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REFLECTION IN THE BODY psychological problems.

Our own body can be an indispensable tool in solving psychological problems, unerring guide through the maze of our unconscious ... How?

It is not always psychological problems hiding inside. Sometimes they accumulate so much that they are just that there are forces climb out. Professionally speaking, there is a so-called somatization or morfologizatsiya problems. Since we are talking about the body and appearance, and let's take a little bit of attention to these phenomena.

Somatization - a reflection of psychological problems by means of disease: unfortunately, this is actually something that many already seemed to be accustomed to. If you have something oppresses inside, and a very long time, a very sensitive, then the problem will soon makes itself felt by a deterioration of your health (and not necessarily mental). Headache, stomach, heart, galloping pressure ... In general, a full bouquet of bodily ailments, which often takes people one by one all the offices of the surgeon to the gynecologist - and no results. So: as a rule, these patients need first of all help the doctor-therapist. Such patients only temporarily help drugs and procedures. Because the root cause of his ailment - not physical, but spiritual.

One suspects somatization problems in the case when a person is constantly experiencing feelings inevitably causes depression: chronic frustration - the discrepancy actual and expected results; suppression of the individual; Professional mismatch; family problems, and so on. p. ... but nonetheless obvious signs of depression in him missing. This situation suggests that the man begins masked (hidden) depression. Yet it is called somatisation (bodily) - because it is hidden behind the physical ailments.

In this case, the man from the psychological problems that gave rise to his somatic ailments goes into the treatment of their physical ailments. But because they do not address the underlying cause of this ailment, it has not cured until the end. And the man condemns himself for a long time for drugs, examinations, hospitals ... And often against this background that a so-called conditional pleasure when "chronically ill" begins to extract from his illness as if the benefit, thus leaving from psychological disorders. And when the expert offers to help him solve the complexity of life caused by the disease, that person responds, "Well, thank you! Up Do I have personal problems when I ... "- and followed a detailed citation (not without pleasure!) Their own medical history.

And now - for more complex masking mental problems in the body: the so-called morfologizatsii. It is clear (and often hidden) changes in our bodies under the influence of psychological problems. Almost textbook examples - it is, say, early gray hair under the influence of strong emotions, or stoop because of the "cargo everyday problems." But this is quite obvious. Worse, if the hidden emotional problems create tension in the muscles.

In general, it knew Hippocrates when he said that the diagnosis does not begin with a conversation with the patient, and with the supervision of a physician to see how the patient comes into the office, as the sets ... In general - with the analysis of gait, facial expressions, gestures and other nonverbal signals filed by man. And here, by the way, too, can not approach this from the point of view once taken settings. For example, if you remember Pisa with his interpretation of the gesture - we are told that "the gestures barrier" (fingers crossed, summarized legs, etc.) do not always talk about the domestic opposition to the information that you give the other party, and for different types of personality, this gesture can be read very differently ... But a man can really unconsciously closed - but not from you, but from your problem that oppresses him constantly and from which he could not shake. That constantly weaves his fingers into the lock, so that the hands are always on their toes, and what you tell him at this point say his body language does not affect.

Where did this so-called theory of muscle clamps, and how can the available bodily stresses determine the nature of the problem? Here again, let us turn to the history of mankind.

As is known. our ancestors to all the action of external stimuli responded, and immediately, without further thought. There was a prey - catching up, attacked the enemy - to protect, danger - run away ... So, all human experiences and challenges as a result of "shorted" on the muscular system. And as a result of this man any stress, any irritation leads to a release of "hormones of action" - the adrenaline and the like. Of course, this takes place in each different numbers - but not always, in any case, the stress situation provokes muscular tension: this is a kind of readiness to respond to stress effect.

But we do not cave ancestors. And we do not always have the opportunity to such a reaction carried out (remember, sometimes compressed in a fist fingers when you want to hit the offender! But you can not, especially when in a public place. So the abuser is gone, and a short tense fingers were ...) And not always outwardly noticeable tension - at the quiet and humble people who in life are not waving with his fists, the muscles tense up, too, but in a discreet eye amounts.

