The story is old, but bad looking either, or do not have it here, however:
Home stories:
Perm Hachiko five years waiting for the host near the road
Dog feed truckers and business woman has built her booth
Dog with thick gray hair and sad brown eyes lives in the field, a few hundred meters from a busy road in Nytva area for about five years. In winter field sweeps half meter layer of snow and in summer the grass grows so that the dog can not be seen. But the dog pulls his head and looks after every passing car. Watched another car, poor fellow, sadly sighing, she curled up asleep. And sometimes it is just sad clasped his head on his front paws. Dog like waiting for someone and can not wait ...
House of ladies
- The dog became our local landmark - tells us the barman roadside cafe Natalia. - Truckers, families with children, we stopped to eat, and many at the same time to buy dog food. Take pasta, belyashi, pasties. "Doggie you need to feed" - explains. We even buckets of mayonnaise longer throw. Mine them - and in the food packaging impose our Hachiko (a dog so called after the film, in which the dog 9 years waiting for his master at the station - fallen hero of Richard Gere. - Ed.).
To dog is not sleeping on the bare ground in the open field, compassionate citizens initially dragged his cardboard box. A couple of years ago there was a dog house, where you can shelter from the rain and wind. It was like this. The local sawmill woman drove a foreign car in the dark. Such ladies in the village had not yet seen: local rubber boots flaunt on the streets, and this - in high heels.
- She was in his late thirties, pretty, - says Sergey guard sawmill. - Said that the soul is torn to look at the dog, it just two days goes by on the work and feeds the dog. She asked: "Make him a booth, I'll pay!»
A week later, the order was ready.
- I was driving on the trolley booth a couple of kilometers into the field - says the guard. - For a long time watching the dog I did not dare to come to the new housing, sniffed, and then still climbed into the booth and curled up. And soon zakazchitsa I arrived ... with a bottle, but I refused. Good because it's done for the poor dog. So she told me on another occasion sweets and a packet of tea brought.
... And recently - at the end of winter - the dog was gone. We are grieving employees cafes, clutching his heart tough truckers ...
- The drivers drove past him peeping, - says Natalya bartender roadside cafe. - We are experiencing terrible, what happened to our Hachiko? And as the sun warmed and flowed drifts, we saw the poor guy sitting in the booth. Just a field with snow drifted over the winter, so it was not visible. Maybe I waited out the winter in the woods - there still is not as windy.
The owner - driver of the crashed cars ...
What kind of dog? As he came here? Why live alone? On this dog is not a local lay down a beautiful legend. On one of them, at this point, the car crashed. The driver was killed and his faithful dog sits and waits for the return beloved master. In the rain, snow and unbearable hell dog does not leave his seat.
Check this legend we went to the traffic police Nytvensky. Magazines, which record all accidents that occurred in the area, is stored in the inspection three years, and the dog appeared in the field five years ago. But inspectors have like:
- It seems that those long-standing magazines, what you need, somewhere here, how many times do we want to remove them from the mezzanine to check if it was true that the dog's owner crashed in an accident - Major stands on a stool near the cabinet. - Turn in the hallway let a little wait, after all, the sort of thing: track down the owner of our dogs ... Among the paper deposits, we dug up the same dusty magazine, where an accident is recorded for 2005 - 2006 years.
- During these two years at this place it was not a single fatal accident - traffic cops, half an hour flipping magazine finally looks up. - A dog that we know well, we go past constantly. In winter, it happened many times: his booth sweep the snow, and he digs out hole, sits down on the snowpack, and next to it the crows arrive and line up in a row - like a dog "divorce" holds. Sometimes even regret that no camera with him. Only now know that dog is waiting and where it came from, how it is now possible?
... Or dead mushroom?
Inspectors told us that the appearance of this place Hachiko goes another legend, saying that her boss went looking for mushrooms in the woods. There pensioner suffered a heart attack, he was taken to hospital, but doctors could not help anything older person. He died, and the dog still waiting.
We go to a local hospital. But doctors shrug:
- Since then, much water has flowed ... And every day we have new patients ... I do not remember the mushroom picker with a dog.
After checking these legends, we even almost did not find the owners of the dog.
- We thought it escaped our Bim - admitted Zoe Pacino, a resident of the nearby village Ruffs. - Kind, cheerful, playful dog. Artemka her grandson did not leave - the best companions. Then Bim left us, right in the New Year's Eve ... We then have fun celebrating. The thunder of firecrackers could be heard throughout the village ... Bim evidently frightened - and fled. Previously let him go for a walk - always comes back, and then no, no ...
The hosts of the night did not sleep, went to the village, they asked, did not see anyone? And then we find out that dog lives near the road.
- We went there - says Zoe Pacino. - With the goodies came to the booth - path from the road to a dog shelter trodden indifferent truckers. Artemka he called "Bim Bim!". But the dog ran away into the forest - it is absolutely wild over the years of loneliness something. But we are well spotted. Beam to shepherd was more like, black with red, and the dog - a gray-white color.
Let's find together the owners Hachiko!
... So living a lonely dog in a field. We looked at a dog shelter: floor booth generously filled with dry straw, the roof littered with polyethylene, it is clear that the dog does not forget to take care. Nearby - a basin filled with rain water.
But, alas, we never managed to find out that the tragedy took place with the owner of the dog Hachiko and why he settled beside the road.
Posted in [mergetime] 1309833809 [/ mergetime]
Now isolation:
Now only I saw on TV (channel word for the END Num, gugling results Neda, so tell myself) that the owner of this little dog found it 5 years ago had gone abroad and could not take it with you. Thanks to the good people who told him about the fate of his pet, he decided to come and get him to come. Another of information at the moment, something will be supplemented. Well, you YaPovtsy than able to help with the search result of this situation.
