Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the fingers
The method, developed by Vitaly Gitta and successfully applied for many years for the treatment of diseases of the joints, helps in the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis. However, in these cases come to the fore not exercise, and external influence on the therapy area and diet.
Arthritis and arthrosis of the hands and fingers – a fairly common disease, but more often they occur in women. Usually affects not one joint but several: the interphalangeal joints of the hands and metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumbs of the hands. Can affect the joints and other fingers, but much less frequently.
Pain in the joints is in most cases the so-called mechanical rhythm, which occurs under load and disappears at rest. In some cases affected joints become inflamed, which increases pain.
The causes of the disease are diverse: it can be caused by trauma, infection, Allergy, disorders of the immune system.
Treatment of hands and fingers same as other joints: exercises of the type "Humpty Dumpty", external study of joint and diet.
Exercise 1.
Sitting on a chair at the table, place an outstretched hand with elbow on the table, relax and slightly drum my fingers on the countertop. The longer and more often you do it, the better.
By the way, exercise is very useful in diseases of the elbow joint.
Unfortunately, percussive massage of the hands and fingers to yourself to do the impossible, so you will need a helper.
What is in this case a percussion massage?
The assistant places the patient's arm on her knees, and, pressing it with one hand, the other strikes using your fingers or palm. Mandatory condition – well pressed and recorded the processed joints. Failure to comply with this condition, possible injury and increased swelling.
The first massages are very easy, usually flip flops.
As recovery and strengthening of joints strikes become stronger and applied with a hand or fist.
But in any case the patient should not feel sharp pain, otherwise it may increase the inflammatory response.
If the proper procedure, relief comes instantly. However, valid is not a very strong pain for several days after a session.
Similarly, processed all the painful joint.
Massage can not be applied too often.
It should also be noted that a simultaneous massage of multiple joints may cause short-term, but, in General, not a dangerous temperature rise.
Here is an example from his practice. The case is very complicated. Olga S., 34 years. Diagnosis – arthritis, hurts 6 years. The cause of the disease is not established. There is a suspicion that it was triggered by bathing in cold water and mosquito bites, as it began shortly after the end of the summer season. Injured elbows, knees, ankle joints and feet. The level of involvement of all joints is about the same. Brush swollen, their temperature is slightly elevated, which is easily determined by touch. The affected joints always hurt. Olga was painful to walk, turn over in bed especially to do anything. She was a constant low-grade fever and a high ROE. The spoon and the glass is held with great difficulty.
Olga's treatment began with diet. Because she loved spicy food and eat a lot of salt, it was recommended to switch to demineralized, low-protein food with a low calcium content, and drink diuretic teas.
Attention! This diet is not for everyone. About its admissibility sure to consult with your doctor. Threat to the elderly and in cases of severe osteoporosis.
Supply of potassium in the body is maintained by regular intake of a small amount of dried apricots and bananas. Simultaneously were carried out (1 time per week) percussion massage of the joints. First, very light – due to the extreme pain and swelling, then more intense.
Of course, not always the disease is so highly expressed, as in Olga. Sometimes painful joints in appearance do not differ from healthy. Then they pre-identify by palpation, and then carried out the same procedure.
At the same time with massage and diet Olga appointed rehabilitation gym, exercise, which has been discussed and was recommended to sort the beads (2 hours a day) and play with a foam toy (1 hour).
After a month of lessons Olga refused painkillers, she had slept swelling, normalized ROE and temperature...
Of course, a complete cure to say it was still early – the treated joints slowly, but the results – is happiness!
I want to mention that Olga was treated not only brush, but also all other affected joints.
And now a few words about the treatment of diseases of the elbows. Except for the emergence of arthrosis and arthritis is often inflamed joint capsule and tendons, and developing epicondylitis. This disease can manifest acutely and painfully.
My method helps for all these ailments. And working with elbows reminiscent of the work with the knees, you should only consider smaller structure of the joint and act with caution, especially when applying percussion massage.
But first, let's talk about exercise. In diseases of the elbows is useful to perform the described exercise 1. And one more thing.
Exercise 2. Performed lying on your back on the floor or sitting on a chair.
Elbows are treated well, but not very fast.
In everyday life, with hands committed many movements, and it is a good help to special exercises. On the other hand, at home to avoid undue stress on the elbow joint.
For the external study of the joint, that is, perform percussion massage needed, as in most other arthrosis, assistant.
Author: Vitaly Gitt
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitt.ru/articles/fis/artrozy_paltsev/
Arthritis and arthrosis of the hands and fingers – a fairly common disease, but more often they occur in women. Usually affects not one joint but several: the interphalangeal joints of the hands and metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumbs of the hands. Can affect the joints and other fingers, but much less frequently.
Pain in the joints is in most cases the so-called mechanical rhythm, which occurs under load and disappears at rest. In some cases affected joints become inflamed, which increases pain.

