Barely managed to get the last bus to the village, because I wanted to tell my mother the good news.

For the first time in 5 years, I decided to come to my mother’s village. I had good news for her, which I had to tell personally, says Olga. After studying at the capital’s university, the girl found a job where she met her love. Recalling how hard it was for her to forget her former lover, who betrayed her, Olga sincerely wanted to share the joy with her dearest person - her mother.

Now she'll finally be happy. Alexei proposed to her. The next day, in order not to lose time, the girl took a bus ticket and went home. Olga looked eagerly out the window of her native places, without hiding her emotions.

I met Leshu at a conference where I went with my colleagues. That's where we met. After a couple of meetings, we went home. Lesha wrote to me in social networks, but it was clear that he did not want a serious relationship. And six months later, he realized that he loved me and that he was not interested in other women. We met, and the same day he asked me to get married.

When I got off the bus, I saw a man near a black car at a stop. It was Ivan, my first love. My legs sank, I couldn't understand what he was doing here. Five years ago, Ivan was everything to me. When we met, I immediately noticed that Vanya was different from the other guys. He was clean and had his own car at the age of 24. He is smart, handsome and knows how to care.

I thought he was the only one in my life. Until I learned that Ivan was married for 3 years, and his wife, with whom they live in the city, recently had a child. I cried, I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I couldn't forget Ivan for a long time. And when I finally found my happiness and met a decent guy, Ivan appeared.

He immediately recognized me, approached me and offered to talk over a cup of coffee in a cafe. We talked. Ivan admitted that all these years he could not forget me. He divorced his wife because he couldn't live with her after we met. All that connects him to his ex is a child.

I sat there and listened to Ivan like I was enchanted. Why didn’t he say that 5 years ago? And now that my life has improved, he has awakened my feelings. We said goodbye, I came home late, my mother was awake. She was waiting for me.

I fell on a chair without strength, tears rolled down my cheeks. I was supposed to give my mom the good news, and now I don't know what to do. The more I told my mother, the sadder she became. I have already agreed to become Alexei’s wife, and now a man from the past has appeared in my life. Feelings never subsided. I felt like I wanted to be with him again.

My mom couldn’t help but be emotional when I told her everything. When she was young, she met a married man. She was in love, but knowing that he would not leave his wife, his mother decided to let him go and marry another guy. But it didn't. Because I found out I was pregnant, and I didn't want to embarrass a good man. She was left alone with the baby in her arms: “It is a great sin, Olenka, to destroy another’s family. I was hoping you wouldn't repeat my fate, my mother burst into tears.

And then I realized one simple truth - I have nothing to do with Ivan. I let him go long ago and I love my fiancé. This morning I saw 15 missed calls from Alexei. He called the other night, worried if I was okay. I called him and told him he had to ask my mother for my hand to honor tradition and respect my mother.

The wisdom and advice of the editorial board First love is impossible to forget. A strong sense of attachment experienced for the first time is incomparable. People think that this is love. But it's not for nothing that she's called first. Youth love is different from true love.

Olga did not repeat the fate of her mother, although her story is similar. Now the girl has a chance to be happy. After all, she did not succumb to false feelings from the past, but realized that she had no future with such a person. First Ivan left her, then left the family for her. Does this man know what he wants out of life? Is he really capable of loving?


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