Dogs of this breed are called the most harmful, but my dog behaves approximately, kissing it directly on the nose.
Today, dogs are well-groomed, playful and friendly pets, photos of which everyone likes to admire in social networks. Four-legged "cute" cause the owners delight and affection. We have forgotten about their other talents. Discover how the amazing abilities of dogs allow them to track down and defeat formidable predators, find prey in underground mazes and rescue drowning people from the water.
The abilities of Dachshund dogs are especially good for small apartments, they are very smart, get along well with children and are always ready to play with them or run for a walk.
But why is it, at first glance, a clumsy long body? And why do these sausages on legs have so much self-confidence and fearlessness? The fact is that dachshunds are the ancestors of hunting cops. And they acquired short curved legs as a result of a mutation successfully fixed by breeders.
The small height and elongated body of these dogs were immediately appreciated by hunters. After all, this allowed you to easily pass into the narrowest hole for hunting a rabbit, marten, ferret and even a “little bear” – a badger with its sharp, like knives, claws.
By the way, the word “taxa” is derived from German, “duckhound” (badger dog). And before the revolution in Russia, they were called badgers. It turns out that one of the most amusing breeds was bred for fierce underground fights with one of the most aggressive and large inhabitants of our forests.
Imagine, a dachshund is lowered into a hole where there is no light at all. And somewhere in this maze waiting for her wild beast several times the size. It must not only be found, but also thrown out of the hole. In such a situation, the slightest uncertainty can become fatal. Hence the fearlessness and sometimes excessive aggressiveness of these burly hunters. To the surprise of people far from cynology, these same qualities make the dachshund an excellent watchman. The little defender will not miss an intruder due to her excellent hearing and smell and will not retreat even in front of the largest enemy.
In Chinese, shar pei means a dog with sand skin. This is one of the most unusual dog breeds, the folded skin of which at first seems a funny curiosity. Why so many folds? To stretch them and take funny photos on Instagram?
No way! The inhabitants of Northern China bred these dogs before our era, as fighting and hunting. The stiff coat and numerous folds on the skin allow the Shar Pei to get out of the teeth of the enemy and avoid serious injuries. The same purpose is served by small adjacent ears and deeply planted eyes.
These massive dogs with a lumpy body, saliva hanging from the wings, plaintively lowered eyes and huge ears look, to put it mildly, quite strange. Hard to believe, but such an absurd breed medieval monks bred for hunting.
What's the secret? It turns out that basset hounds are perfect for hunting ... rabbits. Of course, they're not agile. But they have other implicit virtues. For example, ears stretching on the ground, which form a kind of odor-enhancing corridor. Combined with an excellent sense of smell and endurance, this allows you to keep track for three days.
Large furry dogs with a bear-like head have a secret that not everyone knows about. These are the webbeds between the fingers on the paws, which, like flippers, help Newfoundlands dive and swim well.
For this, representatives of the breed are called divers and are used to rescue people on the water. Four-legged rescuers have long served on popular sea beaches of different countries. And not so given Newfoundlands began to help monitor and security on the waters of the suburbs. Thanks to strength and endurance, they are able to quickly reach the victim and have already saved more than one life.
We hope that this information about dogs will help you choose the right pet. But whatever breed you like, do not forget that “we are responsible for those who were tamed.” And more information about the superpowers of ordinary dog breeds in simple and accessible language you will find on the You-Tube channel “Toples”.

The abilities of Dachshund dogs are especially good for small apartments, they are very smart, get along well with children and are always ready to play with them or run for a walk.

But why is it, at first glance, a clumsy long body? And why do these sausages on legs have so much self-confidence and fearlessness? The fact is that dachshunds are the ancestors of hunting cops. And they acquired short curved legs as a result of a mutation successfully fixed by breeders.
The small height and elongated body of these dogs were immediately appreciated by hunters. After all, this allowed you to easily pass into the narrowest hole for hunting a rabbit, marten, ferret and even a “little bear” – a badger with its sharp, like knives, claws.
By the way, the word “taxa” is derived from German, “duckhound” (badger dog). And before the revolution in Russia, they were called badgers. It turns out that one of the most amusing breeds was bred for fierce underground fights with one of the most aggressive and large inhabitants of our forests.

Imagine, a dachshund is lowered into a hole where there is no light at all. And somewhere in this maze waiting for her wild beast several times the size. It must not only be found, but also thrown out of the hole. In such a situation, the slightest uncertainty can become fatal. Hence the fearlessness and sometimes excessive aggressiveness of these burly hunters. To the surprise of people far from cynology, these same qualities make the dachshund an excellent watchman. The little defender will not miss an intruder due to her excellent hearing and smell and will not retreat even in front of the largest enemy.
In Chinese, shar pei means a dog with sand skin. This is one of the most unusual dog breeds, the folded skin of which at first seems a funny curiosity. Why so many folds? To stretch them and take funny photos on Instagram?

No way! The inhabitants of Northern China bred these dogs before our era, as fighting and hunting. The stiff coat and numerous folds on the skin allow the Shar Pei to get out of the teeth of the enemy and avoid serious injuries. The same purpose is served by small adjacent ears and deeply planted eyes.
These massive dogs with a lumpy body, saliva hanging from the wings, plaintively lowered eyes and huge ears look, to put it mildly, quite strange. Hard to believe, but such an absurd breed medieval monks bred for hunting.

What's the secret? It turns out that basset hounds are perfect for hunting ... rabbits. Of course, they're not agile. But they have other implicit virtues. For example, ears stretching on the ground, which form a kind of odor-enhancing corridor. Combined with an excellent sense of smell and endurance, this allows you to keep track for three days.
Large furry dogs with a bear-like head have a secret that not everyone knows about. These are the webbeds between the fingers on the paws, which, like flippers, help Newfoundlands dive and swim well.

For this, representatives of the breed are called divers and are used to rescue people on the water. Four-legged rescuers have long served on popular sea beaches of different countries. And not so given Newfoundlands began to help monitor and security on the waters of the suburbs. Thanks to strength and endurance, they are able to quickly reach the victim and have already saved more than one life.
We hope that this information about dogs will help you choose the right pet. But whatever breed you like, do not forget that “we are responsible for those who were tamed.” And more information about the superpowers of ordinary dog breeds in simple and accessible language you will find on the You-Tube channel “Toples”.
In our country, it is sinful to throw away bread, I make breadcrumbs from crusts to add them to patties.
Every year I bring home Sreten candles, the old priest taught me what to do with them.