Or to respond action is, but this action is not solution to the problem (say, excitedly run around the room, "do not find their place" ...), and if so the movement does not solve the problem or there is no possibility that action to implement - détente emerged internal stress not happening. And there is the so-called muscle clamp - until, of course, very small, and with time passing. But if stressful experiences - not once, but an ongoing, day-to-day? Then the voltage is accumulated, and there is a strong clip certain muscle groups. And then, in principle, possible to determine at what kind of stress reaction gave such a body? Which muscles are responsible for the "injured" area of ​​the psyche? And in which direction to look for the reasons for your dissatisfaction with life, others and yourself? The main thing - to be able to correctly determine the presence of such terminals and adequately "read". Specifically, it deals with the so-called body-oriented therapy. And in this case, the body does become an assistant in dealing with mental disorders.

Here are some examples of the approximate visual "reading" of some clips (of course, when dealing with a particular situation things may be different, but at least for the example):

Stoop and drooping posture (as in a fairy tale - "what mirthless, hung his head below his shoulders") - sometimes speaks of a man taken an excessive load or eludes me fix it myself, and then waiting for a problem. A man walks as if prepared to shoulder a heavy bag.

The appearance of the symptoms of sciatica have a perfectly healthy person in this respect is sometimes under very interesting circumstances. Let's start with the fact that radikulitnye pain occur when your back muscles tighten asymmetrically (for example, if a man for a long time is a heavy load in the same hand). And then in the waist side muscle imbalance occurs, eventually leading to radikulitnym pain. So, in relation to psychology: it is assumed that the right side of the human body represents a social action (the right hand we write, work, etc.), and the left - symbolizes the reactions and thoughts private, intimate (and the heart on the left side ...). And if a man for a long time "raises his right hand," back-breaking problems at work or in business, he having muscle tension on the right side of the back. Or if he has to "drag with the left hand," the complexity in bed or in a family - gradually accumulates clip on the left side of the back. It is not surprising that as a result of asymmetrical stresses over time there is pain similar to radikulitnymi. Here are virtually useless in these cases be treated with ointment or tiger pepper patch.

In general, the occurrence and treatment of muscular jaws ... rather depends on the culture and society of the dictionary, which turns people (so-called cherezverbalnaya somatization). For example, in our culture clips in the abdomen often associated ... with the fact that in the Russian language there another meaning of the word "belly" - life. That each of us remembers (at least keeps the unconscious) from childhood fairy tales and legends, and even stories about the war. Remember - "not sparing the stomach?" And so often the clips in the abdominal say that people fear for their physical existence, their own fears threat to life or frankly waiting for some kind of fatal blow "below the belt».

Or again, we have to say that "someone someone is sitting on the neck." And besides jokes - often so-called tension neck area "gives" the existence of material undue burden or a dependent.

Another frequent muscle tension associated with the concept of "growth", in particular - career growth. If a person continuously pulls his shoulders and a little ducks, at least, there are the internal stresses of muscle - you can with reasonable certainty to say that he limited his social growth "from above": the pose he is as if he is forced to all time to live in a room with very low ceiling for growth.

Special conversation - a tense face. Often I had to meet with the real skewed and asymmetrical faces of people who are in whatever was wanted to hide from others the emotions (this may be many reasons - for example, the fear to discover their feelings, fear of ridicule, but a lot more then). So, even if it is ridiculous - they hide a smile (or rather, turn it into a smirk), smiling only one half of the mouth. And when such a restraint is repeated not once, not twice, there is a strong muscle tension on one side of the face. And the person becomes "distorted».

