What to do before going to church
One of the readers wrote us a letter that we could not ignore. She shared her story and we wanted to help. From the words of the girl: Hello. I noticed that you often publish articles on Orthodoxy and churches. I decided to seek advice.
My parents don’t believe in the temple. But I can't do that. I'm drawn to the temple, but I'm afraid to go. What if they laugh? If I do something wrong, I will be scolded. You have to say prayers there. Maybe we should learn some? But which ones?
I also know that there are candles for health. But how do you put them? Do you have to say something? I have nothing to wear to church, only pants, and no skirts. Can I wear pants or not?
I have a lot of questions. I am so afraid of making a mistake that I cannot bring myself to go to the temple, but I want to. Can you tell me where to start? How do you decide what to know?”
Editorial "Site" I could not leave this letter without attention, so we answer all questions. Tell me, Can I go to church? What prayers you need to know and how to put candles. Instructions for a beginner parishioner.
In fact, many adults are afraid to visit the temple because “I don’t know anything, I will be laughed at.” The saddest thing is that the situation is not far-fetched, many visitors to the temple can really ridicule or even scold a person who does not know any rules.
But in reality, you should not be afraid of this, you should not pay attention to such people. You come to the temple to pray and be with God, no one should judge you for it. Learn the basic rules and the rest will come with experience. Where do we start?
First, learn to be baptized properly. Here you just need to remember: forehead, stomach, right shoulder, left shoulder, lower hand and worship the Lord. You only need to be baptized with your right hand, even if you are left-handed. Finger folded as follows: pinky and ring fingers put on the palm, and the large, index and middle connect, as if taking a pinch of salt.
The fingers on the palm are a sign that Christ is both God and man. Three fingers in honor of the Holy Trinity. No need to be baptized hastily. Do it slowly and carefully. This action helps to focus on prayer, drives away sins and bad thoughts and sanctifies you.
Before the icon, you can just come to the temple and listen to the service. In fact, it is not necessary to immediately follow all the traditions and regulations. There are many icons in the church that believers approach. Usually before the icon is baptized twice, kiss it, put on the forehead, again baptized. If there is a queue to the icon, be baptized in advance so as not to detain people.
Another thing that confuses the new parishioners. What do you do, when? The answer to the second question is simple: watch when others are doing it. Trust me, this advice works 80% of the time. Just watch what other parishioners do.
Some grandmothers teach that bows should be done so that the floor is reached by hand. This is already folk art, it is enough to bow down without bending your knees and without touching the floor. Bows, kneeling, all do at the Liturgy, when the Cup with gifts is taken. People in the church will tell you when that moment will come.
The cup with gifts can be approached only by the baptized. And only those adults who prepared for communion: fasted on Wednesday and Friday, confessed and received the blessing from the priest to take communion. Confession and communion are special sacraments, which we described in detail in a separate article.
Evening services in temples are served Vespers and often Matins. It used to be served at sunrise, but people in the world are so uncomfortable, so they serve in advance, in the evening. Such services are often short, an hour and a half. There are more solemn - all-night vigils. They are dedicated to big holidays.
The Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the morning. This is where people commune. It is also customary to submit notes in temples. For example, custom dinners for health or rest, prayer, memorial service or forty ost. It's not that hard to figure it out. Ask the church shop and they will help you.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes in these notes. You are a human being, and God sees who is being ordered. Even if you accidentally confused a health note with a repose note. If you pray for a person sincerely, God will understand. Don’t take it personally if someone says otherwise.
At the temple it is customary to come in modest clothes. Women need to wear a long skirt or dress, it is desirable that the knees are closed. You cannot enter the church with your head uncovered. Make sure you put a headscarf on your head. You don't have to be too serious about dressing for church, you don't have to show off. Dress modestly.
There are candles in the church. Ask in the shop where you can put a candle for health, and where for rest. Don’t worry, they will tell you everything and help you. When you put a candle, pray to yourself or just ask the Lord what you want. The main thing is that your intentions are sincere.
That’s pretty much everything anyone wants to know about coming to church for the first time. The main thing is your desire to visit the temple. church You'll learn over time. Each church and diocese may have its own traditions and rules. If you do not know something, it is not a problem, in the church there is always someone to ask, for example, in the church shop.
Do not be afraid that you will be judged or laughed at, you are not going to church to people, but to God. Go to him with a pure heart and sincere intentions. What was your first trip to the temple?
My parents don’t believe in the temple. But I can't do that. I'm drawn to the temple, but I'm afraid to go. What if they laugh? If I do something wrong, I will be scolded. You have to say prayers there. Maybe we should learn some? But which ones?

