The family treasury is melting, but I buy only farm products, there are proven suppliers on the market.

“We are what we eat” is an ancient statement that dates back to ancient Greece. Indeed, a lot depends on the quality of products. City supermarkets are just littered with goods for any wallet, but our man still prefers farm-food. It's just a pity the price tag is pretty biting.

But are they as good as they are supposed to be? Previously, it was also believed that the animal, caught on the hunt, is much healthier and tastier than any domestic pig or cow. Then they tasted it and realized they were wrong. Perhaps supermarkets have long learned to supply quality products, but we still have not noticed? There must be some reason for their eternal price.

In fact, farm products can be called products grown in the most favorable, ecological and natural conditions. No chemical additives, no growth accelerators and special feeds. Natural product as it is.

But it's a little more complicated. For example, a grandmother or even a family living in a village. They can also sell their products under the guise of “farm.” And indeed, all work with them was carried out manually, vegetables were not treated with pesticides, and meat does not contain a trace of hormones. What could go wrong?

A lot of things. Quality of processing, conditions of detention and so on and so forth. Grandma can handle her small bed with all her love, but what good is it if there is a dangerous tire recycling plant nearby? Or here is a family that feeds its poultry only selected grain, decided to treat the carcass “grandfather” method. Dip it in hot tar for a few seconds, then in cold water and just removes the sticky feathers. Is it natural enough? Who knows him?

Again, there are unclean "farmers" who will collect milk from all over the village and make homemade cheese from it. And who there dilutes their milk or even sells dirty, do not care. This is the product of mysterious quality, but under the brand name "farmer". But this is a small wholesale, and it is difficult to control it.

Farmers, on the other hand, are more open to scrutiny. Their products can always be bought at various exhibitions or even in specialized stores. The vast majority of them sell really high-quality local goods. Another thing is that the price may be slightly higher than we would like.

Of course, there is no dispute about taste. But statistically, farm products are increasingly being praised. And the purchased fat with meat from farmers taste better. And vegetables and fruits cost longer. And so on and so forth. However, in fact, it is not clear how to explain this.

For example, apples and cherries in their natural form can not be attractive as from the picture. In this case, the worm is an indicator that the product is high-quality and it contains a lot of useful and natural trace elements. But that's the human thing. Head we understand this, and products for the table should still be as pleasant as possible for the eyes. Nothing can be done.

Many complain that farm products are quite different in taste, even from each other. For example, you can order homemade milk from one farmer for several months, and then switch to the same homemade milk from another. And it turns out that different cows give different tastes of milk. Although they will graze in the same meadow.

Just the product does not pass pasteurization, and all taste nuances immediately surface. In comparison, it is like refined and unrefined oil. In the first version, everything superfluous was removed, but with it the natural taste and aroma went away. In the second option, everything remained as it is. But no one uses this oil for frying.

The standard price of farm products is on average 30% higher than its supermarket counterparts. This is explained by several factors.

Volumes Farm products are much lower than those of mass retailers. Accordingly, the margin will be smaller. Logistics It also fails. If large suppliers have all the arrangements in place for years, farm products often change locations.

Farmers who do not use chemicals are also much more likely to risk Lose your crop. And we have to do something about it. So the price increase here also serves as a kind of insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances. Yeah, degree. automation Farmers are much worse off than their counterparts. So everything goes slower and not so confident.

At the end of the day, the end customer pays for everything. And then only he decides which option he chooses: natural, but more expensive or not so useful, but with the usual taste, standard price and walking distance. For many, the loss of extra time today is a significant reason to give up going to the store. Even if there's a delivery, at least it won't take your hour off. The choice is yours.


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