Vampires next?
The stories of ghouls has long reflected sufficient novels and films. But what is surprising. Why all of a sudden in our modern, everyday, everyday life dimensions that are very far from the mystical horror reappeared ... vampires. Only this time, the energy ... What is it - the desire to give another inexplicable for the supernatural? And if not, then who are they? And whether or not take place in our lives?
The stories of ghouls has long reflected sufficient novels and films. But what is surprising. Why all of a sudden in our modern, everyday, everyday life dimensions that are very far from the mystical horror reappeared ... vampires. Only this time, the energy ... What is it - the desire to give another inexplicable for the supernatural? And if not, then who are they? And whether or not take place in our lives?
Surely each of us, digging in his memory can recall a case where after a conversation with a specific person suddenly becomes ill, there is a sudden feeling of weakness and a certain emptiness.
In terms of energoinformatiki - the science of energy, - to explain this phenomenon is that the person with whom you communicate or seriously ill and he has just not enough of its internal resources (since all the forces of his body thrown to suppress or combat disease and he himself, without knowing it, fueled by you, in principle, it is a normal protective function of the body); a man is very angry, and is in a state of anger.
In ordinary life, with each other, we often quite seriously or jokingly call people like vampires. Although about vampirism as such in the full sense of the word to speak here is not necessary. Those who deliberately "pumped" energy from others - units.
As for those we colloquially call "energy vampires", then they are more likely than ordinary people, take away the energy of others. Most people who use a foreign power, we have, sadly, in our family, which over fifty. This applies mainly to women.
Sometimes the mother-in-law would be cut as long as she does not explode. And as soon as it exploded, said aggression - all-in-law stopped the onslaught. She begins to walk and smile, she was pleased. Young, on the contrary, will sit down in the mouth, devastated because he had just given their energy.
It must be said that people who consider the vampires, more irritable, touchy, excessively vindictive, mentally unbalanced. These include those who have just had surgery, cancer patients.
How did this affect "the vampire makeup" on the health of the victim? Lack of anything in the body is always a negative influence. The consequence of such a communication can be considered sudden bad mood, fatigue, headache and dizziness, until he lost consciousness.
Remarkably, if the person is easily selected from this state. Another thing is when you have a very long time to recover the loss of energy. And if such a makeup lasts every day, for the "victim" is fraught with serious illness until oncology. By the way, the most difficult to recover it in the winter.
Energy Vampires negative impact on all that surrounds them. These apartments do not live some species. For example, birch, some fig trees and cacti. Puny next to them feel the dog. They are, as a rule, or show aggression and can no apparent reason to bite or go to the side. If the energy vampire - the owner of the dog, the period of her life dramatically reduced.
You can recognize a vampire. The main feature, which should pay attention - this man uncomfortable. Sensing this, you need either to defend or to stop all communication with him. A protection against the attack of vampires existed long ago.
Even in ancient Russia godmothers were preparing christening shirt. They are decorated with a special embroidered, who wore a magical significance and are well protected from any adverse impacts. Traditions such embroidery in any city have their own history and are slowly beginning to revive again.
You can yourself make a talisman of wood, stone, thread. Or wear a amulet. To do this, you need to buy the church incense. He had already lit and better if it is brought from Jerusalem. Sew it in a rag, you arrange and worn as an amulet around his neck. To some extent helps quite simple folk reception - you need only a jumper arms and legs.
And what if communication with these people still can not be avoided? Very often energy vampires are able to make trouble or "nag" you as long as the aggression will not get aggressive. And when seeking his - get back the release of your energy - calm, his face was smiling, improves mood. Therefore, no matter what was should not express their anger and thus to penetrate into your body. When we do not get annoyed, as if we reflect on themselves aimed at us vampire beam of negative energy that comes back with a vengeance to the vampire.
Although still the most rational means of protection - the refusal of communion with him. Another actor Stanislav Sadalsky once wisely said in an interview: "Do not meet with bad people." Some in order to interrupt this contact may be advisable even to change jobs. But if this is not possible, try to not start.
Try to use techniques that can improve the well-being after contact with a vampire. The simplest thing that can be advised - drive through themselves prana (life force). You need to calm down and take a few deep breaths. But it is not the way we usually do. The main thing that is required - is to take a deep breath in the two nostrils and through the mouth, making her lips a pipe, make exhale. Better with sound. Two or three of these breaths; then, holding one nostril, take a deep breath, exhale. The same thing happened with the second. In conclusion - three normal breaths. That's all. You will feel instantly recover lost strength.
