Dietary mayonnaise at home

The human diet needs to include only the most useful products – there are no excessively high-calorie sauces. How to prepare diet mayonnaise at home, what foods can go in it.
Mayonnaise without oil Recipe diet homemade mayonnaise may well eliminate the main source of calories – vegetable oil (100 g of fat contains about 900 kcal). So, in order to cook is really a diet sauce, take a boiled egg yolk (1 piece), about 1 tsp. mustard, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Mash the yolks, add mustard and RUB well on them. Then small portions add the liquid curd and whisk until completely smooth. Salt and season the sauce to taste.
Mayonnaise with yogurt, Take thick yogurt without toppings (150 ml) and whisk it with 1-2 tsp of mustard. Then add the chopped greens (the number of define yourself). Spice up, salt and beat well.
Mayonnaise of sour cream For the sauce, take refined vegetable oil (80 ml) and low-fat sour cream (requires 250 g of this product). To flavor use honey, 0.5 tsp of mustard and the juice of a lemon (about 1 tbsp). Also, take salt, turmeric, ground pepper and 1 tsp of Apple cider vinegar.
Combine sour cream with lemon juice, leave for 15 minutes. Then add spices, honey, Apple cider vinegar and mustard. Whisking the mixture with a whisk, a thin stream pour in the oil. The sauce is ready put in the refrigerator.
Mayonnaise cottage cheese to make the sauce, use cottage cheese and yoghurt (200 g), mustard (1-2 tsp.), boiled egg yolks – 4 PCs.
Mash the yolks, add cheese, and yogurt. Don't forget to put mustard and salt. Sauce beat well. If you want to add during cooking, 1 tsp of lemon juice.
Mayonnaise from yogurt What foods needed to prepare the sauce? Take the yogurt at room temperature (100-150 ml), olive oil (300 ml), mustard (1-2 tbsp). You will also need the yolks (2-3 PCs.), lemon juice (1-2 tbsp), sugar and salt (a pinch).
Whisk blender yogurt (enough minutes). Add whipped with salt, sugar and lemon juice over the yolks. Continuing to whisk, slowly pour in the oil.
Mayonnaise without the addition of eggs This recipe is extremely simple. Whisk 100 ml yoghurt and 100 ml of sour cream with 2 tsp. of mustard. Finely chop the herbs (oregano, Basil). Add to the sauce and whisk. Salt and use seasonings to taste.
Mayo Dukano to prepare mayonnaise, which can be consumed in the diet Ducane, take boiled yolks (2 PCs.), 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 tsp of mustard. Also you'll need cottage cheese and yogurt (3 tbsp). To flavor the sauce, use a sugar substitute, a pinch of salt, pepper.
The curd is processed with a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass, sequentially add the pounded yolks, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice, pepper, sweetener and salt. Whisk the sauce for 5-10 minutes, then send in the refrigerator.
Dietary mayonnaise at home is easy to cook. Many of those who have tried the above recipes, claim that dietary the sauce tastier industrial mayonnaise.published
Source: updiet.info/
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