Who was the man that does not understand ... 25 heroes who dared to accompany women shopping.
"Who was the man that does not understand" - that such a thought all the stronger sex with women go shopping in the store. If lovely ladies walk along the boutiques - a real outlet, relaxation, therapy and even a hobby, something for men is a real torture, comparable to the torments during the Inquisition. It is we, the representatives of the fair sex, can spend hours hanging around in malls, wandering in the maze of shops, stalls, showrooms, asking the price, trying to hunt for discounts (called the people "zyring" has long been a favorite pastime of many women). This guy for a long time to wander the shops obviously do not like: as a rule, going on shopping, they know exactly what they want and where to buy it.
Today brought to you an amazing collection of photographs of men who despaired at the big step and tried to go with her for shopping lovers. Looking at them, you realize that tantalizing than torture these poor things just flowers ...
He did not wait for discounts ...
Yoga charge here does not hurt.
Because life - the pain ...
I do not sleep, no, I thought!
Master of Disguise, the level of God.
Sleep, my darling, go to sleep ...
B - hopelessness.
Yes, dear, you are madly in this film ... that is a suit!
I think those ten pairs of shoes were back at the time ...
An important meeting of the Board of Directors.
I hope I've got no one sees ...
Well, all the boutiques have already passed, mother?
It was the third day of the fitting, he survived as he could ...
Happiness sleeps - it is tired!
This is probably their last trip to the store with underwear.
painting by an unknown artist, "The man who could».
In any unclear situation, the main thing - to have time to play dead ...
The soldier sleeps - go shopping ...
do-it-ka I test drive this bed ...
So what does "sleeps like a baby».
Wait until the fern blossom, in my opinion, more likely ...
The main thing - to make a smart appearance.
The Buddha never dreamed of such enlightenment.
Bench waiting ...
Eyes closed, bye-bye.
Oh, one scream with these guys! It seems that in those moments they would have given everything in the world to finally get out of the damn store, that is, to break free. Women, before you go shopping with a man, think three times whether he will stand this test. A well-weigh whether you need in this case the company or the man simply acts as a stand for bags and packages, bodyguard or vehicle. Good joint campaigns in your store!
He laughed heartily at these lame duck? Show a selection of friends, have some fun, too, though.
via ofigenno ru
Today brought to you an amazing collection of photographs of men who despaired at the big step and tried to go with her for shopping lovers. Looking at them, you realize that tantalizing than torture these poor things just flowers ...
He did not wait for discounts ...

Yoga charge here does not hurt.

Because life - the pain ...

I do not sleep, no, I thought!

Master of Disguise, the level of God.

Sleep, my darling, go to sleep ...

B - hopelessness.

Yes, dear, you are madly in this film ... that is a suit!

I think those ten pairs of shoes were back at the time ...

An important meeting of the Board of Directors.

I hope I've got no one sees ...

Well, all the boutiques have already passed, mother?

It was the third day of the fitting, he survived as he could ...

Happiness sleeps - it is tired!

This is probably their last trip to the store with underwear.

painting by an unknown artist, "The man who could».

In any unclear situation, the main thing - to have time to play dead ...

The soldier sleeps - go shopping ...

do-it-ka I test drive this bed ...

So what does "sleeps like a baby».

Wait until the fern blossom, in my opinion, more likely ...

The main thing - to make a smart appearance.

The Buddha never dreamed of such enlightenment.

Bench waiting ...

Eyes closed, bye-bye.

Oh, one scream with these guys! It seems that in those moments they would have given everything in the world to finally get out of the damn store, that is, to break free. Women, before you go shopping with a man, think three times whether he will stand this test. A well-weigh whether you need in this case the company or the man simply acts as a stand for bags and packages, bodyguard or vehicle. Good joint campaigns in your store!
He laughed heartily at these lame duck? Show a selection of friends, have some fun, too, though.
via ofigenno ru
18 coolest moms who did not stop even pregnancy. They will give odds to anyone!
Above this ugly cat mocked the whole court. However, he gave the offenders more ...