Why all the signs of the zodiac in late December are waiting for a sharp change for two and a half years ahead
Saturn, the planet of responsibility, karma, time, discipline and maturity, turned in direct motion on September 29 in the sign of Capricorn. During this period, we will feel the obstacles that made us growThey'll weaken a little. But on December 18, 2020, Saturn will enter the sign of Aquarius for 2.5 years (until March 8, 2023), and this will affect each of us. The causes of change in life are ourselves and our daily actions.
Today's edition. "Site" share forecasting Saturn will be able to walk through every area of our lives. Positive advice from Angela Pearl!
Causes of Life Change
Aries will narrow the circle of communication, only the most loyal and loyal people will remain. It is possible to move or change jobs. It is very likely that the work may be related to the Internet or social networks.
Saturn will force you to choose the work of life and focus on one thing, especially if you have several options. It will be a wonderful time for new beginnings.
The question of career and self-realization will be one of the main issues for Taurus in the coming year. Perhaps the status will change: someone Saturn will bring a long and strong marriage, and someone divorce. Remember that a good marriage cannot destroy a planet.
There may also be news of pregnancy. New achievements will bring prosperity and harmony.
It is possible to move abroad or a long trip. Travel will be more about work and business. It's a good time to study.
This is a great time for couples. Even for those on the verge of divorce. With due effort on both sides, sensuality, tenderness and passion will appear in the marriage.
Cancer should be taken more seriously. Perhaps you will take out a loan for an apartment or a car. There is a chance that you will lend someone and you will not want to pay back the money. Think carefully about your income and expenses!
Try to control emotions and be softer with the other half. Health is good.
Most lions in the coming year will arrange their personal life. The relationship will be serious and for a long time. In terms of health, you should beware of colds.
There will also be a lot of communication and activities in different areas of life. You need to be more careful with finances, do not waste money in vain.
Virgo can increase the workload. It is necessary to determine one main source of income in one area. Possible promotion on the career ladder.
Virgos will find a new source of income, and may receive an unexpected inheritance. Throughout the year, Virgos will receive many gifts - both material and in the form of wish fulfillment.
Children will enter the life of Libra. There will be a lot of responsibility for others and for yourself.
It is possible to reduce and deepen the business. It’s better to focus on one direction. There will be a new opportunity. However, before that, you will need to close everything old and obsolete. Perhaps someone will leave you an inheritance that will improve your financial situation.
The change of residence will cause financial difficulties. Or maybe you can take out a loan for housing or building a house. Most of the work and attention will be devoted to repairs.
This is a good period to assess the situation in the relationship sensibly and take it easier and easier to understand the difficulties of mutual understanding. Health will be strong.
Sagittarius New Year promises Sagittarius a change of work and a move. Success will bring blogging, teaching, entrepreneurship. Favorable to engage in training and learning new skills.
Business trips are possible. New opportunities will open up that will bring good material wealth and love. In family life everything will go well!
Capricorn will improve the financial situation of those who can focus on one area of work.
There will be an opportunity to lay a solid foundation for something very valuable. However, it is worth thinking realistically and using the gifts of fortune to bring into your life the most positive that you want.
Aquarius will most strongly feel the influence of Saturn. This will make Aquarius more responsible, strong and hardened. Life will change dramatically.
It is possible to move to another city or even a country. Many will think about the meaning of life, begin to search for themselves. Even the image, style or hair color can change.
Pisces can become a teacher for other people. The past can make itself felt. It is also possible to deal with documents, search them in the archive and registration of transactions.
Those who want to lose weight can do it. A new page in life will open, and the old Pisces will not return. From March 21, 2021, Pisces will stop looking back and boldly go into a bright future.
In more detail, by Angela Pearl You can see this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ElewSDZxc4
I also recommend reading this article: how to be happy every day. Everyone should read it!
Due to the new position of Saturn and its connection with the element of air, many people will soon change their values and priorities. The causes of change in everyone’s life are different. The main thing is to feel yourself and your needs, boldlywithout looking back. Put your fears aside, only the best lies ahead!
Today's edition. "Site" share forecasting Saturn will be able to walk through every area of our lives. Positive advice from Angela Pearl!
Causes of Life Change

Aries will narrow the circle of communication, only the most loyal and loyal people will remain. It is possible to move or change jobs. It is very likely that the work may be related to the Internet or social networks.
Saturn will force you to choose the work of life and focus on one thing, especially if you have several options. It will be a wonderful time for new beginnings.

The question of career and self-realization will be one of the main issues for Taurus in the coming year. Perhaps the status will change: someone Saturn will bring a long and strong marriage, and someone divorce. Remember that a good marriage cannot destroy a planet.
There may also be news of pregnancy. New achievements will bring prosperity and harmony.

It is possible to move abroad or a long trip. Travel will be more about work and business. It's a good time to study.
This is a great time for couples. Even for those on the verge of divorce. With due effort on both sides, sensuality, tenderness and passion will appear in the marriage.

Cancer should be taken more seriously. Perhaps you will take out a loan for an apartment or a car. There is a chance that you will lend someone and you will not want to pay back the money. Think carefully about your income and expenses!
Try to control emotions and be softer with the other half. Health is good.

Most lions in the coming year will arrange their personal life. The relationship will be serious and for a long time. In terms of health, you should beware of colds.
There will also be a lot of communication and activities in different areas of life. You need to be more careful with finances, do not waste money in vain.

Virgo can increase the workload. It is necessary to determine one main source of income in one area. Possible promotion on the career ladder.
Virgos will find a new source of income, and may receive an unexpected inheritance. Throughout the year, Virgos will receive many gifts - both material and in the form of wish fulfillment.

Children will enter the life of Libra. There will be a lot of responsibility for others and for yourself.
It is possible to reduce and deepen the business. It’s better to focus on one direction. There will be a new opportunity. However, before that, you will need to close everything old and obsolete. Perhaps someone will leave you an inheritance that will improve your financial situation.

The change of residence will cause financial difficulties. Or maybe you can take out a loan for housing or building a house. Most of the work and attention will be devoted to repairs.
This is a good period to assess the situation in the relationship sensibly and take it easier and easier to understand the difficulties of mutual understanding. Health will be strong.

Sagittarius New Year promises Sagittarius a change of work and a move. Success will bring blogging, teaching, entrepreneurship. Favorable to engage in training and learning new skills.
Business trips are possible. New opportunities will open up that will bring good material wealth and love. In family life everything will go well!

Capricorn will improve the financial situation of those who can focus on one area of work.
There will be an opportunity to lay a solid foundation for something very valuable. However, it is worth thinking realistically and using the gifts of fortune to bring into your life the most positive that you want.

Aquarius will most strongly feel the influence of Saturn. This will make Aquarius more responsible, strong and hardened. Life will change dramatically.
It is possible to move to another city or even a country. Many will think about the meaning of life, begin to search for themselves. Even the image, style or hair color can change.

Pisces can become a teacher for other people. The past can make itself felt. It is also possible to deal with documents, search them in the archive and registration of transactions.
Those who want to lose weight can do it. A new page in life will open, and the old Pisces will not return. From March 21, 2021, Pisces will stop looking back and boldly go into a bright future.
In more detail, by Angela Pearl You can see this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ElewSDZxc4
I also recommend reading this article: how to be happy every day. Everyone should read it!
Due to the new position of Saturn and its connection with the element of air, many people will soon change their values and priorities. The causes of change in everyone’s life are different. The main thing is to feel yourself and your needs, boldlywithout looking back. Put your fears aside, only the best lies ahead!
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