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Cheng Fujun: Channel kidney channel of eternal bliss


Channel kidney channel which is responsible for the happiness of man from birth to old age. If you want to improve the quality of your life, you need to train and strengthen the channel of the kidneys. Kidney condition is often determined by heredity, passed on from previous generations.

If inheritance is not very good, then the more efforts needed to be made. Otherwise, reaching middle age, people quickly start to lose health. The body needs exercise, more hardening needed energy channels, as they restore the damage done to internal organs and systems.

Internal organs, like parts of the mechanism, which are constantly in use, can wear out. But if you constantly carry out preventive work, to clean and grease, the engine service life can be extended.

We need to pay attention to the 3 active points of the kidney channel – tai XI (Ki3), Fu Liu (Ki7) and Yong Quan (Ki1). Each of these points is very effective.

Acupuncture points

First, let's talk about tai si. It is located at the level of the top of the inner surface of the ankle, slightly behind, between the heel tendon and ankle. This point is effective in all ailments associated with impaired kidney function – pains in the lumbar region, dizziness, tinnitus, hair loss, loosening of the teeth, shortness of breath, habitual abortion in women, and delivers a special concern for men weakening of sexual function.

I knew a young woman just over thirty, who was suffering from hard diseases, which is not all and tell – incontinence. She couldn't run, laugh, cough, even, because if any physical force was the trouble.

This woman worked in a foreign company Manager, was pretty, but the disease made her hard and sullen. She never went to a corporate party, she didn't have men. Colleagues considered her a loner and preferred to stay away.

For three years she drank Chinese teas, but they proved ineffective. I looked at the recipes concoctions spelled out all right, should strengthen the kidney function. But because of the weakness and coldness in the spleen and stomach, therapeutic agents blocked in these bodies and not digested.

I recommended her to put banks on point Shen Shu (Bl23) on the right and left of the spine, and at the same time 10 minute massage with rotary movements of the point tai XI on the ankles. On a daily basis.

Ten days later, she called me and said that on the eighth day procedures in the field of point Shen Shu blisters. So she was afraid to continue to put banks and points Taysi now so painful that to them and touch scary.

I told her that all this indicates that kidney function has been strengthened. You can now take a short break, give the body to harmonize the state. Another week passed. She came to see me joyful and inspired. Said that the situation with incontinence has dramatically improved.

Stimulation of the points Shen Shu and tai XI is the best method of treatment of diseases caused by weakness of kidney activities. Especially when aching lower back, then you will immediately feel the effect. Acts on the kidney directly, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, we quickly and directly stimulate the weakened body.

Now to the point Fu Liu. Literally translated, it means the resumption of stream – flow circulation. It is situated 2 cm above the point Taysi. The most effective point for treating blood stagnation and inflammation. So use it for inflammation of the bladder, vaginitis, prostatitis, and also for treatment of inflammation after a miscarriage (abortion).

It is best to ask influence at this point of a specialist in acupuncture. Efficiency is not inferior to the use of lyuvey dawnfang (六味地黄丸), so if you have dry mouth, you are afraid of the heat, bad sleep at night, be sure to pay attention to this point.

Point young Quan (Ki1) on the foot. Since ancient times it is believed that if 100 just to push that point before sleep, we can achieve longevity. Its effectiveness is that it stimulates blood flow to the lower extremities, which helps to fight with hypertension, nasal bleeding, headaches, asthma attacks and other manifestations of excessive accumulation of qi and blood in the upper part of the body.

The greatest therapeutic effect can be achieved with combined stimulation of this point with drug therapy. For example, at elevated pressure effective to take a medicinal plant Ujuyy (吴茱萸, fruits Evodia officinalis ), grind it into a powder, diluted with vinegar to a pulp and before bed apply to young Quan points on both feet to wrap the foot with gauze or bandage. Approximately 20 hours after that the pressure will start to decrease, and the effect will remain for a long time. In severe cases, you can repeat the procedure several times.

When bleeding from the nose, can be applied to the point young Quan the pulp of garlic: the bleeding from the right nostril is applied to the right foot, from the left to the left. The bleeding will quickly stop. This method can be used for the treatment of chronic rhinitis.

