Complex for strong and beautiful hands: 8 proven exercises. Especially for the summer!
The main thing is what we must remember, training hands - a technique. Only the technically correct performance of the exercise will give a good effect! Flabby arms spoil the impression of the most remarkable figure, is not it? Especially in summer, when the upper part of the body is always in sight ... For classes you'll need dumbbells, willpower and quite a bit of free time. For the sake of the beautiful terrain of hands worth to try! In addition, strong hands come in handy any, even the most fragile woman. Just in case!
1. supine, knees together, feet straight. Did not take his foot off the floor, his knees do not get divorced. Raise the dumbbells straight outstretched arms, both hands simultaneously. Repeat 15 times. Watch for breathing. In the supine position is particularly important. Perform a long exhale while lifting the load, and then breathe in the top position, or when you lower the weight.
2. The situation is the same as in the previous exercise. Divorce straightened hands with dumbbells in hand, do not forget to lock the legs. Repeat 15 times.
3. Exercise for biceps. Raise the dumbbells at the same time turning the hands. At the top of lifting weights should almost touch each other. Keep the elbows stationary, do not touch the breast. Do exercise 15 times.
4. Exercise is not only hands, but also for the chest muscles. Perform bench up to his chest, then straighten your arms forward, away from you. Repeat 15 times.
5. Feet shoulder width apart, back straight. Lean forward and perform bench press dumbbells up, it should be that the hands do not move. Repeat 10 times, over time, increase the number of repetitions.
6. Alternately bench dumbbell starting position - as in the previous exercise. Makes it easy lunges forward by each party in turn. Watch your back - it should be a straight line, in this exercise you need to use the oblique abdominal muscles. Repeat 15 times.
7. Raising the dumbbells up from behind. Alternate lifting hands in such a situation - a complex exercise, taking care to not remove the brush. Repeat 10 times.
8. Borrow lying position, lock the feet. Bend your elbows, dumbbells should touch the head and in the same position. Now divorce elbows to the sides of the maximum. Repeat 10 times.
Your hands will become more toned after a week of training! First, to better fulfill the complex through the day to give your muscles a good workout, but at the same time to recover. If you are going for a long time to buy a dumbbell, but still could not reach the hand - do it. The benefits would be justified! Show girlfriends post about how easy it is to make your hands beautiful and strong at home.
via takprosto cc
1. supine, knees together, feet straight. Did not take his foot off the floor, his knees do not get divorced. Raise the dumbbells straight outstretched arms, both hands simultaneously. Repeat 15 times. Watch for breathing. In the supine position is particularly important. Perform a long exhale while lifting the load, and then breathe in the top position, or when you lower the weight.

2. The situation is the same as in the previous exercise. Divorce straightened hands with dumbbells in hand, do not forget to lock the legs. Repeat 15 times.

3. Exercise for biceps. Raise the dumbbells at the same time turning the hands. At the top of lifting weights should almost touch each other. Keep the elbows stationary, do not touch the breast. Do exercise 15 times.

4. Exercise is not only hands, but also for the chest muscles. Perform bench up to his chest, then straighten your arms forward, away from you. Repeat 15 times.

5. Feet shoulder width apart, back straight. Lean forward and perform bench press dumbbells up, it should be that the hands do not move. Repeat 10 times, over time, increase the number of repetitions.

6. Alternately bench dumbbell starting position - as in the previous exercise. Makes it easy lunges forward by each party in turn. Watch your back - it should be a straight line, in this exercise you need to use the oblique abdominal muscles. Repeat 15 times.

7. Raising the dumbbells up from behind. Alternate lifting hands in such a situation - a complex exercise, taking care to not remove the brush. Repeat 10 times.

8. Borrow lying position, lock the feet. Bend your elbows, dumbbells should touch the head and in the same position. Now divorce elbows to the sides of the maximum. Repeat 10 times.

Your hands will become more toned after a week of training! First, to better fulfill the complex through the day to give your muscles a good workout, but at the same time to recover. If you are going for a long time to buy a dumbbell, but still could not reach the hand - do it. The benefits would be justified! Show girlfriends post about how easy it is to make your hands beautiful and strong at home.
via takprosto cc
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