And another tip. With the loss of power - that is already a kind of stress - you should not be consumed in excessive amounts of food. It is better to drink a glass of mineral water.
What remains is to wish that every one of us on our life's journey encountered fewer of these "vampires".

The stories of ghouls has long reflected sufficient novels and films. But what is surprising. Why all of a sudden in our modern, everyday, everyday life dimensions that are very far from the mystical horror reappeared ... vampires. Only this time, the energy ... What is it - the desire to give another inexplicable for the supernatural? And if not, then who are they? And whether or not take place in our lives?
Surely each of us, digging in his memory can recall a case where after a conversation with a specific person suddenly becomes ill, there is a sudden feeling of weakness and a certain emptiness.
In terms of energoinformatiki - the science of energy, - to explain this phenomenon is that the person with whom you communicate or seriously ill and he has just not enough of its internal resources (since all the forces of his body thrown to suppress or combat disease and he himself, without knowing it, fueled by you, in principle, it is a normal protective function of the body); a man is very angry, and is in a state of anger.
In ordinary life, with each other, we often quite seriously or jokingly call people like vampires. Although about vampirism as such in the full sense of the word to speak here is not necessary. Those who deliberately "pumped" energy from others - units.
As for those we colloquially call "energy vampires", then they are more likely than ordinary people, take away the energy of others. Most people who use a foreign power, we have, sadly, in our family, which over fifty. This applies mainly to women.
Sometimes the mother-in-law would be cut as long as she does not explode. And as soon as it exploded, said aggression - all-in-law stopped the onslaught. She begins to walk and smile, she was pleased. Young, on the contrary, will sit down in the mouth, devastated because he had just given their energy.
It must be said that people who consider the vampires, more irritable, touchy, excessively vindictive, mentally unbalanced. These include those who have just had surgery, cancer patients.
How did this affect "the vampire makeup" on the health of the victim? Lack of anything in the body is always a negative influence. The consequence of such a communication can be considered sudden bad mood, fatigue, headache and dizziness, until he lost consciousness.
Remarkably, if the person is easily selected from this state. Another thing is when you have a very long time to recover the loss of energy. And if such a makeup lasts every day, for the "victim" is fraught with serious illness until oncology. By the way, the most difficult to recover it in the winter.
Energy Vampires negative impact on all that surrounds them. These apartments do not live some species. For example, birch, some fig trees and cacti. Puny next to them feel the dog. They are, as a rule, or show aggression and can no apparent reason to bite or go to the side. If the energy vampire - the owner of the dog, the period of her life dramatically reduced.
You can recognize a vampire. The main feature, which should pay attention - this man uncomfortable. Sensing this, you need either to defend or to stop all communication with him. A protection against the attack of vampires existed long ago.
Even in ancient Russia godmothers were preparing christening shirt. They are decorated with a special embroidered, who wore a magical significance and are well protected from any adverse impacts. Traditions such embroidery in any city have their own history and are slowly beginning to revive again.
You can yourself make a talisman of wood, stone, thread. Or wear a amulet. To do this, you need to buy the church incense. He had already lit and better if it is brought from Jerusalem. Sew it in a rag, you arrange and worn as an amulet around his neck. To some extent helps quite simple folk reception - you need only a jumper arms and legs.
And what if communication with these people still can not be avoided? Very often energy vampires are able to make trouble or "nag" you as long as the aggression will not get aggressive. And when seeking his - get back the release of your energy - calm, his face was smiling, improves mood. Therefore, no matter what was should not express their anger and thus to penetrate into your body. When we do not get annoyed, as if we reflect on themselves aimed at us vampire beam of negative energy that comes back with a vengeance to the vampire.
Although still the most rational means of protection - the refusal of communion with him. Another actor Stanislav Sadalsky once wisely said in an interview: "Do not meet with bad people." Some in order to interrupt this contact may be advisable even to change jobs. But if this is not possible, try to not start.
Try to use techniques that can improve the well-being after contact with a vampire. The simplest thing that can be advised - drive through themselves prana (life force). You need to calm down and take a few deep breaths. But it is not the way we usually do. The main thing that is required - is to take a deep breath in the two nostrils and through the mouth, making her lips a pipe, make exhale. Better with sound. Two or three of these breaths; then, holding one nostril, take a deep breath, exhale. The same thing happened with the second. In conclusion - three normal breaths. That's all. You will feel instantly recover lost strength.
And another tip. With the loss of power - that is already a kind of stress - you should not be consumed in excessive amounts of food. It is better to drink a glass of mineral water.
What remains is to wish that every one of us on our life's journey encountered fewer of these "vampires".
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