In Georgia discovered a rich tomb of the two chariots

Scientists from the Centre of archaeology of the National Museum of Georgia under the leadership of Zurab Makharadze discovered a rich burial, in which were two chariots, gold artifacts and the remains of the sacrifices. The burial is dated to II Millennium BC and belongs to a senior official. This was announced by the head of the expedition at the International Congress on the archaeology of the Middle East.
The burial chamber of wood was on the mound with a height of 11.8 meters (39 feet). Chariot has retained four wood wheels. Among other artifacts in the burial were: flint and obsidian arrowheads, clay and wooden vessels, leather and fabric garments, carnelian and amber beads, 23 jewelry made of gold. A unique find was a wooden chair, preserved to our days.

“In the burial chamber were four-wheeled chariot in very good condition, they have exquisite design with decorative elements of various styles,” — said Zurab Makharadze. In the burial discovered the remains of seven people. According to archaeologists, one of them was the head of the family or tribe, while the remaining six are either his close relatives or slaves.

It is notable that the burial dates from the period when this region was not yet domesticated the horse. According to researchers, the chariots could be carried by oxen. However, the animal remains in the burial was not detected. The chair was found in the mound, according to Makharadze, is a symbol of power, its presence testifies to the high rank of the deceased.
Source: globalscience.ru