If You Did This, Forget About Magnolia Blossoming For The Next 10 Years
Magnolia is a beautiful plant that can decorate even the most lush garden. It grows in the Far East, Central Asia, as well as in North and Central America. However, our gardeners are also trying to grow magnolias. Although not everyone does.
Today's edition. "Site" Tell me why. magnolia It might stop. This is a big blow, because magnolias bloom exceptionally beautiful (and smell wonderful). Why is there a problem and can it be fixed?
Experienced gardeners know that magnolia forms flower buds in early autumn. And it is these kidneys that allow magnolia to bloom next spring. And so it often happens that cold autumn and winter plant kidneys freezeThat's why magnolia doesn't bloom.
Some varieties of the plant are more sensitive to frost and cold wind, so they are not recommended to grow in harsh regions. But even frost-resistant magnolias are better kept in a protected area from the wind.
Note that nitrogen fertilizers in the soil only increase susceptibility to low temperatures. But since August, you can use fertilizers that are rich in phosphorus and potassium. These trace elements help the plant better prepare for winter weather.
Another reason for the lack of flowering may be that magnolia seed. With such cultivation, the plant takes several years to bloom. It happens that a large magnolia grown from seeds still does not bloom. Sometimes you have to wait 10 years to see the flowering of magnolia, which was grown in this way. You'll have to be patient.
Therefore, it is better to buy seedlings that reproduced by vaccination. Then in the coming years you will enjoy the lush flowering of this beautiful plant.
It should be remembered that the ideal area for magnolias should be warm, sunny and closed from the wind. And in order for flowering to be abundant, you will have to use fertilizers. Also, we should not forget about sufficient watering. This is especially true in the dry autumn, when moisture is necessary only for knitted buds.
Painfully, magnolias also experience pruning. It is best to carry out this procedure in May, when the flowering ends. Cut off both old and damaged shoots, and the tops of branches that have bloomed. Proper pruning will rejuvenate the bushes, breathe new life into them. However, magnolia It's better not to cut.
We have already told you whether it is possible to grow magnolia in the country and how to do it better. Tell me if you've ever dealt with this bright plant.

Today's edition. "Site" Tell me why. magnolia It might stop. This is a big blow, because magnolias bloom exceptionally beautiful (and smell wonderful). Why is there a problem and can it be fixed?
Experienced gardeners know that magnolia forms flower buds in early autumn. And it is these kidneys that allow magnolia to bloom next spring. And so it often happens that cold autumn and winter plant kidneys freezeThat's why magnolia doesn't bloom.

Some varieties of the plant are more sensitive to frost and cold wind, so they are not recommended to grow in harsh regions. But even frost-resistant magnolias are better kept in a protected area from the wind.
Note that nitrogen fertilizers in the soil only increase susceptibility to low temperatures. But since August, you can use fertilizers that are rich in phosphorus and potassium. These trace elements help the plant better prepare for winter weather.

Another reason for the lack of flowering may be that magnolia seed. With such cultivation, the plant takes several years to bloom. It happens that a large magnolia grown from seeds still does not bloom. Sometimes you have to wait 10 years to see the flowering of magnolia, which was grown in this way. You'll have to be patient.

Therefore, it is better to buy seedlings that reproduced by vaccination. Then in the coming years you will enjoy the lush flowering of this beautiful plant.
It should be remembered that the ideal area for magnolias should be warm, sunny and closed from the wind. And in order for flowering to be abundant, you will have to use fertilizers. Also, we should not forget about sufficient watering. This is especially true in the dry autumn, when moisture is necessary only for knitted buds.

Painfully, magnolias also experience pruning. It is best to carry out this procedure in May, when the flowering ends. Cut off both old and damaged shoots, and the tops of branches that have bloomed. Proper pruning will rejuvenate the bushes, breathe new life into them. However, magnolia It's better not to cut.

We have already told you whether it is possible to grow magnolia in the country and how to do it better. Tell me if you've ever dealt with this bright plant.
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