Kidney infection: symptoms and treatment
Kidney infection is very painful and unfortunately, common disease. How to recognize and prevent it?
Ninety million seven hundred forty two thousand three hundred ninety two
Kidney infection – unfortunately, one of the most common diseases of the urinary system. It usually shows up as pain in the abdomen, pelvis and back. If this has happened to you or your loved ones, then you already know how painful and problematic, so in our article we want to tell you about why there is a kidney infection and how to cope with it.
How to recognize a kidney infection?Disease of one or even both kidneys are usually starts as the result of being in this body harmful bacteria, they cause inflammation and disrupt the natural work of the kidneys. In addition, kidney inflammation affects the organs of the urinary tract. So remember: change the color and/or consistency of urine and pain when urinating – these are the first symptoms of kidney disease! So, now we will elaborate on the reasons for the symptoms of kidney infections.
The causes of kidney infection:
In our article we will tell you about which natural remedies of folk medicine will help to ease the pain, restore the kidneys and speed up the recovery. They are not drugs by themselves, but will serve as an excellent addition to the main course of treatment that will be prescribed by a doctor.
1. Teaspoon of baking soda a day.Baking soda is a very simple but effective way to relieve pain in the kidneys.You just need times a day after meals drink a glass of water add a teaspoon of baking soda.
“What is so useful soda for the kidneys?” you can ask. The fact that it facilitates the kidneys, they exercise a filter function, cleanses the kidneys and promotes excretion of toxins. And all this will benefit kidney infections. So take note: just one teaspoonful of soda in a day!
2. Drink more water Surely you know that drinking water is the key to the health of our body. Experts recommend to drink at least 2 litres of water a day. Please note: we are not talking about any liquid, namely, clean drinking water, because juices and carbonated drinks contain preservatives and artificial flavors that are harmful for health.
Water helps to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and other organs so it is will help remove bacteria that provoke kidney infection. If you want you can add a few drops of lemon juice, after alllemon water very useful for the body.
3. Berry mousse: blueberries Numerous studies have proven that blueberry mousse prevents bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract, which facilitates the output of bacteria in the urine. See: the principle is very simple. It is best to drink several glasses of natural blueberry juice or mousse on the day. If you can't find it in the store, buy fresh berries and make his own so he will be more fresh and natural. Also useful grape juice.
4. The benefits of coconut water Coconut water, as coconut oil will help to get rid of bacteria, which damages our kidneys.In addition, it contains powerful antibacterial substances that kill bacteria type E, which are very resistant to antibiotics. Is possible to buy the coconut may not be so easy because of its exoticism, but believe me: it's worth it. Therefore, we advise you to drink coconut water: at least two cups a day – morning before Breakfast and evening before going to bed.
Coconut oil has the same healthy properties, and it will be useful to take two tablespoons of coconut oil a day.
5. The beneficial properties of asparagusDid you know that asparagus will help kidney infections?Because it effectively cleanses the kidneys and helps with infections such as the urogenital organs and urinary tract. If you noticed that after you eat asparagus, your urine there was a pungent unpleasant smell, don't worry: this is normal.
You will see, the useful properties of asparagus will greatly facilitate the work of your kidneys and promote elimination of infection. So put the asparagus in your diet: you can add it to salads. It is not only delicious, but also useful!
6. Cider vinegarApple cider vinegar will come to the rescue with infections of the urinary tract: only one glass of water with the addition of vinegar will greatly ease the inflammation.In addition, Apple cider vinegar effectively helps to improve digestion and relieve heaviness in the stomach. This is a very simple and effective way: drink water with one spoon of vinegar once a day, after Breakfast and you'll soon notice an improvement! Your kidneys will thank you.
7. Useful properties of celeryCelery also helps to cleanse the kidneys and reduce inflammation.So we will tell you about how to prepare natural juice from the celery. It's very simple: you just need to cut two stalks of celery, put them in a blender, add two slices of pineapple and a Cup of chamomile tea. Grind all the ingredients until a homogeneous liquid. Mix the resulting liquid with 1 liter of drinking water and put in refrigerator.
Drink this remedy several times during the day: it is not only very useful for the kidneys, but also delicious. You'll see: you will soon feel better.
Hopefully, these tips will help you in a difficult struggle with kidney infections.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/
Ninety million seven hundred forty two thousand three hundred ninety two
Kidney infection – unfortunately, one of the most common diseases of the urinary system. It usually shows up as pain in the abdomen, pelvis and back. If this has happened to you or your loved ones, then you already know how painful and problematic, so in our article we want to tell you about why there is a kidney infection and how to cope with it.
