Railroad crossing
Sam worked at the railway crossings. I think the topic will be interesting to motorists. I want to talk about the railway crossings and to answer the most frequently asked questions. All my pictures will be 16 pictures.
-Place Crossing high-risk, how often we hear, and how often try to slip ... for car owners, blinking red = signal as a rag to a bull-faster proskochit.Odnako did not think about what may be happening proizoyti.Samoe frequent machine stalls .Kryshki SLM rise and cars remains trapped inside ... relocation.
The second aspect - the cover will rise under the bottom of your car ... Of course there are infrared sensors, which are supposed to prevent this, but anything can happen-sticking snow, just dirt ... And then the machine rises Aki exhibit in the museum ...
The most frequent question-why, after the passage of a train crossing does not open and what's pa ... you close it so early ... ??? No it does not close or open tozhe.Pereezd closes automatically after the entry of the train station which is on the block length up to 2 km, independent of the velocity of circulation of trains on the section and the profile path.
Posted in [mergetime] 1372673361 [/ mergetime]
Here are the best infrared sensors ...
Moving on duty can open moving emergency opening tearing seals, including "red" and the train delayed in three minutes ... but only after a full stop poezda.Reshenie take in exceptional cases of a similar pass was not on duty at pereezdu.Tak that they should not be blame for this ...
We have a duty Moving radio communication with train drivers and attendants of neighboring stations and even communicate with GIBDD.Pryamaya or the dispatcher.
Here is an example that no one is deliberately holding train standing at the red barrier-car ride.
Rail chain that closes the wheelset can be different dlinny- my moving about 1500 meters ...
Adjustable travel on the road network still can reduce the number of road accident ... in which all the most to blame for the drivers.
Train weight of up to 5 thousand 500 tons ... imagine how much time and distance necessary to stop a mahinu.Tormoznoy route is the least 400 meters ...
more ...
At the introduction of the train on the block -uchastok to move through the circuit of the track circuit is notice and begin to blink red signaly.Cherez 20 seconds start to fall shlagbaumy.Posle their fully lowered, raised plate SPD
Many crossings are equipped with video surveillance and fiksatsii.Est course makety.Na dummies and my very active since 1080 p video recording ... the traffic police with enviable regularity records enjoys.
This rail tsep.kotoraya closed wheel set ... Transfer can not be opened until the car Latest one is not will call for limiting izostyk r.tsep.Vot seemingly train passed, and the move does not open duty-villain ??? No, he can not do anything mozhet.poka this iron would not go away.
All attendants on the move in the traffic police are required to report a violation of paragraph 3 of the SDA directions Close ... we just glaza.No blatant audacity-type bypass closing barrier proschayu.Vyigraesh personally I do not for a minute lose a life ...

-Place Crossing high-risk, how often we hear, and how often try to slip ... for car owners, blinking red = signal as a rag to a bull-faster proskochit.Odnako did not think about what may be happening proizoyti.Samoe frequent machine stalls .Kryshki SLM rise and cars remains trapped inside ... relocation.

The second aspect - the cover will rise under the bottom of your car ... Of course there are infrared sensors, which are supposed to prevent this, but anything can happen-sticking snow, just dirt ... And then the machine rises Aki exhibit in the museum ...

The most frequent question-why, after the passage of a train crossing does not open and what's pa ... you close it so early ... ??? No it does not close or open tozhe.Pereezd closes automatically after the entry of the train station which is on the block length up to 2 km, independent of the velocity of circulation of trains on the section and the profile path.
Posted in [mergetime] 1372673361 [/ mergetime]
Here are the best infrared sensors ...

Moving on duty can open moving emergency opening tearing seals, including "red" and the train delayed in three minutes ... but only after a full stop poezda.Reshenie take in exceptional cases of a similar pass was not on duty at pereezdu.Tak that they should not be blame for this ...

We have a duty Moving radio communication with train drivers and attendants of neighboring stations and even communicate with GIBDD.Pryamaya or the dispatcher.

Here is an example that no one is deliberately holding train standing at the red barrier-car ride.

Rail chain that closes the wheelset can be different dlinny- my moving about 1500 meters ...

Adjustable travel on the road network still can reduce the number of road accident ... in which all the most to blame for the drivers.

Train weight of up to 5 thousand 500 tons ... imagine how much time and distance necessary to stop a mahinu.Tormoznoy route is the least 400 meters ...

more ...

At the introduction of the train on the block -uchastok to move through the circuit of the track circuit is notice and begin to blink red signaly.Cherez 20 seconds start to fall shlagbaumy.Posle their fully lowered, raised plate SPD

Many crossings are equipped with video surveillance and fiksatsii.Est course makety.Na dummies and my very active since 1080 p video recording ... the traffic police with enviable regularity records enjoys.

This rail tsep.kotoraya closed wheel set ... Transfer can not be opened until the car Latest one is not will call for limiting izostyk r.tsep.Vot seemingly train passed, and the move does not open duty-villain ??? No, he can not do anything mozhet.poka this iron would not go away.

All attendants on the move in the traffic police are required to report a violation of paragraph 3 of the SDA directions Close ... we just glaza.No blatant audacity-type bypass closing barrier proschayu.Vyigraesh personally I do not for a minute lose a life ...