Home stories:
Perm Hachiko five years waiting for the host near the road
Dog feed truckers and business woman has built her booth

Dog with thick gray hair and sad brown eyes lives in the field, a few hundred meters from a busy road in Nytva area for about five years. In winter field sweeps half meter layer of snow and in summer the grass grows so that the dog can not be seen. But the dog pulls his head and looks after every passing car. Watched another car, poor fellow, sadly sighing, she curled up asleep. And sometimes it is just sad clasped his head on his front paws. Dog like waiting for someone and can not wait ...
House of ladies
- The dog became our local landmark - tells us the barman roadside cafe Natalia. - Truckers, families with children, we stopped to eat, and many at the same time to buy dog food. Take pasta, belyashi, pasties. "Doggie you need to feed" - explains. We even buckets of mayonnaise longer throw. Mine them - and in the food packaging impose our Hachiko (a dog so called after the film, in which the dog 9 years waiting for his master at the station - fallen hero of Richard Gere. - Ed.).
To dog is not sleeping on the bare ground in the open field, compassionate citizens initially dragged his cardboard box. A couple of years ago there was a dog house, where you can shelter from the rain and wind. It was like this. The local sawmill woman drove a foreign car in the dark. Such ladies in the village had not yet seen: local rubber boots flaunt on the streets, and this - in high heels.
- She was in his late thirties, pretty, - says Sergey guard sawmill. - Said that the soul is torn to look at the dog, it just two days goes by on the work and feeds the dog. She asked: "Make him a booth, I'll pay!»
A week later, the order was ready.
- I was driving on the trolley booth a couple of kilometers into the field - says the guard. - For a long time watching the dog I did not dare to come to the new housing, sniffed, and then still climbed into the booth and curled up. And soon zakazchitsa I arrived ... with a bottle, but I refused. Good because it's done for the poor dog. So she told me on another occasion sweets and a packet of tea brought.
... And recently - at the end of winter - the dog was gone. We are grieving employees cafes, clutching his heart tough truckers ...
- The drivers drove past him peeping, - says Natalya bartender roadside cafe. - We are experiencing terrible, what happened to our Hachiko? And as the sun warmed and flowed drifts, we saw the poor guy sitting in the booth. Just a field with snow drifted over the winter, so it was not visible. Maybe I waited out the winter in the woods - there still is not as windy.
The owner - driver of the crashed cars ...
What kind of dog? As he came here? Why live alone? On this dog is not a local lay down a beautiful legend. On one of them, at this point, the car crashed. The driver was killed and his faithful dog sits and waits for the return beloved master. In the rain, snow and unbearable hell dog does not leave his seat.
Check this legend we went to the traffic police Nytvensky. Magazines, which record all accidents that occurred in the area, is stored in the inspection three years, and the dog appeared in the field five years ago. But inspectors have like:
- It seems that those long-standing magazines, what you need, somewhere here, how many times do we want to remove them from the mezzanine to check if it was true that the dog's owner crashed in an accident - Major stands on a stool near the cabinet. - Turn in the hallway let a little wait, after all, the sort of thing: track down the owner of our dogs ... Among the paper deposits, we dug up the same dusty magazine, where an accident is recorded for 2005 - 2006 years.
- During these two years at this place it was not a single fatal accident - traffic cops, half an hour flipping magazine finally looks up. - A dog that we know well, we go past constantly. In winter, it happened many times: his booth sweep the snow, and he digs out hole, sits down on the snowpack, and next to it the crows arrive and line up in a row - like a dog "divorce" holds. Sometimes even regret that no camera with him. Only now know that dog is waiting and where it came from, how it is now possible?
... Or dead mushroom?
Inspectors told us that the appearance of this place Hachiko goes another legend, saying that her boss went looking for mushrooms in the woods. There pensioner suffered a heart attack, he was taken to hospital, but doctors could not help anything older person. He died, and the dog still waiting.
We go to a local hospital. But doctors shrug:
- Since then, much water has flowed ... And every day we have new patients ... I do not remember the mushroom picker with a dog.
After checking these legends, we even almost did not find the owners of the dog.
- We thought it escaped our Bim - admitted Zoe Pacino, a resident of the nearby village Ruffs. - Kind, cheerful, playful dog. Artemka her grandson did not leave - the best companions. Then Bim left us, right in the New Year's Eve ... We then have fun celebrating. The thunder of firecrackers could be heard throughout the village ... Bim evidently frightened - and fled. Previously let him go for a walk - always comes back, and then no, no ...
The hosts of the night did not sleep, went to the village, they asked, did not see anyone? And then we find out that dog lives near the road.
- We went there - says Zoe Pacino. - With the goodies came to the booth - path from the road to a dog shelter trodden indifferent truckers. Artemka he called "Bim Bim!". But the dog ran away into the forest - it is absolutely wild over the years of loneliness something. But we are well spotted. Beam to shepherd was more like, black with red, and the dog - a gray-white color.
Let's find together the owners Hachiko!
... So living a lonely dog in a field. We looked at a dog shelter: floor booth generously filled with dry straw, the roof littered with polyethylene, it is clear that the dog does not forget to take care. Nearby - a basin filled with rain water.
But, alas, we never managed to find out that the tragedy took place with the owner of the dog Hachiko and why he settled beside the road.
Posted in [mergetime] 1309833809 [/ mergetime]
Now isolation:
Now only I saw on TV (channel word for the END Num, gugling results Neda, so tell myself) that the owner of this little dog found it 5 years ago had gone abroad and could not take it with you. Thanks to the good people who told him about the fate of his pet, he decided to come and get him to come. Another of information at the moment, something will be supplemented. Well, you YaPovtsy than able to help with the search result of this situation.