How to make cold sauce for salads
This article will please all lovers of mayonnaise. Someone openly admits to warm feelings for this famous cold sauce, someone hides them. But when the salad is already cut, and the weather is unflying outside, no one can resist the temptation to prepare homemade mayonnaise.
They are run by salads, dumplings and borscht, in it marinated kebabs and baked meat, it is added to all kinds of snacks, minced meat and pastry dough for cakes.
Despite the high calorie content, mayonnaise from eggs and vegetable oil can hardly be called a harmful product, but due to the abundance of artificial additives, its store version has gained dubious fame.
"Site" Offers to prepare homemade mayonnaise - only a natural, more tasty and delicate version of the sauce familiar to all.
How to make mayonnaise at home Unfortunately, sometimes mayonnaise does not work. It seems to be a recipe, and the result is not the same.
6 rules
Home Provencal
In the Soviet Union, table mayonnaise was produced under the name "Provençal", had a fat content of 67% and the only preservative in its composition - alcohol vinegar.
After forty years, a two-hundred-gram glass jar and a strict mother’s jar pop up in memory: “Don’t touch it, it’s for the New Year!”
The ingredients
Mayonnaise with vinegar without mustard
The ingredients
Mayonnaise on milk without eggs
The ingredients
Mayonnaise with sour cream and boiled yolks
The ingredients
Mayonnaise with flax seeds
Flaxmeal mayonnaise It does not contain eggs, it will be slightly darker in color than the store, but much tastier and healthier.
You can replace yolks not only with flax flour. We previously shared a recipe for mayonnaise from applesauce. This sauce is much easier than classical mayonnaise, but not inferior to his taste.
Replacement of eggs in many dishes can also serve as aquafaba (water obtained by boiling beans, peas and beans). It forms a foam very similar to the foam of egg whites.
The ingredients
Ready home mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container for no more than 4-5 days, and not 2 months, like a store with preservatives. When heated, it due to the lack of artificial emulsifiers disintegrates or stratifies, so it can not be used in hot dishes.

They are run by salads, dumplings and borscht, in it marinated kebabs and baked meat, it is added to all kinds of snacks, minced meat and pastry dough for cakes.
Despite the high calorie content, mayonnaise from eggs and vegetable oil can hardly be called a harmful product, but due to the abundance of artificial additives, its store version has gained dubious fame.

"Site" Offers to prepare homemade mayonnaise - only a natural, more tasty and delicate version of the sauce familiar to all.
How to make mayonnaise at home Unfortunately, sometimes mayonnaise does not work. It seems to be a recipe, and the result is not the same.
6 rules
- Egg preparation
To whip all the ingredients into a consistent homogeneous mass, they must be at room temperature. Therefore, eggs and other foods should be removed from the refrigerator in at least 30 minutes. - Choice of butter
It is better to prepare mayonnaise in sunflower oil or on a mixture of olive and sunflower. If you use only olive oil, especially extra virgin, the sauce will be bitter. - How to whip
To beat me personally is more convenient with a submersible blender (a mixer I never managed). Do this at maximum speed, cover the yolk with a nozzle and press it to the bottom until the formation of a white mass.
Whip without lifting the blender, 40 seconds. When the emulsion catches, start moving the blender up and down, adding small portions of oil to the egg, and whip another 20–30 seconds so that the ingredients mix evenly. - If the sauce doesn't thicken
If you add a little more oil than indicated in the recipe, mayonnaise will get thicker. The same way you can save the sauce, if the mass does not become thick when whipped. - What to do with mayonnaise that didn’t work out
Do not rush to throw out mayonnaise if it has not thickened. Set aside the container with failed mayonnaise for 1.5-2 hours.
During this time, there will be a stratification of the egg and oil. Now carefully lower the head of the blender to the bottom of the container and whip without lifting until the mayonnaise begins to thicken. If the mayonnaise is too thick, dilute it with a small amount of cold boiled water.
Home Provencal

In the Soviet Union, table mayonnaise was produced under the name "Provençal", had a fat content of 67% and the only preservative in its composition - alcohol vinegar.