I also know that there are candles for health. But how do you put them? Do you have to say something? I have nothing to wear to church, only pants, and no skirts. Can I wear pants or not?
I have a lot of questions. I am so afraid of making a mistake that I cannot bring myself to go to the temple, but I want to. Can you tell me where to start? How do you decide what to know?”

Editorial "Site" I could not leave this letter without attention, so we answer all questions. Tell me, Can I go to church? What prayers you need to know and how to put candles. Instructions for a beginner parishioner.
In fact, many adults are afraid to visit the temple because “I don’t know anything, I will be laughed at.” The saddest thing is that the situation is not far-fetched, many visitors to the temple can really ridicule or even scold a person who does not know any rules.
But in reality, you should not be afraid of this, you should not pay attention to such people. You come to the temple to pray and be with God, no one should judge you for it. Learn the basic rules and the rest will come with experience. Where do we start?

First, learn to be baptized properly. Here you just need to remember: forehead, stomach, right shoulder, left shoulder, lower hand and worship the Lord. You only need to be baptized with your right hand, even if you are left-handed. Finger folded as follows: pinky and ring fingers put on the palm, and the large, index and middle connect, as if taking a pinch of salt.
The fingers on the palm are a sign that Christ is both God and man. Three fingers in honor of the Holy Trinity. No need to be baptized hastily. Do it slowly and carefully. This action helps to focus on prayer, drives away sins and bad thoughts and sanctifies you.

Before the icon, you can just come to the temple and listen to the service. In fact, it is not necessary to immediately follow all the traditions and regulations. There are many icons in the church that believers approach. Usually before the icon is baptized twice, kiss it, put on the forehead, again baptized. If there is a queue to the icon, be baptized in advance so as not to detain people.

Another thing that confuses the new parishioners. What do you do, when? The answer to the second question is simple: watch when others are doing it. Trust me, this advice works 80% of the time. Just watch what other parishioners do.
Some grandmothers teach that bows should be done so that the floor is reached by hand. This is already folk art, it is enough to bow down without bending your knees and without touching the floor. Bows, kneeling, all do at the Liturgy, when the Cup with gifts is taken. People in the church will tell you when that moment will come.
The cup with gifts can be approached only by the baptized. And only those adults who prepared for communion: fasted on Wednesday and Friday, confessed and received the blessing from the priest to take communion. Confession and communion are special sacraments, which we described in detail in a separate article.

Evening services in temples are served Vespers and often Matins. It used to be served at sunrise, but people in the world are so uncomfortable, so they serve in advance, in the evening. Such services are often short, an hour and a half. There are more solemn - all-night vigils. They are dedicated to big holidays.
The Divine Liturgy is celebrated in the morning. This is where people commune. It is also customary to submit notes in temples. For example, custom dinners for health or rest, prayer, memorial service or forty ost. It's not that hard to figure it out. Ask the church shop and they will help you.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes in these notes. You are a human being, and God sees who is being ordered. Even if you accidentally confused a health note with a repose note. If you pray for a person sincerely, God will understand. Don’t take it personally if someone says otherwise.

At the temple it is customary to come in modest clothes. Women need to wear a long skirt or dress, it is desirable that the knees are closed. You cannot enter the church with your head uncovered. Make sure you put a headscarf on your head. You don't have to be too serious about dressing for church, you don't have to show off. Dress modestly.

There are candles in the church. Ask in the shop where you can put a candle for health, and where for rest. Don’t worry, they will tell you everything and help you. When you put a candle, pray to yourself or just ask the Lord what you want. The main thing is that your intentions are sincere.

That’s pretty much everything anyone wants to know about coming to church for the first time. The main thing is your desire to visit the temple. church You'll learn over time. Each church and diocese may have its own traditions and rules. If you do not know something, it is not a problem, in the church there is always someone to ask, for example, in the church shop.
Do not be afraid that you will be judged or laughed at, you are not going to church to people, but to God. Go to him with a pure heart and sincere intentions. What was your first trip to the temple?