How to prepare cosinacs from pearl cereals

Useful and affordable barley, many of us, unfortunately, undeservedly neglected. Meanwhile, from pearl cereals you can prepare a beautiful delicacy that will allow you to look at it from a rather unexpected side.

Of course, you have tried sunflower seeds or walnuts. And did you know that you can cook crispy sweets from barley? "Site" He'll tell you how to do it.

How to Make Cosinack Ingredients
  • 1 tbsp pearl cereal
  • 90g sugar
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • parchment

  1. Wash the pearl cereal, throw it on the coop and let the water run.

  2. Put it on the pan and let it dry. By the way, with roasting pearl cereal begins another unusual recipe. Fried barley with vegetables with pleasure eat even those who do not tolerate the usual pearl porridge.
  3. Add vegetable oil and roast for 10 minutes, stirring constantly until the barley is soft and tastes like unopened popcorn. You can mix barley and part of sunflower or sesame seeds.

  4. Separately mix sugar, honey and lemon juice.
  5. Send to the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves, but don't let it burn.
  6. Pour the resulting syrup into the dried barley. Stir it to uniformity.

  7. Lay barley in a thin layer on the prepared parchment or in the form. Straighten it with a spatula and level the edges, pressing the parchment with your palm.

  8. Let it cool down a little and apply a knife to the lines, which will then be convenient to break.
  9. Put it away. barley in the refrigerator until it freezes completely.
  10. Break a piece and eat.

  11. Bon appetit!

It should be noted that the home pearly They are softer than purchased seeds. Crunch the whole family with pleasure, teeth and fillings intact.


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