Please note that experts do not recommend to stimulate this acupuncture point. When massaging the points, you should press it hard enough to pain. Clear if the pain does not occur, or the skin in this place is relaxed, when pressing long the dent, you should not massage the spot (so you only further weaken the kidneys), but can be applied to it as described above drugs.

Massaging the tai XI point and Liu Fu very effectively, these points can be activated without any concern. To begin with impact should be the point which is more painful, then move on to less sensitive point.

Points can be used to treat diseases and strengthen the body in the absence of disease. If simultaneously with the massage points to put the banks on point Shen Shu (bladder channel), Guan yuan (Rn4), Qi Hai (Rn6), it can be considered as safe and balanced way to strengthen the entire body. All known such means for strengthening the kidneys, as Lujon (鹿茸), Goti (Wolfberry-Lycium chinensis), Hace (河车), Duncan, cacao (Cordyceps sinensis) (冬虫夏草), you can now add these valuable medicinal herbs great point tai XI (Ki3), Fu Liu (Ki7) and Yong Quan (Ki1).

Correspondence with readers:

Question: Frequent urination and copious urine are one and the same?
Answer: Frequent urination with small amount of urine says about the weakness of the spleen and stomach, in this case, you need to begin without delay to take Canisi (芡实 – Gorgon fruit; semen euryales). If little urine, and swollen feet, it is useful to drink, Shanyao (山药 Yam). Canisi and Shanyao – twins, revitalizes the spleen and chase the dampness from the body, can be applied in turn, and the main thing – hurry!

Question: My husband (53 years old) 4 years ago was diagnosed with a cyst in the right kidney. How can I help him?
Answer: When conservative treatment of the cyst, as I think you the easiest way to master the massage. You need to find an area of the foot that correlate with the kidneys and lymphatic system and at every opportunity my husband to massage these areas of the foot. The effectiveness of treatment and the rate of achievement of the result depend on the individual and the skill of the therapist.

Question: I give my son banks for the point Shen Shu thus: hold the jar on each side approximately half a minute, go again put to the Bank, and so 5-6 times. When you put the first can on the right side, the place immediately turns black, the left side of the reaction is not so strong. After the session ends blacken both sides. Please tell me, am I doing it right?
Answer: what is the location of the cans blacken, is already an indicator of the effectiveness of the procedures. Next time try leaving banks little longer, about three minutes. At this time, massage the point tai XI (Ki3), Fu Liu (Ki7). Start with the point that more sensitive.

Question: My son is 11 years old, from the age of two suffers from bedwetting. Often colds, coughs, but when drinking cold medicine, incontinence increases. All these years we are treated, she underwent several courses of Chinese medicine, was at a reception at 4 different specialists at the children's incontinence, but the result is not. He stoops like an old man, wearing a special device, but the back is not straightened. Constantly spinning hands hair so pulls them from the root. The appetite bad. I read in your article that it is useful to put jars on point Shen Shu, I want to ask how long you can hold the banks? Do I need to keep up the appearance of the tracks? And another question: am I with the force but the son of point young Quan (Ki1) on the feet, but he feels no pain. Please tell me, maybe it is better to apply the medicines to these points? What's the cure? Is it possible to save my son from nocturnal enuresis?
Answer: the boy has a defective kidney, so massaging the tai XI point, do not touch the young Quan. Junchuan to reset, Taysi for filling. Boy hump, then you should check the calcium content in the bones. Still can daily massage the back from neck to coccyx the edge of his hand. Very useful will be on banks point Shen Shu. If to keep long, may blister, so be careful. In fact, blisters is not bad, but people are afraid of infection, so I urge you to bring the matter before the blisters. You can put the banks along the entire spine, it will help straighten the back. The treatment process will not be quick, but if you implement all the recommendations, I think, three weeks to wait for the result. published

Author: Cheng Fujun
The Chinese translation of Elena Buyanova

Source: yangshen.ru/kanal-pochek-kanal-vechnogo-blazhenstva/