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Treatment of kidney folk remedies

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. Their work ensures the elimination of toxins and accumulated toxins from the body, regulates the functioning of important vital systems. The kidneys leads to urinary disorders, to increase blood pressure, anemia, development of pathological processes in other organs. Any kidney disease should be sure to treat it with medication medication and as a maintenance therapy and as a means of prevention of exacerbations of the disease need to use folk methods – herbal plants that have antimicrobial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory activity. The use of folk remedies in the treatment of pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis develops as a result of joint activities of different pathogens and exacerbated under the influence of hypothermia and other precipitating factors. Pyelonephritis is fever, pain in the lumbar region, the increase or decrease of urination, symptoms of intoxication. Goal of herbal medicine is to relieve inflammation and protect the kidney from further irritation, so you must use herbs with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory mechanism of action.The greatest positive effect is achieved in the course of using the following herbs and fees: -the Leaves of cowberry and its playallday bactericidal and diuretic. Cowberry leaves are used in decoction, the berries can be eaten alone or to prepare medicinal juice. The cranberries has a lot of useful components, but in large quantities can irritate the gastric mucosa, therefore, to use it for gastritis caution.

Another healing berry –the cranberry. From its fruits can be made juice, has antibacterial and diuretic properties. — To cope with edema in pyelonephritis pomogalova of corn ryltsev. A teaspoon of stigmata pour a glass of boiled water and drink half a Cup three times a day. Corn silk safe in the treatment of pyelonephritis in children. — Cleans the kidneys decoction, cooked issemann flax. Tablespoon of seeds, covered with boiling water, heated on the fire for three minutes, then an hour insist, strain and drink about 100 ml up to three times per day.
— Help remove any accumulated toxins, purify the blood decoction prepared Spacek or birch leaves. To prepare a medicinal solution need to take a spoonful of tablespoon of dried leaves or half of the kidneys, pour them with boiling water in the amount of one glass, after an hour, strain and drink per day.
— Increase urine flow such grass kachoris bird, cornflower, horsetail, juniper. You can eat them separately from each other, and to draw up fees of several plants. Herbs such as yarrow, chamomile, Hypericum reduce inflammation and help to remove pathogens, so they are included in herbal formulas is also needed.
Treatment of folk recipes pyelonephritis is a lengthy process that requires perseverance. To use the grass for several months, periodically changing them, and arranging short breaks. The intervals between treatment in a few weeks are necessary to the kidneys are not unaccustomed to working independently. Treatment of glomerulonephritis popular recipes

Severe urological disease glomerulonephritis is considered, it is based on inflammation, the influence of infection and specific immune – allergic reaction. In glomerulonephritis the glomeruli are affected, due to what is broken the filtration ability of the body. Manifestations of the disease include the symptoms of intoxication, considerable swelling of the face and lower extremities, pain, increased blood pressure, urinalysis revealed protein and RBCs. In severe cases, affected the cardiovascular system, and renal function completely stops. Glomerulonephritis is rarely at one time, it is characterized by periods of exacerbation with all the associated symptoms. Application after the main treatment popular recipes helps to restore the functions of the kidneys, eliminates edema, increases urine flow, relieves symptoms of intoxication and increases immunity.Use for the treatment of glomerulonephritis requires the following herbs:

-Wild strawberry leaves, birch, nettle and linamishima seeds in equal quantities, take for brewing one tablespoon. The dry raw material is poured boiling water and insist half an hour, then strain and drink the resulting broth a day. The resulting fitopreparations eliminates inflammation, has anti-allergic and immunomodulatory properties, in addition nourishes the body with essential micronutrients.

Dining room locomoting cathalifaud boiling water and drink in small amounts.
— This plant taksomotorny (Golden rod)has antimicrobial, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of goldenrod is especially necessary for those patients, which in a large number of released protein. Spoon dry plants, pour a pint of boiling water and drink the infused and strained decoction per day.
— Helps to cope with excessive secretion of protein isama carrots. One tablespoon of seeds of carrots are poured into the thermos, pour liters of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning strain and drink before each meal half a Cup. Children the dosage is reduced twice.
-Treatment of parsley. You need to take the root of a plant about the size of a pencil. The roots are washed, crushed and pour half a liter of milk and the same amount of water. The mixture is brought to boil on the fire, cool, filter and drink half of the mug of up to three times per day. Such therapy is carried out in the course of a month, then make a break for 30 days and then a second course. Positive results are observed if the parsley is treated not less than one year, the roots of the plants are easy to prepare yourself in the summer months.
Glomerulonephritis is a serious disease, its severe course leads to disability, so herbal treatment should be carried out only after the primary therapy. The General principles of treatment popular recipes

Folk methods of treatment of kidney disease can bring positive results only if in conjunction with the use of herbs to adhere to the following guidelines: — Limit the use of salt.
— Observe sparing diet, eat spicy, smoked, irritating products should be banned.
— The severity of the disease decreases with immunity. So you need to constantly temper and prevent the occurrence of infections and inflammation.
— Carbonated drinks should replace broth hips, green tea, beverages made with the use of the leaves of currant, nettle.

Urologic disorders do not disappear during one month of treatment, so therapy herbs must be repeated regularly, at least twice a year.

Source: natural-medicine.ru