What words to say in honor of the wires of winter
February 15 is a special day in the Orthodox calendar. Today, believers celebrate the Meeting of the Lord – one of the 12 most important church holidays. A holiday of meetings, joy and long-awaited spring, which carries only good.
Today's edition. "Site" It tells you what it is. day And what a prayer to say today.
In 2020, the Lord’s Meeting is a great two-tenth Orthodox holiday. On this day, believers remember the meeting of Christ with the righteous Simeon. In folk tradition, this holiday is considered the day when winter and spring meet. What does Crétation mean?? In general, in the Old Slavonic language, “creation” is a meeting, and in another sense – joy.
It is believed that on this day there are several meetings: the Old and New Testaments, the old world and the new Christian, as well as winter and spring. In the people, this day was considered a harbinger of spring, but about this later, but in the meantime, let’s talk about the history of the holiday.
The details of Jesus’ bringing to the temple are described in the Gospel. According to records, after the birth of Christ, his family lived in Bethlehem. On the fortieth day after the birth of his son, Joseph and the Most Holy Mother of God went to Jerusalem to dedicate the firstborn to the Lord. In the temple they were met by Elder Simeon, who was 360 years old at that time.
The elder was promised that he would not die until he saw with his own eyes the Savior promised by prophecy. Taking the little Jesus in his arms, Simeon proclaimed him Messiah. This day was the transition from the Old to the New Testament, the moment of humanity’s meeting with the great Savior. That is why the Meeting of the Lord is one of the 12 great festivals.
It has long been accepted to hold festive services in the church on this day. Today, candles and water can be consecrated in the temple. People believe that Sreten candles are able to protect the house from lightning and fire. In a severe thunderstorm, people lit such a candle and prayed near it.
Also on this day it was customary to collect holy water, yes, to collect, and not to sanctify in the temple. They made it straight out of melting icicles. It was believed that such water is equal in strength to the baptism. Now, of course, you can consecrate the water in the temple.
The most important thing is to pray on this day. On this day, prayers are joyful, we thank Jesus for all his deeds and offer him praise. It is advisable to go to the temple and pray there, but prayer at home is no worse. The main thing is to pray with all my heart.
“Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son and the Word of God, seen before the prophet, as a mirror in divination, in these days the flesh of the Most Holy Virgin Mary was incorruptibly born and on this fourtieth day in the Sanctuary in the Meeting of the whole world from Toi, as a baby we carry, revealed and in the arms of righteous Simeon for salvation to all who exist from Adam, we carry!”
If it is glorious and illumined in the hand of the Mother of God in the temple of the Lord, and from the holy Elder, Your Divine Meeting! Today the heavens rejoice and the earth rejoices, as you see your procession, O God, the procession of our King God, Who is in the Holy One. In ancient times, Moses ascended to see your glory, but they could not see your face.
On this glorious day of your meeting, you have made yourself a man in the sanctuary, shining with the ineffable light of the Godhead, that together with Simeon they may see you face to face and with their hands, and let them grasp you, that they may know you in the flesh.
For this reason we glorify your unspeakable indulgence and greatness of humanity, for by your coming you have given heavenly joy to the fallen generation of man. By your righteous judgment, you have driven our forefathers out of the paradise of sweetness into this world, but now you have mercy on us, and Paki has opened the paradise for us, and turned our weeping to joy, so that the fallen Adam may no longer be ashamed of You for his transgression, and may not hide Your face, whom You have called, as You have come now, so that you may take his sin upon You may wash it with Your blood, and clothe it with joy and glorification.
But let us all remember Your Divine Meeting, like the wise virgins to come out to Your Meeting, our Heavenly Bridegroom, with the burning lamps of faith, love and purity, let us see Your Divine Face with the eyes of faith, let us receive You into our soul’s embrace, and let us carry You into our heart all the days of Our Livelihood, that we may be in God and in Your people.
On the last and dreadful day of your coming, when all the saints will come out to your last and great meeting in the air, let us also make you, that we may always be with the Lord.
Glory to Thy Mercy, Glory to Thy Kingdom, Glory to Thy Watching, the One Most Human, for Thy is Kingdom, Power, and Glory.
With Your Father without beginning and with Your Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.
This holiday is associated with a very joyful event, so it is a bright and cheerful day. It is the first holiday of the year that heralds the arrival of spring. Wonderful time!

