Yoga for the soul

YOGA FOR the SOUL is a small, but very important exercises, collected me on the basis of Ericksonian coaching and Gestalt therapy. I believe that combined and integrated all of this – will be most effective for you. The process of filling and changing yourself from the inside out leads to a natural change from the outside. Each of these exercises appears only in your personal experience. Not so it is important to understand how to live and to try.
UPR 1. “what I want right now?”
Often we habitually block our desires, or persistently avoid something in my life. Unconsciously, automatically spending a lot of effort to prevent something closer.
Anxiety, fear, anxiety, boredom, confusion is the markers are locked, not sozdavaemyh desires.
So what do you want right now? When you read this article, look thoughtfully at the photo... allot in one direction to look?
What do you feel like right now?
Today, tomorrow stop asking yourself the question: “What do I want now? What I feel now, really?” Just lock this feeling and desire. Pull it to the surface. Be aware. Make visible to themselves.
UPR 2. ”what I hear, see, feel now?”
Objective: to Learn how to engage in the world. And off too.
For the most part we are in a state of “off”.
Our emotions off. We are immersed in your thoughts or focused on performing a specific task. Many of us don't even notice if something changed in space. In our minds the world is a frozen picture – like the one we remember him. We orientirueshsya in the world because what is happening now, according to the map created in our head. Prints of past events, footage of familiar places, the familiar catalogue of the senses, drawn images of people. Once photographed the space, we prefer to use these photos in the future. We orientirueshsya not in the real world, and our ideas about it.
What you see now?
Straight ahead, in the distance, around? See how if you look at it for the first time. Relive, refresh the picture.))) Spend a few minutes to look at everything. Get pleasure from the act of viewing. You will feel it for sure))
Do not build now narrative structures: “I see a house, branches of swaying trees...” Just turn your channel viewing.))
What do you hear now?
Listen. Wasn't that great? How many sounds, and the brain tries to identify each... Unfamiliar sounds trigger the question – “what is it?”
What you are feeling right now :
What you experience sensations in the body? For example, the heat in the back, feet feeling the soft pile of the carpet, tingling in the nose..
What emotions do you feel? For example, serenity, peace, sadness..
Try to engage in the world at least 5 minutes and you will see how how enriched your experience!
The world exists regardless of whether you see it or not, with or without you. As your dormant TV screen does not affect the operation of the television.
It's just YOUR choice.
It is important to understand that in each moment we can choose – in what condition to be. To be included in the world or be very far away from him.
Both States “on” and “off” are important.
If you sit in the dentist chair, it is comfortable to be, his thoughts far away from this place, rather than focusing on smells, sounds and sensations.))
But often, we take out ourselves from the world and my own feelings an impenetrable filter through which it is very difficult to adequately perceive the world.
UPR. 3. feel inside
We have three zones of awareness of the world: “Internal”, “external” and “average”. Thanks to the awareness of what is happening in these areas, we understand what is happening with us and with the world now. We “feel” the world.
The inner zone is what lies within us – “under the skin”.
The outer zone is occurring outside our skin.
And the middle zone is a world of imaginations, plans, thoughts, memories.
If what you feel can feel only you are “internal”; if it can feel now and other people, perhaps this “outer zone”.
Focus now on the “inner zone”.
Look inside. What do you feel right now?
Relive every piece of his body. Feel the top of his head, face, eyes, neck, throat, shoulders, the feeling in the pile and back. Walk internal scanner on.
Feel the warmth of the palms. What you feel in your hands? Possible, tingling or heat. Go down the body down. Not missing a millimeter of her body.Revive yourself from the inside out. Feet feel the floor or the surface of the insole of the sneaker. Feel your skin as a single surface, which connects you to the world. Feel how you breathe at the same time, what happens to your breathing..
What do you think? How do you feel now?
UPR 4. to see the world through the eyes of a child. We have three zones of awareness of the world “Internal”, “external” and “average”. Thanks to the awareness of what is happening in these areas, we understand what is happening with us and with the world now.
The inner zone is what lies within us – “under the skin”.
The outer zone is occurring outside our skin.
And the middle zone is a world of imaginations, plans, thoughts, memories.
If what you feel can feel only you are “internal”; if it can feel, and now other people, it is the “external zone”.
It sounds strange, but most of the time we see not the world itself but a picture of him. We would look but not see. We are preoccupied by the analysis; very rarely, indeed, contact with the world. With this “outer zone”.
The child sees the world for the first time, it has no perennial Luggage judgments and perceptions that we have. It only creates his painting.
Ambush in the fact that the world changes all the time, and we orientirueshsya on your pictures. Most often we are in the “middle zone” – the thoughts, plans and analysis. And the world outside and the world inside is not realized, floats unnoticed.
Consider the objects around you right now. Saying to yourself “I realize...”
For example, I'm aware the shadows on the curtains, the branches of vines for the window... I'm aware of the chirping of birds outside the window and the distant voices of people.
Pronunciation of the inside of what you see, hear and anihilate” will allow you some time to escape from the space analysis and log-in its pure awareness.
So, What you realize right now? published
Author: Irina Dubova
Source: dybova.ru/joga-dlya-dushi/