Psychosomatics kidney disease: condemnation, resentment and frustration
The kidneys remove toxic products of metabolism through the urine, thus cleansing us from negative emotions. So kidney problems related to the fact that we hold on to old or negative emotions, which we do not make a conscious exit.
The kidneys are also associated with fear, as is shown by the adrenaline generated in extreme situations. Usually the kidneys free us from fear through the urine, maintaining the balance. Fainting or impaired renal function indicates unexpressed or depressively fear that accumulates in us.
Kidney stones nevyplacheny meet all of our tears, fears or sorrows, which are thus secured to us, or is the embodiment of old problems we never broke up, but still holding on to them. Release from them means moving to new levels of being.
Debbie Shapiro
Critical attitude to life, disappointment, dissatisfaction.
Louise L. Hay
Liz Burbo
The kidneys are the organs whose function is the excretion of end products of metabolism (urine, uric acid, bile pigments, etc.) and active participation in the excretion of foreign compounds (in particular of drugs and toxic substances).
The kidneys play a pivotal role in maintaining volume and osmotic pressure of fluids in the human body. The kidneys have a very complex structure, so it is associated with many problems of various kinds.
Since the kidneys maintain the volume and pressure of fluids in the body, problems with them talking about the violation of emotional balance. Person exhibits a lack of judgment or inability to make decisions in meeting their needs. As a rule, it's a very emotional person who overly cares about others.
Disorders of the kidneys also indicate that people feel insufficiently capable or even powerless in their field or in a relationship with another person.
In difficult situations he often feels the injustice of what is happening. It can also be the person who is too influenced by others and the desire to help these people neglect their own interests. He is not able to understand what is good and what is bad.
He tends to idealize situations and people, so experiencing great disappointment when his expectations are not met. In case of failure, he is inclined to criticize the situation and other people, accusing them of injustice. The life of such a person very rarely goes well, as it imposes on other people too much hope.
The more serious problem with the kidneys, the faster and stronger you must act. Your body wants to help you to reconnect with your inner strength says that you can cope with difficult situations no less successful than other people. Believing life is unfair, you are not allowed to manifest his inner strength. You spend too much energy comparing ourselves to others and to criticism.
You bad use your sensitivity; active mental activity makes you experience many emotions, deprives composure and prudence that are so necessary in difficult situations. Learn to see people for who they are, not creating in your imagination the perfect images. The less you have expectations, the less you will have to have a sense of injustice.
Liz Burbo
Symbolize the ability to free themselves from what can "poison" our life. The kidneys purify the blood of toxins.
Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich
Kidney disease
The kidney disease causes a combination of such emotions, as criticism and condemnation, wrath and anger, resentment and hatred with strong disappointment and a feeling of failure. Such people think that they are eternal losers and do everything wrong. They often feel a sense of shame.
Fear of the future, their financial situation, depression and unwillingness to live in this world always affect the kidneys.
— Your illness is the result of unwillingness to live in this world, I tell the patient, a very young girl, suffering from nephritis. You have a huge subconscious program of self-destruction.
"You know," the girl says, ' when I was very young, my grandmother was ill. So, I asked God to take the part of my life and gave it to her grandma that we would die together. There were still moments. But where I get it from?
— Your program of self-destruction is connected with behavior of your mother during her pregnancy. She did not want to have children, but when she became pregnant, yet humbled himself and bore. And the reluctance to have a child — it is the wish of the soul of the unborn child's death. In addition, she has a strong resentment for life. All this she conveyed to you in the form of a powerful program of self-destruction. And did it affect your kidneys.
One male was post-traumatic disease of the right kidney and liver. Periodically there is pain, renal haemorrhage. The cause of the disease — a strong resentment, hatred and revenge towards his brother. There was even a desire to kill him. But since this sibling, then such a program wishes him dead very quickly back to it and literally "hit" the right kidney and liver.
To the kidneys have always been healthy, it is necessary to monitor the purity of their intentions. Eliminate anger from your life. Stop feeling like a victim.
Kidney stones
Kidney stones is materialized aggressive feelings that people suppress in themselves and accumulated over the years. Are the clots of undissolved anger, fears, frustrations and failures. Bad feeling from some events. And renal colic is irritation, impatience and discontent to others, reached the peak.
— Doctor, what you are telling me is nonsense. Can't grow the stones from my thoughts and emotions.
I have an appointment an elderly man sitting. He came to me with a stick, because he could not move freely because of severe pain in the left groin. A year ago, he found a large stone in the left kidney. The doctors suggested surgery.
— I believe, ' he continued irritably, that they grew from bad water and malnutrition. And you tell me about any thoughts of telling tales.
Throughout our hour-long conversation, he wouldn't let me open his mouth. He was literally seething with anger. Irritably proved to me how hard life is, how bad the government is, what bastards these officials who get paid on time, but he is not paid for the past three months, how hard it is for him to care for his sick wife.
On this day I realized that not everyone is ready to perception of new information. Probably, it was necessary to start treatment with herbs and homeopathy and then gradually implement new ideas, bypassing consciousness.
Inflammation of the urinary tract, urethritis, cystitis
The frustration and anger on the opposite gender or sex partner lead to inflammation of the urinary tract.
One of my patients complained to me that she has frequent infections of the bladder.
— You know, —she tells me if I should cool the feet, as here, there are pains during urination. Even when the ovaries stalling.
As we have seen, the cause of chronic cystitis is irritation about the behavior of her husband.
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Treatment of gastric ulcer by the method of Marva Oganyan
— I never thought about it — wonder woman. But it seems to be true. Once we quarreled with her husband — then the aggravation. And it started after marriage. And before that I was perfectly healthy.
