Energy vampires have appeared in the Internet!
Today, energy vampirism - a very common phenomenon. Among them may be our closest relatives, colleagues, neighbors. Contact with them, we involuntarily begin to feel fatigue, lack of energy and emptiness. This means that the vampire sucks the energy and sometimes he does not know this.
Energy vampires are usually divided into two groups: the sun and moon. Moon vampires - these are the people who can make us pity or dislike. They constantly complain about life, whine and cry for help. Their goal - to get you to sympathize and empathize. For example, an old lady in a public transport plaintive voice asking you to give up her seat. You give her a seat, and then the fun begins: talk to you, she begins to develop his theme, remember their old days, with pressure on the painful points involuntary listeners. Some lunar energy vampires are more aggressive: they can threaten, intimidate, downplayed any unpleasant situations.
Solar energy vampires have a high aggression. If the lunar vampires walk into the soul "from a distance", the sun is directly showered with insults you, rude for no reason, no reason, ever spoil the mood. Their main goal - to get you to the emotions, to make "freaking out».
The most common methods of: rudeness, lies, aggression, blackmail, angry sarcasm. Sometimes the energy vampires can use all these methods together, much increases the impact on the victim.
Energy vampires can affect us not only through direct contact, but also through the Internet. A person who is experiencing a shortage of energy could very well fed in the "World Wide Web" on various forums and in social networks. To do this, he can choose a certain role. For example, present at the forum "poor lamb," looking for pity and compassion. Naturally, her pity, comfort and cheer, while losing its energy. Another type of energy vampirism in the network - the deliberate aggression. This vampire is always different rudeness towards the participants of the conversation. He brings interlocutors emotions and conflicts.
The only method of combating energy vampires is to ignore. If you avoided the impact of the vampire and avoid it, then it will switch to another victim, and you are left alone. In addition, the rudeness and aggression can not respond with the same harsh words, but rather to take advantage of all its friendly set of phrases. For example, an insult can be answered wishes of happiness and health. It is discouraged by the energy vampire and alienate you.

Energy vampires are usually divided into two groups: the sun and moon. Moon vampires - these are the people who can make us pity or dislike. They constantly complain about life, whine and cry for help. Their goal - to get you to sympathize and empathize. For example, an old lady in a public transport plaintive voice asking you to give up her seat. You give her a seat, and then the fun begins: talk to you, she begins to develop his theme, remember their old days, with pressure on the painful points involuntary listeners. Some lunar energy vampires are more aggressive: they can threaten, intimidate, downplayed any unpleasant situations.
Solar energy vampires have a high aggression. If the lunar vampires walk into the soul "from a distance", the sun is directly showered with insults you, rude for no reason, no reason, ever spoil the mood. Their main goal - to get you to the emotions, to make "freaking out».
The most common methods of: rudeness, lies, aggression, blackmail, angry sarcasm. Sometimes the energy vampires can use all these methods together, much increases the impact on the victim.
Energy vampires can affect us not only through direct contact, but also through the Internet. A person who is experiencing a shortage of energy could very well fed in the "World Wide Web" on various forums and in social networks. To do this, he can choose a certain role. For example, present at the forum "poor lamb," looking for pity and compassion. Naturally, her pity, comfort and cheer, while losing its energy. Another type of energy vampirism in the network - the deliberate aggression. This vampire is always different rudeness towards the participants of the conversation. He brings interlocutors emotions and conflicts.
The only method of combating energy vampires is to ignore. If you avoided the impact of the vampire and avoid it, then it will switch to another victim, and you are left alone. In addition, the rudeness and aggression can not respond with the same harsh words, but rather to take advantage of all its friendly set of phrases. For example, an insult can be answered wishes of happiness and health. It is discouraged by the energy vampire and alienate you.