Crispy kozinaki seeds with banana
I offer to cook tasty and healthy sweetness - home crispy kozinaki of sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. The traditional Eastern dessert - kozinaki, usually made from seeds coated with sugar syrup or caramel. My kozinaki same recipe does not contain sugar, and therefore completely harmless to teeth and pieces of sweet :) As part of my preparation variant kozinaki used banana puree. Bananas choose more sweet and ripe.
I cook such kozinaki dehydrator - a dryer designed for drying vegetables and herbs. fungi, etc. Such kozinaki can dry in the oven, if not dehydrator. In this case, you need to put the most basic fire and slightly open the oven door. Dry until crisp condition.
Recipe kozinaki
For the preparation of delicious home kozinaki need to take:
4 ripe banana;
½ cup peeled sunflower seeds;
2 tbsp. tablespoons of flaxseed;
sesame seeds half a cup.
Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds washed with water, dry. Flaxseed pour 4 tbsp. clean spoons water and let to swell for 30 minutes. In blendernuyu bowl bananas and download soaked flax (formed with jelly). Grind in a blender with bananas linseed. Connect in a bowl with sesame seeds and pyurirovannoy weight. Mix well. Taste and, if you're not sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
On the dryer sheets, parchment laid by baking dish, spread with a spoon to kozinaki mass in the form of lozenges or rectangles. It should not be too thick, smeared easily. Dry at 40 degrees on both sides until completely dry (10-12 hours). Ready kozinaki obtained an incredibly tasty and healthy. A great alternative to the usual cookies and candy. The recipe will be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians, raw foodists, fasting, losing weight and just fans of a healthy lifestyle.