Every year I bring home Sreten candles, the old priest taught me what to do with them.

I bring it home every year. candlestickThe old priest taught me what to do with them. I do it without question, for the whole family! And this year, on February 15, for the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, I go to church, and I advise you.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to do great things. feast. A day of meetings, joy and long-awaited spring, which carries only good!

The feast of God’s aspiration is celebrated annually on February 15. What is it and why should it be celebrated?

The Church-Slavic word “sretention” can be translated into Russian "meeting". The meeting of the Old Testament with the New, the Old World and the New Christian, and winter and spring. This day was considered a harbinger of spring. In church tradition, this is the day when, on the 40th day after the Nativity, the infant Jesus Christ was brought to the Jerusalem Temple, where he was met by Simeon the Receiver.

It has long been accepted to hold festive services in the church on this day. And of course pray! On this day, prayers are joyful, we thank Jesus for all his deeds and offer him praise. It is advisable to go to the temple and pray there, but prayer at home is no worse. The main thing is to pray with all my heart.

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Posted by Natalia Mikhailova (@nataliiamikhailova879)

Candles and water can be consecrated in the temple. By the way, in the Middle Ages, this holiday was even called “Day of Candles” in connection with the procession and use of an unusually large number of candles in the service. During the Chronicle, candles are consecrated in a special way. The candles received after the ceremony are named Sretensky. In Russia, this custom became a symbol of the light brought by the Savior to earth.

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Publication from St. Trinity Icon Workshop (@icon_master_)

Coming to Orthodoxy in the seventeenth century, Sretensky candles took root in the religious environment: the people kept them in the red corners of huts or chests with valuables. Our ancestors believed that Sreten candles can protect the house from lightning and fire. In a severe thunderstorm, people lit such a candle and prayed near it.

Candles, both ordinary and consecrated on the day of Meeting, symbolize fire. faith. They include oil, as a sign of God’s mercy, beeswax, which was interpreted as sweet sensations from communion with the Lord, readiness to obey his will.

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Publication from Eco Candle. Handmade (@warmcandleflame)

The Sretensky candle, like any church candle, is intended exclusively for ignition during prayer. Usually, the Sretensky candle is lit in special cases when asking for God’s help in solving life problems.

Church practice shows that any prayer to the Lord, to the Mother of God, or to the saints when the Sretensky candle is lit and burned, has a special meaning. graceIf he is faithful to the prayers, he will be called to repentance.

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Publication from the Temple of St. Cyril and Methodia (@hramkim)

However, this does not mean that “Sretensky candles” should be given any magical or miraculous meaning. Don't go to extremes! "Sretensky candles" Orthodox Christians are lit during prayerLike other church candles. Every candle, if you pray, warms the prayer.

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Posted by Alexander Ignatiev (@religious_diletant)

I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most complete Church Orthodox calendar for 2022. There are all holidays, fasts and memorial days. Let the calendar always be at hand!

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Publication from Temple Floristics School (@hramovayafloristika)

On February 15, the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, try to find time to visit the temple and pray to Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. And if it doesn't, it's okay. It seems to me that the main thing in communion with the Lord is not the frequency of visiting churches and liturgies, not the number of candles set and memorized prayers, but sincere prayer. faith in relation to God and men.

May the day of the dedication of Jesus Christ be for all believers a symbol of hope and faith in all that is peaceful, bright and good!


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