The causes of the disease are diverse: it can be caused by trauma, infection, Allergy, disorders of the immune system.
Treatment of hands and fingers same as other joints: exercises of the type "Humpty Dumpty", external study of joint and diet.
Exercise 1.
Sitting on a chair at the table, place an outstretched hand with elbow on the table, relax and slightly drum my fingers on the countertop. The longer and more often you do it, the better.
By the way, exercise is very useful in diseases of the elbow joint.
Unfortunately, percussive massage of the hands and fingers to yourself to do the impossible, so you will need a helper.
What is in this case a percussion massage?
The assistant places the patient's arm on her knees, and, pressing it with one hand, the other strikes using your fingers or palm. Mandatory condition – well pressed and recorded the processed joints. Failure to comply with this condition, possible injury and increased swelling.
The first massages are very easy, usually flip flops.
As recovery and strengthening of joints strikes become stronger and applied with a hand or fist.
But in any case the patient should not feel sharp pain, otherwise it may increase the inflammatory response.
If the proper procedure, relief comes instantly. However, valid is not a very strong pain for several days after a session.
Similarly, processed all the painful joint.
Massage can not be applied too often.
- If the disease is slight, the procedure is performed 1 time per 3-5 days.
- In severe forms, the intervals increase to 7, 10 and even 15 days.
It should also be noted that a simultaneous massage of multiple joints may cause short-term, but, in General, not a dangerous temperature rise.
Here is an example from his practice. The case is very complicated. Olga S., 34 years. Diagnosis – arthritis, hurts 6 years. The cause of the disease is not established. There is a suspicion that it was triggered by bathing in cold water and mosquito bites, as it began shortly after the end of the summer season. Injured elbows, knees, ankle joints and feet. The level of involvement of all joints is about the same. Brush swollen, their temperature is slightly elevated, which is easily determined by touch. The affected joints always hurt. Olga was painful to walk, turn over in bed especially to do anything. She was a constant low-grade fever and a high ROE. The spoon and the glass is held with great difficulty.
Olga's treatment began with diet. Because she loved spicy food and eat a lot of salt, it was recommended to switch to demineralized, low-protein food with a low calcium content, and drink diuretic teas.
Attention! This diet is not for everyone. About its admissibility sure to consult with your doctor. Threat to the elderly and in cases of severe osteoporosis.
Supply of potassium in the body is maintained by regular intake of a small amount of dried apricots and bananas. Simultaneously were carried out (1 time per week) percussion massage of the joints. First, very light – due to the extreme pain and swelling, then more intense.
Of course, not always the disease is so highly expressed, as in Olga. Sometimes painful joints in appearance do not differ from healthy. Then they pre-identify by palpation, and then carried out the same procedure.
At the same time with massage and diet Olga appointed rehabilitation gym, exercise, which has been discussed and was recommended to sort the beads (2 hours a day) and play with a foam toy (1 hour).
After a month of lessons Olga refused painkillers, she had slept swelling, normalized ROE and temperature...
Of course, a complete cure to say it was still early – the treated joints slowly, but the results – is happiness!
I want to mention that Olga was treated not only brush, but also all other affected joints.
And now a few words about the treatment of diseases of the elbows. Except for the emergence of arthrosis and arthritis is often inflamed joint capsule and tendons, and developing epicondylitis. This disease can manifest acutely and painfully.

My method helps for all these ailments. And working with elbows reminiscent of the work with the knees, you should only consider smaller structure of the joint and act with caution, especially when applying percussion massage.
But first, let's talk about exercise. In diseases of the elbows is useful to perform the described exercise 1. And one more thing.
Exercise 2. Performed lying on your back on the floor or sitting on a chair.
- If you are lying down, extend your arms along the body, and if sitting, put them on their knees.
- Slightly postukivanie fingers on the floor or on his knees. 15 minutes many times a day.
Elbows are treated well, but not very fast.
In everyday life, with hands committed many movements, and it is a good help to special exercises. On the other hand, at home to avoid undue stress on the elbow joint.
For the external study of the joint, that is, perform percussion massage needed, as in most other arthrosis, assistant.
- The patient should lie down on the couch on his stomach, and the assistant to sit – on the part of the patient hands that fit with his elbow up on the hip of the helper.
- The therapist put a hand through, punched on the sides of the elbow joint (see figure).published

Author: Vitaly Gitt
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.gitt.ru/articles/fis/artrozy_paltsev/