I also noticed that anxiety can affect the development of diseases of the urinary tract.published
Source: /users/15106
The kidneys are also associated with fear, as is shown by the adrenaline generated in extreme situations. Usually the kidneys free us from fear through the urine, maintaining the balance. Fainting or impaired renal function indicates unexpressed or depressively fear that accumulates in us.
Kidney stones nevyplacheny meet all of our tears, fears or sorrows, which are thus secured to us, or is the embodiment of old problems we never broke up, but still holding on to them. Release from them means moving to new levels of being.
Debbie Shapiro
Critical attitude to life, disappointment, dissatisfaction.
Louise L. Hay
Liz Burbo
The kidneys are the organs whose function is the excretion of end products of metabolism (urine, uric acid, bile pigments, etc.) and active participation in the excretion of foreign compounds (in particular of drugs and toxic substances).
The kidneys play a pivotal role in maintaining volume and osmotic pressure of fluids in the human body. The kidneys have a very complex structure, so it is associated with many problems of various kinds.
Since the kidneys maintain the volume and pressure of fluids in the body, problems with them talking about the violation of emotional balance. Person exhibits a lack of judgment or inability to make decisions in meeting their needs. As a rule, it's a very emotional person who overly cares about others.
Disorders of the kidneys also indicate that people feel insufficiently capable or even powerless in their field or in a relationship with another person.
In difficult situations he often feels the injustice of what is happening. It can also be the person who is too influenced by others and the desire to help these people neglect their own interests. He is not able to understand what is good and what is bad.
He tends to idealize situations and people, so experiencing great disappointment when his expectations are not met. In case of failure, he is inclined to criticize the situation and other people, accusing them of injustice. The life of such a person very rarely goes well, as it imposes on other people too much hope.
The more serious problem with the kidneys, the faster and stronger you must act. Your body wants to help you to reconnect with your inner strength says that you can cope with difficult situations no less successful than other people. Believing life is unfair, you are not allowed to manifest his inner strength. You spend too much energy comparing ourselves to others and to criticism.
You bad use your sensitivity; active mental activity makes you experience many emotions, deprives composure and prudence that are so necessary in difficult situations. Learn to see people for who they are, not creating in your imagination the perfect images. The less you have expectations, the less you will have to have a sense of injustice.
Liz Burbo
Symbolize the ability to free themselves from what can "poison" our life. The kidneys purify the blood of toxins.
Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich
Kidney disease
The kidney disease causes a combination of such emotions, as criticism and condemnation, wrath and anger, resentment and hatred with strong disappointment and a feeling of failure. Such people think that they are eternal losers and do everything wrong. They often feel a sense of shame.
Fear of the future, their financial situation, depression and unwillingness to live in this world always affect the kidneys.
— Your illness is the result of unwillingness to live in this world, I tell the patient, a very young girl, suffering from nephritis. You have a huge subconscious program of self-destruction.
"You know," the girl says, ' when I was very young, my grandmother was ill. So, I asked God to take the part of my life and gave it to her grandma that we would die together. There were still moments. But where I get it from?
— Your program of self-destruction is connected with behavior of your mother during her pregnancy. She did not want to have children, but when she became pregnant, yet humbled himself and bore. And the reluctance to have a child — it is the wish of the soul of the unborn child's death. In addition, she has a strong resentment for life. All this she conveyed to you in the form of a powerful program of self-destruction. And did it affect your kidneys.
One male was post-traumatic disease of the right kidney and liver. Periodically there is pain, renal haemorrhage. The cause of the disease — a strong resentment, hatred and revenge towards his brother. There was even a desire to kill him. But since this sibling, then such a program wishes him dead very quickly back to it and literally "hit" the right kidney and liver.
To the kidneys have always been healthy, it is necessary to monitor the purity of their intentions. Eliminate anger from your life. Stop feeling like a victim.

Kidney stones
Kidney stones is materialized aggressive feelings that people suppress in themselves and accumulated over the years. Are the clots of undissolved anger, fears, frustrations and failures. Bad feeling from some events. And renal colic is irritation, impatience and discontent to others, reached the peak.
— Doctor, what you are telling me is nonsense. Can't grow the stones from my thoughts and emotions.
I have an appointment an elderly man sitting. He came to me with a stick, because he could not move freely because of severe pain in the left groin. A year ago, he found a large stone in the left kidney. The doctors suggested surgery.
— I believe, ' he continued irritably, that they grew from bad water and malnutrition. And you tell me about any thoughts of telling tales.
Throughout our hour-long conversation, he wouldn't let me open his mouth. He was literally seething with anger. Irritably proved to me how hard life is, how bad the government is, what bastards these officials who get paid on time, but he is not paid for the past three months, how hard it is for him to care for his sick wife.
On this day I realized that not everyone is ready to perception of new information. Probably, it was necessary to start treatment with herbs and homeopathy and then gradually implement new ideas, bypassing consciousness.
Inflammation of the urinary tract, urethritis, cystitis
The frustration and anger on the opposite gender or sex partner lead to inflammation of the urinary tract.
One of my patients complained to me that she has frequent infections of the bladder.
— You know, —she tells me if I should cool the feet, as here, there are pains during urination. Even when the ovaries stalling.
As we have seen, the cause of chronic cystitis is irritation about the behavior of her husband.
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Treatment of gastric ulcer by the method of Marva Oganyan
— I never thought about it — wonder woman. But it seems to be true. Once we quarreled with her husband — then the aggravation. And it started after marriage. And before that I was perfectly healthy.
I also noticed that anxiety can affect the development of diseases of the urinary tract.published
Source: /users/15106
Self-DECEPTION under the mask of wisdom, or Why we "don't notice" edit
A number of us is always that the man we deserve