What to ask in prayer for the Meeting of the Lord and how to do it correctly
The Lord’s Day in 2022, as always, falls on the February 15. It is one of the tenth non-transitory holidays, which means “meeting”. Meet the Old Testament with the New, the Old World and the New Christian, and winter and spring. The word meeting most fully conveys the meaning of this event, because it means not just a meeting, but a meeting of the smaller with the larger, a person with God.
It was on this day, many centuries ago, following the Old Testament law, the Most Holy Mother of God brought (on the 40th day after birth) the little Jesus to the Jerusalem temple to consecrate Him to God. In the temple, the Divine Child was met by the righteous Elder Simeon the Receiver of God.
The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord is special and joyful. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what to ask for in prayer. The Lord's Meeting and how to do it right. Strong words!
The Meeting of the Lord in 2022 View this post on Instagram
Post from No Berge - We're Together (@bez_berge)
The Lord’s Prayer is a joyful prayer. All Orthodox believers read thanksgiving prayers glorifying Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Mother of God. It is believed that on this day they have a special power!
It is best to take time to visit the temple and pray there. If not, we can pray at home. The main thing is that your words are sincere and from the heart.
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Posted by @nikolay.svyatoy
The Mother of God on this day you can ask for help and patronage in creating a family. Unmarried women can ask the Mother of God for a meeting with her betrothed, and family women for pregnancy and easy childbirth. The Savior is prayed for the well-being in the family and the well-being of children and relatives.
“Rejoice, Holy Virgin of God, from You shall shine the sun of righteousness, Christ our God, enlighten those who exist in darkness.” You, the righteous old man, rejoice in the arms of the Liberator of our souls, giving us the resurrection.
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Publication from the Temple in the Name of Xenia the Blessed (@agia_ksenia)
The Lord’s Prayer: “We praise thee above Christ, and honor thee.” “Your Most Pure Mother is now brought by law into the temple of the Lord.”
The heavenly face of the heavenly angel, a prince on earth, came to see as a child, wears to the temple. The firstborn of all creatures from Mother Unskilled, the pre-holiday Ubo with us sing a song, rejoicing.
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Publication from Holy Trinity Church (@lutherkirche.marks)
Prayer for happiness on the feast of the Meeting, O Lord! I ask you to give me earthly happiness and spiritual good. I pray, hear me on this bright day, do not deny me, give me strength. Forgive me the sinner and absolve all my sins, for I repent and desire to take the right path, to be nearer to You, my Lord.
I pray you, give me happiness, prosperity and joy in life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! ?
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Posted by Early Christian Art (@early_christian_art)
Prayer for the blessings of the Lord. I ask you to give me earthly happiness and spiritual good. I pray, hear me on this bright day, do not deny me, give me strength. Forgive me the sinner and absolve all my sins, for I repent and desire to take the right path, to be nearer to You, my Lord. I pray you, give me happiness, prosperity and joy in life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In addition to prayer, the feast of the Meeting of the Lord is necessary. thank God and family. It is important to be in a good mood and not to fall into negative states of sadness and longing. It is forbidden to swear, quarrel and swear in order not to bring trouble to the house.
Also on this day should avoid washing and bathing procedures. All household chores are prohibited except cooking and pet care.
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Publication from the Temple of St. Cyril and Methodia (@hramkim)
Not all Orthodox holidays fall on the same number every year. Do you want to know the dates of all the holidays? Then use the Orthodox Church calendar for 2022, which we have prepared for you.
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Posted by darkhousekeeper (@bloody.darkhousekeeper)
As the priest from the temple says that I visit: “A Christian without prayer is like a bird without a wing, it is difficult to soar into the sky without it!” At the Meeting of the Lord in 2022, I and my whole family will definitely go to church, ask the Lord for mercy and thank for all the good that is in our lives.
Do you attend church at the meeting of the Lord? You know about this holiday?
It was on this day, many centuries ago, following the Old Testament law, the Most Holy Mother of God brought (on the 40th day after birth) the little Jesus to the Jerusalem temple to consecrate Him to God. In the temple, the Divine Child was met by the righteous Elder Simeon the Receiver of God.

The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord is special and joyful. Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what to ask for in prayer. The Lord's Meeting and how to do it right. Strong words!
The Meeting of the Lord in 2022 View this post on Instagram
Post from No Berge - We're Together (@bez_berge)
The Lord’s Prayer is a joyful prayer. All Orthodox believers read thanksgiving prayers glorifying Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Mother of God. It is believed that on this day they have a special power!
It is best to take time to visit the temple and pray there. If not, we can pray at home. The main thing is that your words are sincere and from the heart.
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Posted by @nikolay.svyatoy
The Mother of God on this day you can ask for help and patronage in creating a family. Unmarried women can ask the Mother of God for a meeting with her betrothed, and family women for pregnancy and easy childbirth. The Savior is prayed for the well-being in the family and the well-being of children and relatives.
“Rejoice, Holy Virgin of God, from You shall shine the sun of righteousness, Christ our God, enlighten those who exist in darkness.” You, the righteous old man, rejoice in the arms of the Liberator of our souls, giving us the resurrection.
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Publication from the Temple in the Name of Xenia the Blessed (@agia_ksenia)
The Lord’s Prayer: “We praise thee above Christ, and honor thee.” “Your Most Pure Mother is now brought by law into the temple of the Lord.”
The heavenly face of the heavenly angel, a prince on earth, came to see as a child, wears to the temple. The firstborn of all creatures from Mother Unskilled, the pre-holiday Ubo with us sing a song, rejoicing.
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Publication from Holy Trinity Church (@lutherkirche.marks)
Prayer for happiness on the feast of the Meeting, O Lord! I ask you to give me earthly happiness and spiritual good. I pray, hear me on this bright day, do not deny me, give me strength. Forgive me the sinner and absolve all my sins, for I repent and desire to take the right path, to be nearer to You, my Lord.
I pray you, give me happiness, prosperity and joy in life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! ?
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Posted by Early Christian Art (@early_christian_art)
Prayer for the blessings of the Lord. I ask you to give me earthly happiness and spiritual good. I pray, hear me on this bright day, do not deny me, give me strength. Forgive me the sinner and absolve all my sins, for I repent and desire to take the right path, to be nearer to You, my Lord. I pray you, give me happiness, prosperity and joy in life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In addition to prayer, the feast of the Meeting of the Lord is necessary. thank God and family. It is important to be in a good mood and not to fall into negative states of sadness and longing. It is forbidden to swear, quarrel and swear in order not to bring trouble to the house.
Also on this day should avoid washing and bathing procedures. All household chores are prohibited except cooking and pet care.
View this post on Instagram
Publication from the Temple of St. Cyril and Methodia (@hramkim)
Not all Orthodox holidays fall on the same number every year. Do you want to know the dates of all the holidays? Then use the Orthodox Church calendar for 2022, which we have prepared for you.
View this post on Instagram
Posted by darkhousekeeper (@bloody.darkhousekeeper)
As the priest from the temple says that I visit: “A Christian without prayer is like a bird without a wing, it is difficult to soar into the sky without it!” At the Meeting of the Lord in 2022, I and my whole family will definitely go to church, ask the Lord for mercy and thank for all the good that is in our lives.
Do you attend church at the meeting of the Lord? You know about this holiday?
The son completely stopped visiting his mother, occasionally called, what was his surprise when he learned that she left him an inheritance.
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