10 Clever dog breeds.
Dogs really friends people who are able not only to faithfully look into the eyes and wagging tail, but also to work, to entertain, and even share the joy and sorrow. Since then, the dog and the man became friends, the latter brought a lot of different species - from the very small, like a Chihuahua to the largest, which is considered to Irish wolfhounds and other related breeds. Let's see what the dog is considered one of the smartest.
10. The Australian Cattle Dog. This breed is bred Australians who needed a reliable assistant to oversee the huge flocks of sheep. This breed is known for its intelligence, the ability to understand the host at a glance, easy to train. These dogs do not just drive the obedient sheep, they are able to cope with stubborn - easily biting animals, they forced them to go to where the shepherd.
The breed is derived relatively recently (19th century), and their ability are widely used today. I note that this is a very active dog and executive.
9. Rottweiler. This breed is well-known to all.
Segodnyaschney Rottweiler originated from a similar breed only those dogs were bigger, they are not docked tail, and the main purpose of the ancestors Rottweiler - cut cattle. Yes, exactly, it was the dog-killer that could cope with a cow and a bull with a large - so miners could only manage the dogs, rather than working alone.
Rottweiler today is somewhat less, but still a breed distinguished by a strong, wide skeleton, large jaw. However, these dogs are not stupid - on the contrary, their mental abilities are well known. Rottweiler sometimes work in the police force and previously the owners of these dogs trained them to carry firewood and other gravity on the markets or home. You need a quarterback? You found it.
8. Papillon. Representatives of this breed are very beautiful and smart - that's a good hybrid of modernity. Papillon has been and remains a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, many dignitaries, including kings, kept a dog of this breed.
7. Labrador Retriever. Representatives of this breed yavlyayutya very popular among people of all countries. The victorious path of the breed began with Newfoundland, Labrador retriever and now there are in almost every country of the world. They, like the Rottweiler, serve in the police - because these dogs are able to detect even small doses of drugs.
They are used as guide dogs are people blind from birth or those who have become blind because of an accident. In addition, the Labrador Retriever work as lifeguards.
6. Sheltie. Dogs of this breed have a strong similarity with the collie, but they are not. Initially Shelties also herded sheep - nowadays they continue to do it, and above all, shelties live in cities.
Shelties have very good hearing and smell, and despite its apparent decorative effect, able to protect his master.
5. Doberman Pinscher. Many believe the representatives of this breed stupid. However, it is not so - just to be trained Dobermans, otherwise you'll have uncontrollable dog who does whatever he wants. There were these dogs in 1800, when there was a need to breed, and that can defend and attack.
Train representatives of this breed is a must, otherwise they will go to mastermind a minimum outstanding tricks. Very active dogs that are able to protect its owner.
4. Golden Retriever. It has much in common with Labrador retriever, golden retriever but even smarter. These dogs are considered to be family - and so it is. Retrievers are very friendly, they like children, they grasp everything on the fly and can be trained very quickly.
There may also be lifesavers, detecting drugs work guide. By the way, retrievers are very patient.
3. German Shepherd. Actually, the German shepherd and say nothing special - and so everything is clear. Representatives of this breed starred in many films, and in some way even is the central figure.
These dogs are very capable, they can be used as a guard and as a home dog and as a police officer. Somehow, in recent years the popularity of this breed is declining - and is replaced by the many exotic breeds that are not nearly as smart as a German shepherd.
2. Poodles. Surprised? In fact, Poodles are very intelligent dogs and are able not only to have to ride a circus show tricks. Previously he served as poodles and rescuers, and observers. They are good swimmers and are able to save a drowning man. Of course, a great many poodles - have large poodles, there are small. There is even hunting poodles who hunt together owners of birds.
Larger representatives of this breed can be good defenders, so do not treat them dismissively.
1. Border Collie. Dog handlers from all over the world recognize this breed is the smartest. These dogs are not bums, they like to work. About Border Collies even say that the representatives of this breed live to work.
Very easy to exercise, friendly, fond of children. In general, it can be used anywhere - and as guards and as a nurse, and just as a home smart dog. In our country, these dogs are not so common, but their popularity is growing steadily, and it may well be that soon they will not be uncommon in the streets.