Today's edition. "Site" It tells you what it is. day And what a prayer to say today.
In 2020, the Lord’s Meeting is a great two-tenth Orthodox holiday. On this day, believers remember the meeting of Christ with the righteous Simeon. In folk tradition, this holiday is considered the day when winter and spring meet. What does Crétation mean?? In general, in the Old Slavonic language, “creation” is a meeting, and in another sense – joy.

It is believed that on this day there are several meetings: the Old and New Testaments, the old world and the new Christian, as well as winter and spring. In the people, this day was considered a harbinger of spring, but about this later, but in the meantime, let’s talk about the history of the holiday.
The details of Jesus’ bringing to the temple are described in the Gospel. According to records, after the birth of Christ, his family lived in Bethlehem. On the fortieth day after the birth of his son, Joseph and the Most Holy Mother of God went to Jerusalem to dedicate the firstborn to the Lord. In the temple they were met by Elder Simeon, who was 360 years old at that time.

The elder was promised that he would not die until he saw with his own eyes the Savior promised by prophecy. Taking the little Jesus in his arms, Simeon proclaimed him Messiah. This day was the transition from the Old to the New Testament, the moment of humanity’s meeting with the great Savior. That is why the Meeting of the Lord is one of the 12 great festivals.

It has long been accepted to hold festive services in the church on this day. Today, candles and water can be consecrated in the temple. People believe that Sreten candles are able to protect the house from lightning and fire. In a severe thunderstorm, people lit such a candle and prayed near it.
Also on this day it was customary to collect holy water, yes, to collect, and not to sanctify in the temple. They made it straight out of melting icicles. It was believed that such water is equal in strength to the baptism. Now, of course, you can consecrate the water in the temple.

The most important thing is to pray on this day. On this day, prayers are joyful, we thank Jesus for all his deeds and offer him praise. It is advisable to go to the temple and pray there, but prayer at home is no worse. The main thing is to pray with all my heart.
“Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son and the Word of God, seen before the prophet, as a mirror in divination, in these days the flesh of the Most Holy Virgin Mary was incorruptibly born and on this fourtieth day in the Sanctuary in the Meeting of the whole world from Toi, as a baby we carry, revealed and in the arms of righteous Simeon for salvation to all who exist from Adam, we carry!”
If it is glorious and illumined in the hand of the Mother of God in the temple of the Lord, and from the holy Elder, Your Divine Meeting! Today the heavens rejoice and the earth rejoices, as you see your procession, O God, the procession of our King God, Who is in the Holy One. In ancient times, Moses ascended to see your glory, but they could not see your face.

On this glorious day of your meeting, you have made yourself a man in the sanctuary, shining with the ineffable light of the Godhead, that together with Simeon they may see you face to face and with their hands, and let them grasp you, that they may know you in the flesh.
For this reason we glorify your unspeakable indulgence and greatness of humanity, for by your coming you have given heavenly joy to the fallen generation of man. By your righteous judgment, you have driven our forefathers out of the paradise of sweetness into this world, but now you have mercy on us, and Paki has opened the paradise for us, and turned our weeping to joy, so that the fallen Adam may no longer be ashamed of You for his transgression, and may not hide Your face, whom You have called, as You have come now, so that you may take his sin upon You may wash it with Your blood, and clothe it with joy and glorification.

But let us all remember Your Divine Meeting, like the wise virgins to come out to Your Meeting, our Heavenly Bridegroom, with the burning lamps of faith, love and purity, let us see Your Divine Face with the eyes of faith, let us receive You into our soul’s embrace, and let us carry You into our heart all the days of Our Livelihood, that we may be in God and in Your people.
On the last and dreadful day of your coming, when all the saints will come out to your last and great meeting in the air, let us also make you, that we may always be with the Lord.
Glory to Thy Mercy, Glory to Thy Kingdom, Glory to Thy Watching, the One Most Human, for Thy is Kingdom, Power, and Glory.
With Your Father without beginning and with Your Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

This holiday is associated with a very joyful event, so it is a bright and cheerful day. It is the first holiday of the year that heralds the arrival of spring. Wonderful time!