The amazing power of spring buds to boost your health

To improve health and strengthen the body!
1. Very good lilac kidneys.
This is an excellent anti-diabetic drug. They contain a lot of tannins and bioflavonoids. It is believed that just chewing a few lilac buds will significantly improve digestion.
2. A well-known phytotherapeutic agent is birch kidneys.
They are included in many fees for the treatment of the stomach, joints, and oncological diseases.
3. Cherry buds treat the thyroid gland.
If someone has a garden, it is helpful to come in and eat a kidney or two from time to time.
4. The kidneys of all conifers are useful for bronchopulmonary diseases.
Children from small pine cones, from the kidneys, can cook jam. Just pour them with syrup, boil them, the children will like it. Such jam is good for coughing.
5. One of the most interesting recipes.
Everyone who has a garden cuts apple trees. There are a lot of branches left, and most often we throw them away. And it turns out that if the kidneys are stripped together with small twigs and then pour them with oil, a little boiled and strained, then you get an ointment that is rubbed into whiskey with headaches, and children - if they speak poorly or have strong fears. This is especially useful for girls, because the apple tree is a purely female plant. To prepare the ointment, you can take about 100 grams of kidneys per 200 grams of butter.
6. Poplar kidneys are particularly valuable.
They work as propolis and treat a lot of male diseases (in particular prostatitis). 100 grams of kidneys along with small twigs need to pour vodka, insist on a new moon for 14 days, then drink 10-15 drops a day, the main thing is not half a cup.
7. For vessels, the kidneys of rosehip, hawthorn, black ash are very useful.
This does not mean that we approach a tree and eat all its kidneys like rabbits. Just eat a couple of kidneys. Recommendations for vessels are also relevant for people with visual impairments.
8. In the spring, currant is also cut off, and this is a good anti-allergic remedy, it puts all body systems in order.
9. The kidneys can be chewed fresh, or you can brew like tea. In order for the kidneys to have time to give water nutrients, they need to infuse only 5 minutes.
10. On walks, rip and eat 1-2 kidneys of different trees. All of them have a positive effect on the body as a whole. The main thing is not to overdo it, and if you are not sick, then do not get carried away with one thing.
Source: www.pervorod.ru/blogs/eto-interesno/sila-vesennih-pochek