I love Georgia more than Turkey and Egypt, in spring all Georgia blooms: lilacs, magnolias, wisteria
Recently, Russians are leaving their homeland in search of a better life. We won't talk about the reasons. But let's talk about it. migrationA country that warmly welcomes not only tourists, but also those who want to settle in it. What you need to know if you want to move to the sunny country of Sakartvelo, read further in the article.
Moving to Georgia attracts citizens of Russia and other CIS countries for many reasons. First of all, you probably won’t face the language barrier here. Secondly, Sakartvelo has fairly affordable housing and reasonable prices for food and other services. The mild climate, hospitable people, and the local culture in which you will somehow plunge.
Moving to Georgia from Russia is possible if you have a passport. visa-free. However, we advise you to worry about obtaining health insurance. According to Georgian legislation, Russians can stay in Sakartvelo for 1 year.
To extend this period, you will have to leave the country for at least a few hours or days. And then we can go back. It is also possible to obtain temporary or permanent residence. It is necessary to contact the Civil Registry Agency of Georgia.
Let’s not forget about COVID-19. Georgia accepts Johnson & Johnson vaccination certificate. But a conventional PCR test will also suffice. Remember that it is valid for 72 hours.
We know that many people want to cross the border in their car. It is not necessary to have international rights, but you need insurance. A car with Russian license plates can legally stay in Georgia for only 90 hours. You may not be allowed to leave Russia itself. It takes a good reason.
In Sakartvelo people get not only by road, but also by plane. However, there are no direct flights, so you will have to make a transfer. Most often this happens in Istanbul and Yerevan.
A few days ago, a budget place in the economy class cost about 55-68 thousand rubles. Today, the cost of the cheapest ticket is 71 thousand rubles. There is a possibility that this figure will continue to grow. So hurry up if you want to go to Georgia.
Although the official language of Sakartvelo is Georgian, many locals understand Russian perfectly. You don't have to worry about that. In addition, representatives of the younger generation speak English fluently.
Visa and Mastercard cards issued in Russia are no longer valid in Georgia. However, you can contact your local bank to open a new account and make a card. The bank account is serviced for money. The national currency of Georgia is lari. Current rate: 3.38 GEL - 1 US dollar.
To rent a house in the capital of Georgia, you will need 150-500 dollars a month. In the old districts of Tbilisi, the price for renting an apartment may be lower. However, you need to understand that every day there are more people who want to move to Sakartvelo. This means that the price tag of landlords will only grow.
Keep in mind that finding a home may take some time. It is better to worry about it in advance. The problem is that not every Georgian is ready to rent his apartment to a person with a Russian passport.
Moving to Georgia: Food is not the biggest expense. Locally produced food is cheap, and prices for overseas products do not differ much from those in Moscow. But now they are probably lower. For example, 1 kg of bananas will cost $ 1.3, and 15 eggs - $ 2.2. A kilo of chicken costs at least $5 and a liter of milk costs $1.2.
You can eat well and tasty in local cafes and restaurants. Georgia is known all over the world for its luxurious cuisine. So do not miss the opportunity to enjoy local traditional dishes, such as khinkali and khachapuri.
If you plan to live in Sakartvelo, be prepared for a rather difficult job search. Here everyone is in business. There is simply no shortage of labor. Moving to Georgia is best for people who work remotely. However, in this country you can quickly and easily open a business.
You should not count on free medical care without Georgian citizenship. Best right away. policy upon arrival. The price starts at $12 per month. If you do not have insurance, you will have to spend 10-20 dollars only for one appointment of a specialist.
These were the main aspects of life in Georgia. If you are seriously considering moving to Sakartvelo in the near future, be sure to write in the comments the reason for your decision. Good luck!

Moving to Georgia attracts citizens of Russia and other CIS countries for many reasons. First of all, you probably won’t face the language barrier here. Secondly, Sakartvelo has fairly affordable housing and reasonable prices for food and other services. The mild climate, hospitable people, and the local culture in which you will somehow plunge.
Moving to Georgia from Russia is possible if you have a passport. visa-free. However, we advise you to worry about obtaining health insurance. According to Georgian legislation, Russians can stay in Sakartvelo for 1 year.

To extend this period, you will have to leave the country for at least a few hours or days. And then we can go back. It is also possible to obtain temporary or permanent residence. It is necessary to contact the Civil Registry Agency of Georgia.
Let’s not forget about COVID-19. Georgia accepts Johnson & Johnson vaccination certificate. But a conventional PCR test will also suffice. Remember that it is valid for 72 hours.
We know that many people want to cross the border in their car. It is not necessary to have international rights, but you need insurance. A car with Russian license plates can legally stay in Georgia for only 90 hours. You may not be allowed to leave Russia itself. It takes a good reason.

In Sakartvelo people get not only by road, but also by plane. However, there are no direct flights, so you will have to make a transfer. Most often this happens in Istanbul and Yerevan.
A few days ago, a budget place in the economy class cost about 55-68 thousand rubles. Today, the cost of the cheapest ticket is 71 thousand rubles. There is a possibility that this figure will continue to grow. So hurry up if you want to go to Georgia.
Although the official language of Sakartvelo is Georgian, many locals understand Russian perfectly. You don't have to worry about that. In addition, representatives of the younger generation speak English fluently.

Visa and Mastercard cards issued in Russia are no longer valid in Georgia. However, you can contact your local bank to open a new account and make a card. The bank account is serviced for money. The national currency of Georgia is lari. Current rate: 3.38 GEL - 1 US dollar.
To rent a house in the capital of Georgia, you will need 150-500 dollars a month. In the old districts of Tbilisi, the price for renting an apartment may be lower. However, you need to understand that every day there are more people who want to move to Sakartvelo. This means that the price tag of landlords will only grow.

Keep in mind that finding a home may take some time. It is better to worry about it in advance. The problem is that not every Georgian is ready to rent his apartment to a person with a Russian passport.
Moving to Georgia: Food is not the biggest expense. Locally produced food is cheap, and prices for overseas products do not differ much from those in Moscow. But now they are probably lower. For example, 1 kg of bananas will cost $ 1.3, and 15 eggs - $ 2.2. A kilo of chicken costs at least $5 and a liter of milk costs $1.2.

You can eat well and tasty in local cafes and restaurants. Georgia is known all over the world for its luxurious cuisine. So do not miss the opportunity to enjoy local traditional dishes, such as khinkali and khachapuri.
If you plan to live in Sakartvelo, be prepared for a rather difficult job search. Here everyone is in business. There is simply no shortage of labor. Moving to Georgia is best for people who work remotely. However, in this country you can quickly and easily open a business.

You should not count on free medical care without Georgian citizenship. Best right away. policy upon arrival. The price starts at $12 per month. If you do not have insurance, you will have to spend 10-20 dollars only for one appointment of a specialist.
These were the main aspects of life in Georgia. If you are seriously considering moving to Sakartvelo in the near future, be sure to write in the comments the reason for your decision. Good luck!
I feed my son’s friend from a large family, rings bones at our guests, I love to see his full smile.
Barely managed to get the last bus to the village, because I wanted to tell my mother the good news.