Depository clips - legs. In general, it is understandable - the feet are always on their toes, and that them to obtain in our primitive times, the lion's share of motor reactions to run to catch up with and even fight ... So, about the fight: very often clip the front of the thigh says ... about what is happening painful parting or break with the person causing the unpleasant emotions. The transaction is as follows: it really wants that person to kick it to remove most of my life .. It is clear that a man of culture (and some of my other customers did not happen) would never do - that is, the realization of muscular tension through the action happens . That tension and accumulated ... The man did not have may determine. what oppresses him and where he has such a stiffness and stiffness. And it turns out the whole thing in this unpleasant gap in the "undistinguished" once kick!

The so-called "clamp forbidden sexuality" - stress the inner thighs - is very common in women, which is constantly sitting with legs note: a sort of a kind of "protection from abuse". Actually, this is a reflection of its condition - the internal sexual arousal, which she at the level of its "self-censorship" in those or other reasons, can not afford to solve.

If a person has to go through an unreliable surface (for example, on thin ice) - he usually puts his foot across the foot, and a strained calf walking steadily. Thus, if these muscles in the person has a hidden terminal, it can be assumed. That he is called, "no reliable support," which he is constantly afraid of something "fail", someone is unsure, and the like.

A similar feeling associated with reliance - feeling that "shakes the earth under their feet." That is staggered some foundations on which people relied hitherto successfully. In cases when you have to stand on shaky support, there is a desire to oppose the rocking (say, the sailors from the constant walking on the moving deck vraskachku generated gait, legs wide apart). But to go so, you must power the external surface of the thighs. So please: often such stress in humans represents a threat to the strength of its long-standing family relationship or a reaction to the change of a political system in which he grew up.

Clip buttocks usually says ... about waiting for some kind of punishment from the side. Actually, this is the result of what we have taken as a baby that little slap on the pope. That fixed kind of reflex ... On the other hand, it is very intimate zone, and at the same time quite humiliating (in particular, connected with it all sorts of curses), and above all - unprotected (for example, to cover her hands in which case considered quite indecent). So gluteal clip in principle, be a reflection of some inner insecurity.

A list of these examples could go on, but again I want to note that to make "universal guide interpretation of clips" impossible. At least because the muscles can tighten to varying degrees and in different combinations, creating a very complex mosaic, and forming a kind of body language - or rather, the language of the unconscious. In addition, each person individually and the response to the problem, and perception, and associations, and similar notes. That is why when working with muscular jaws parallel certainly is a conversation with the client to determine precisely his reaction, it was his particular perception.

What to do with these clips and especially caused by their problems?

For muscle tension and relaxation meets our unconscious, which by and large people can not manage. So if any problem you have crushes, compresses and twists, by order of his mind to get rid of internal bodily tension can not be - not according to the order department. Interestingly another - a decision morfologizirovannoy problem actually lies in its finding and verbalization (pronouncing). Because as soon as the problem is transferred from the unconscious to consciousness, to the client as soon as it became clear that it was so annoying - here, please, he's already identified, conscious voltage can manage itself. Although once the problem blurted, muscle tension begins to weaken and gradually disappears.

This is the basis of the methods of body-oriented psychoanalysis - the so-called Rosen method (named after the author's method of Marion Rosen). It is much shorter than the time the so-called classical psychoanalysis.

Generally work with the problems of prisoners unconscious, recalls search of a subject in a dark room: it is not known whether there is it there at all, and if so, in which direction to look for? And if classical psychoanalyst consistently "rummage floorboard of the floorboard," the work of a body-centered counselor is moving faster due to "clues" muscle clips client. In fact, this is the way in which it is possible to literally touch hands human unconscious! And thanks to accurately determine. in what area to look for problems. Not to mention the fact that, as already mentioned, at this session is constantly talking to the customer - there is a feedback on the verbal level in the dialogue process. As a result of the conclusion to the problem of consciousness, determination, something to work with, and the work itself is reduced many times over. However, remember that a lot in this session depends on the professionalism and experience of the consultant. From his skills are not limited to the most common interpretation, from his desire to penetrate deeper into the problem.