How to recognize a kidney infection?Disease of one or even both kidneys are usually starts as the result of being in this body harmful bacteria, they cause inflammation and disrupt the natural work of the kidneys. In addition, kidney inflammation affects the organs of the urinary tract. So remember: change the color and/or consistency of urine and pain when urinating – these are the first symptoms of kidney disease! So, now we will elaborate on the reasons for the symptoms of kidney infections.
The causes of kidney infection:
- The introduction of bacteria into the kidneys.
- Bladder infection.
- Kidney stones
- Kidney infections are most susceptible to women
- Sarniguet
- Genetic abnormalities in the kidneys
- Renal cyst
- One of the types of anemia (anemia)
- Reduced immunity and weakened the body's defenses (for example, after suffering severe disease)
- Severe pain in the abdomen, lower back or groin.
- Fatigue, fatigue.
- Fever, high temperature
- The emergence of the urgent need to go to the toilet, scanty urination. When urinating there is pain and burning.
- Chill
- Nausea, urge to vomit
- Loss of appetite
In our article we will tell you about which natural remedies of folk medicine will help to ease the pain, restore the kidneys and speed up the recovery. They are not drugs by themselves, but will serve as an excellent addition to the main course of treatment that will be prescribed by a doctor.
1. Teaspoon of baking soda a day.Baking soda is a very simple but effective way to relieve pain in the kidneys.You just need times a day after meals drink a glass of water add a teaspoon of baking soda.
“What is so useful soda for the kidneys?” you can ask. The fact that it facilitates the kidneys, they exercise a filter function, cleanses the kidneys and promotes excretion of toxins. And all this will benefit kidney infections. So take note: just one teaspoonful of soda in a day!
2. Drink more water Surely you know that drinking water is the key to the health of our body. Experts recommend to drink at least 2 litres of water a day. Please note: we are not talking about any liquid, namely, clean drinking water, because juices and carbonated drinks contain preservatives and artificial flavors that are harmful for health.
Water helps to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and other organs so it is will help remove bacteria that provoke kidney infection. If you want you can add a few drops of lemon juice, after alllemon water very useful for the body.
3. Berry mousse: blueberries Numerous studies have proven that blueberry mousse prevents bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract, which facilitates the output of bacteria in the urine. See: the principle is very simple. It is best to drink several glasses of natural blueberry juice or mousse on the day. If you can't find it in the store, buy fresh berries and make his own so he will be more fresh and natural. Also useful grape juice.
4. The benefits of coconut water Coconut water, as coconut oil will help to get rid of bacteria, which damages our kidneys.In addition, it contains powerful antibacterial substances that kill bacteria type E, which are very resistant to antibiotics. Is possible to buy the coconut may not be so easy because of its exoticism, but believe me: it's worth it. Therefore, we advise you to drink coconut water: at least two cups a day – morning before Breakfast and evening before going to bed.
Coconut oil has the same healthy properties, and it will be useful to take two tablespoons of coconut oil a day.
5. The beneficial properties of asparagusDid you know that asparagus will help kidney infections?Because it effectively cleanses the kidneys and helps with infections such as the urogenital organs and urinary tract. If you noticed that after you eat asparagus, your urine there was a pungent unpleasant smell, don't worry: this is normal.
You will see, the useful properties of asparagus will greatly facilitate the work of your kidneys and promote elimination of infection. So put the asparagus in your diet: you can add it to salads. It is not only delicious, but also useful!
6. Cider vinegarApple cider vinegar will come to the rescue with infections of the urinary tract: only one glass of water with the addition of vinegar will greatly ease the inflammation.In addition, Apple cider vinegar effectively helps to improve digestion and relieve heaviness in the stomach. This is a very simple and effective way: drink water with one spoon of vinegar once a day, after Breakfast and you'll soon notice an improvement! Your kidneys will thank you.
7. Useful properties of celeryCelery also helps to cleanse the kidneys and reduce inflammation.So we will tell you about how to prepare natural juice from the celery. It's very simple: you just need to cut two stalks of celery, put them in a blender, add two slices of pineapple and a Cup of chamomile tea. Grind all the ingredients until a homogeneous liquid. Mix the resulting liquid with 1 liter of drinking water and put in refrigerator.
Drink this remedy several times during the day: it is not only very useful for the kidneys, but also delicious. You'll see: you will soon feel better.
Hopefully, these tips will help you in a difficult struggle with kidney infections.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/