14 celebrities who nobody noticed in your favorite movies
Twenty five million two hundred seventy eight thousand five hundred fifty three
Sometimes we may have 10 times to review your favorite movie and not notice some small detail. And happens and so that the audience's attention slipping away, the actors themselves, who appear in the frame briefly or under a ton of makeup, which simply impossible to know.
We in the Website have compiled a list of 14 celebrities that you just did not notice when watching popular movies.
Matt Damon In "Eurotrip"
Youth Comedy "Eurotrip" in 2004, watched by millions, but few guessed at the skinhead musician,performing the song "Scotty Doesn't Know", the famous actor Matt Damon.
Michael Jackson, "Men in black 2"
The king of pop has played a small role in agent M in the second part of the famous movie "Men in black". However, many did not notice.
Donald trump "home Alone — 2"
Remember the scene in which Kevin first enters the luxurious new York hotel "Plaza"? Then he asked how to get into the hall, casual like. The passers-by was none other than the famous businessman, and now President of the United States Donald trump.
Madonna "Die another day"
Madonna not only sang the soundtrack to the next film about James bond, but also got a small role of an instructor in fencing. Alas, critics of the acting of the singer seemed not very convincing, and Madonna was awarded the "Golden raspberry".
James Cameron's "Titanic"
Fans of timeless stories about love of Rose and Jack, of course, did not pay much attention to the scene early in the film where one of the caretakers of the Titanic examines the beard of a poor passenger for lice. But the role of this bearded man was performed by the Director.
Iggy Pop "Star trek: Deep space 9"
Under a ton of makeup no one would know the continuation of the famous franchise , Star Trek legendary rock musician.
Harrison Ford "The Alien"
Steven Spielberg has always loved to invite in the films stars of the first magnitude. However, after the filming of "Alien", he decided that the appearance in the shot of Harrison Ford only distracts viewers from the main story, so almost all the scenes with him were cut. Although in the extended version you can see the actor from behind. He played the Director of the school in which the student Eliot.
Frank Abignail "Catch me if you can"
The film tells about real events in the life of a former con artist Frank Abignale. He and Frank could not refuse myself the pleasure to appear in this picture. He played a COP and put handcuffs on the younger version of me.
David Beckham "Agents Of A. N. To.L."
The player appears at the beginning of the famous picture of guy Ritchie in the role of a former Soviet KGB agent. Few know under those glasses and mustache, the famous David Beckham.
Peter Jackson "hot fuzz"
Peter Jackson appeared in the film of his colleague Edgar Wright only some a few moments. And it is almost impossible to learn in a false beard and mustache, Jackson played the role of Santa, who with a knife attacked the main hero.
Bill Murray "Dumb and dumber — 2"
In the second part of the cult Comedy "Dumb and dumber" no one noticed the incomparable bill Murray. And no wonder, because the actor didn't even show face. Bill played the role of the new neighbor Harry and appeared before the audience in a protective yellow suit.
Cameron Diaz "dissenting opinion"
In "minority report" you can see not all of Cameron Diaz,but only half of her head. The actress appeared in a single frame together with his namesake and Director of "Vanilla sky" by Cameron Crowe.
Dan Aykroyd "Indiana Jones and the temple of doom"
No one noticed the star of "Ghostbusters" in another part of the "Indiana Jones". Dan Ackroyd played a small role of an Englishman who helps the hero Ford to get on the plane.
Carrie Fisher and George Lucas "Captain Hook"
At the beginning of the magic of the movie "Captain Hook" viewers see the bridge and on the bridge a silhouette of the couple kissing. Who would have thought that I kissed on that bridge Director and main actress of the franchise "Star wars" — George Lucas and Carrie Fisher.
Photos on the preview Amblin Entertainment
See also
10 celebrities you didn't notice in famous movies
9 famous actors who we don't remember young
10 first-class actors who got the role of deception
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/10-pervoklassnyh-akterov-kotorye-zapoluchili-roli-obmanom-1511315/
Sometimes we may have 10 times to review your favorite movie and not notice some small detail. And happens and so that the audience's attention slipping away, the actors themselves, who appear in the frame briefly or under a ton of makeup, which simply impossible to know.
We in the Website have compiled a list of 14 celebrities that you just did not notice when watching popular movies.
Matt Damon In "Eurotrip"