After forty years, a two-hundred-gram glass jar and a strict mother’s jar pop up in memory: “Don’t touch it, it’s for the New Year!”
The ingredients
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 0.5 tbsp sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/3 tsp salt
- 1 tsp Russian mustard
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- Pour oil into the mayonnaise container, break the egg, keeping the whole yolk.
- Add mustard, salt and sugar.
- With a submersible blender, beat the ingredients to uniformity.
- When mayonnaise acquires the desired consistency and thickens enough, pour lemon juice and beat again.
- Experienced housewives can prepare mayonnaise and with the help of a corolla. But the blender greatly facilitates and speeds up the process.
Mayonnaise with vinegar without mustard

The ingredients
- 2 egg yolks
- 0.5 tsp salt
- 0.5 tsp sugar
- 0.5 tsp 9% vinegar
- 150 ml of vegetable oil
- Put the yolks in a glass of blender. Add salt, sugar and vinegar.
- Pour the oil, lower the blender nozzle to the bottom of the container and whip the mass for about 3 minutes.
- When the sauce starts to thicken, move the blender up and down.
Mayonnaise on milk without eggs

The ingredients
- 150 ml of milk
- 300 ml of vegetable oil
- 2-3 tsp mustard
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 0.5 tsp salt
- Pour the milk and butter into a glass of a submersible blender.
- Beat the mixture for 30 seconds until you get a thick mass.
- Add mustard, lemon juice and keep whipping until uniform.
- Mayonnaise on milk ready, good appetite!
Mayonnaise with sour cream and boiled yolks

The ingredients
- 4 large chicken eggs
- 1.5 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 400 ml of vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp 9% vinegar
- 2 tsp Russian mustard
- Put your eggs in a pan, pour cold water. After boiling, add a teaspoon of salt and cook for 10 minutes.
- After this time, put the eggs in cold water and let them cool.
- Separate the yolks from the proteins.
- Pour the yolks into the blender bowl. Add the remaining salt and sugar, rub everything with a fork until a homogeneous mass.
- Pour half the vegetable oil to the eggs and whip it at maximum speed.
- When the mixture begins to turn into mayonnaise, turn off the blender, pour vinegar, stir.
- Whip at high speed, pouring a thin stream of oil. At the end, add mustard and stir it again with a spoon.
- Put the mayonnaise in a food container and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour to infuse.
- Store mayonnaise Better not more than two days and only in the refrigerator.
- Bon appetit!
Mayonnaise with flax seeds

Flaxmeal mayonnaise It does not contain eggs, it will be slightly darker in color than the store, but much tastier and healthier.
You can replace yolks not only with flax flour. We previously shared a recipe for mayonnaise from applesauce. This sauce is much easier than classical mayonnaise, but not inferior to his taste.
Replacement of eggs in many dishes can also serve as aquafaba (water obtained by boiling beans, peas and beans). It forms a foam very similar to the foam of egg whites.
The ingredients
- 2 tbsp flax flour
- 60 ml of water
- 125 ml of vegetable oil
- 1-2 tsp mustard
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- salt and sugar (to taste)
- Make flax flour. To do this, grind flax seeds with a coffee grinder or blender.
- Pour the flax flour with water. Then place the pan with this mixture on a slow fire, heat, stirring constantly until it thickens.
- Then leave to cool to room temperature.
- Add some sugar and salt and whip in a blender, gradually infusing vegetable oil. Do not add more than 1 tbsp of oil at a time.
- When the mixture becomes creamy, add lemon juice and mustard.
Ready home mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container for no more than 4-5 days, and not 2 months, like a store with preservatives. When heated, it due to the lack of artificial emulsifiers disintegrates or stratifies, so it can not be used in hot dishes.
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