10. The Australian Cattle Dog. This breed is bred Australians who needed a reliable assistant to oversee the huge flocks of sheep. This breed is known for its intelligence, the ability to understand the host at a glance, easy to train. These dogs do not just drive the obedient sheep, they are able to cope with stubborn - easily biting animals, they forced them to go to where the shepherd.
The breed is derived relatively recently (19th century), and their ability are widely used today. I note that this is a very active dog and executive.

9. Rottweiler. This breed is well-known to all.
Segodnyaschney Rottweiler originated from a similar breed only those dogs were bigger, they are not docked tail, and the main purpose of the ancestors Rottweiler - cut cattle. Yes, exactly, it was the dog-killer that could cope with a cow and a bull with a large - so miners could only manage the dogs, rather than working alone.
Rottweiler today is somewhat less, but still a breed distinguished by a strong, wide skeleton, large jaw. However, these dogs are not stupid - on the contrary, their mental abilities are well known. Rottweiler sometimes work in the police force and previously the owners of these dogs trained them to carry firewood and other gravity on the markets or home. You need a quarterback? You found it.

8. Papillon. Representatives of this breed are very beautiful and smart - that's a good hybrid of modernity. Papillon has been and remains a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, many dignitaries, including kings, kept a dog of this breed.

7. Labrador Retriever. Representatives of this breed yavlyayutya very popular among people of all countries. The victorious path of the breed began with Newfoundland, Labrador retriever and now there are in almost every country of the world. They, like the Rottweiler, serve in the police - because these dogs are able to detect even small doses of drugs.
They are used as guide dogs are people blind from birth or those who have become blind because of an accident. In addition, the Labrador Retriever work as lifeguards.

6. Sheltie. Dogs of this breed have a strong similarity with the collie, but they are not. Initially Shelties also herded sheep - nowadays they continue to do it, and above all, shelties live in cities.
Shelties have very good hearing and smell, and despite its apparent decorative effect, able to protect his master.

5. Doberman Pinscher. Many believe the representatives of this breed stupid. However, it is not so - just to be trained Dobermans, otherwise you'll have uncontrollable dog who does whatever he wants. There were these dogs in 1800, when there was a need to breed, and that can defend and attack.
Train representatives of this breed is a must, otherwise they will go to mastermind a minimum outstanding tricks. Very active dogs that are able to protect its owner.

4. Golden Retriever. It has much in common with Labrador retriever, golden retriever but even smarter. These dogs are considered to be family - and so it is. Retrievers are very friendly, they like children, they grasp everything on the fly and can be trained very quickly.
There may also be lifesavers, detecting drugs work guide. By the way, retrievers are very patient.

3. German Shepherd. Actually, the German shepherd and say nothing special - and so everything is clear. Representatives of this breed starred in many films, and in some way even is the central figure.
These dogs are very capable, they can be used as a guard and as a home dog and as a police officer. Somehow, in recent years the popularity of this breed is declining - and is replaced by the many exotic breeds that are not nearly as smart as a German shepherd.

2. Poodles. Surprised? In fact, Poodles are very intelligent dogs and are able not only to have to ride a circus show tricks. Previously he served as poodles and rescuers, and observers. They are good swimmers and are able to save a drowning man. Of course, a great many poodles - have large poodles, there are small. There is even hunting poodles who hunt together owners of birds.
Larger representatives of this breed can be good defenders, so do not treat them dismissively.

1. Border Collie. Dog handlers from all over the world recognize this breed is the smartest. These dogs are not bums, they like to work. About Border Collies even say that the representatives of this breed live to work.
Very easy to exercise, friendly, fond of children. In general, it can be used anywhere - and as guards and as a nurse, and just as a home smart dog. In our country, these dogs are not so common, but their popularity is growing steadily, and it may well be that soon they will not be uncommon in the streets.