Youth Comedy "Eurotrip" in 2004, watched by millions, but few guessed at the skinhead musician,performing the song "Scotty Doesn't Know", the famous actor Matt Damon.
Michael Jackson, "Men in black 2"

The king of pop has played a small role in agent M in the second part of the famous movie "Men in black". However, many did not notice.
Donald trump "home Alone — 2"

Remember the scene in which Kevin first enters the luxurious new York hotel "Plaza"? Then he asked how to get into the hall, casual like. The passers-by was none other than the famous businessman, and now President of the United States Donald trump.
Madonna "Die another day"

Madonna not only sang the soundtrack to the next film about James bond, but also got a small role of an instructor in fencing. Alas, critics of the acting of the singer seemed not very convincing, and Madonna was awarded the "Golden raspberry".
James Cameron's "Titanic"

Fans of timeless stories about love of Rose and Jack, of course, did not pay much attention to the scene early in the film where one of the caretakers of the Titanic examines the beard of a poor passenger for lice. But the role of this bearded man was performed by the Director.
Iggy Pop "Star trek: Deep space 9"

Under a ton of makeup no one would know the continuation of the famous franchise , Star Trek legendary rock musician.
Harrison Ford "The Alien"

Steven Spielberg has always loved to invite in the films stars of the first magnitude. However, after the filming of "Alien", he decided that the appearance in the shot of Harrison Ford only distracts viewers from the main story, so almost all the scenes with him were cut. Although in the extended version you can see the actor from behind. He played the Director of the school in which the student Eliot.
Frank Abignail "Catch me if you can"

The film tells about real events in the life of a former con artist Frank Abignale. He and Frank could not refuse myself the pleasure to appear in this picture. He played a COP and put handcuffs on the younger version of me.
David Beckham "Agents Of A. N. To.L."

The player appears at the beginning of the famous picture of guy Ritchie in the role of a former Soviet KGB agent. Few know under those glasses and mustache, the famous David Beckham.
Peter Jackson "hot fuzz"

Peter Jackson appeared in the film of his colleague Edgar Wright only some a few moments. And it is almost impossible to learn in a false beard and mustache, Jackson played the role of Santa, who with a knife attacked the main hero.
Bill Murray "Dumb and dumber — 2"

In the second part of the cult Comedy "Dumb and dumber" no one noticed the incomparable bill Murray. And no wonder, because the actor didn't even show face. Bill played the role of the new neighbor Harry and appeared before the audience in a protective yellow suit.
Cameron Diaz "dissenting opinion"

In "minority report" you can see not all of Cameron Diaz,but only half of her head. The actress appeared in a single frame together with his namesake and Director of "Vanilla sky" by Cameron Crowe.
Dan Aykroyd "Indiana Jones and the temple of doom"

No one noticed the star of "Ghostbusters" in another part of the "Indiana Jones". Dan Ackroyd played a small role of an Englishman who helps the hero Ford to get on the plane.
Carrie Fisher and George Lucas "Captain Hook"

At the beginning of the magic of the movie "Captain Hook" viewers see the bridge and on the bridge a silhouette of the couple kissing. Who would have thought that I kissed on that bridge Director and main actress of the franchise "Star wars" — George Lucas and Carrie Fisher.
Photos on the preview Amblin Entertainment
See also
10 celebrities you didn't notice in famous movies
9 famous actors who we don't remember young
10 first-class actors who got the role of deception
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/10-pervoklassnyh-akterov-kotorye-zapoluchili-roli-obmanom-1511315/
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