either. According to a study in the journal PLOS One, regular sleep lasting more than 10 hours leads to an increase in body mass index. No wonder doctors advise to sleep exactly 7-9 hours.
2. You're going dark

When you wake up, immediately open the blinds or curtains. According to a study in the journal PLOS One, blue light waves from the morning sun help the body wake up and start metabolism. Even 20-30 minutes of morning light is enough to affect BMI.
3. You don't make the bed

Paradoxically, it is. A study by the National Sleep Association found that you sleep better if you spread and make your bed every day. A healthy sleep is the fastest way to a healthy weight.
4. You forget to weigh yourself

Researchers at Cornell University have shown that daily weight loss is more effective. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning: the measurements will be the most accurate as there will be less water in the body.
5. You don't have enough breakfast

Researchers from the University of Tel Aviv say that in the morning you need to indulge in delicious food. A 600-calorie breakfast consisting of lean protein, carbohydrates and a small dessert will allow you to better stick to your diet throughout the day.
Based on wefit.ru/morning_habits/
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