Hope Queen reveals shocking predictions for coming years
In 2024, humanity entered the path of incredible trials. Psychologist, coach and master of energy practice Hope Korolev made shocking predictions until 2030. We are waiting for a new pandemic, changes in the subtle plane of the Earth and the embodiment of the plan of higher forces. Find out how to successfully pass this period.
Predictions until 2030 Nadezhda Korolev calls herself a business consultant, psychotherapist and master of working with consciousness. 10 years ago, she founded the Academy of spiritual coaching Omline, where she teaches how to use the laws of the universe in family, relationships and business. In a recent interview, Koroleva spoke about the upcoming spiritual transformations that each of us will face. Not everyone can pass this test. That's why preparation is so important.
A new energy enters our lives. Some 30 years ago, a person was driven by the power of aggression, anger and irritation. It did not accumulate: people gave way to low vibrations through squabbles, swearing and fights. But after the coronavirus pandemic, there was an evolutionary leap. Our vibrations have risen. From now on, civilization is driven by energies of anxiety and fear for the future.
We will live in the era of anxiety until 2030, says the psychologist. Fear will have a stimulant, a new virus that affects the nervous system and synaptic connections. The brain will no longer adequately perceive dopamine, endorphin, serotonin and other neurotransmitters. They tell us whether we feel joy, pleasure or sadness.
Because of the “breakdown” of the perception system, a person will more often experience disorientation of feelings, depression and fear. The disease will begin with a runny nose and severe weakness and develop into Samoyedia and loss of meaning. According to Koroleva, the first cases of the disease we will hear in November-December 2024.
How anxiety works, Lockdown isolated us from a society where we drew approval. He let us know who we really are. Going into a world war with bad news and market crashes has created anxiety.
We are all under pressure from uncertainty, fear for the future and children. The matter of anxiety is dangerous: with prolonged accumulation, it can form a tumor, Korolev warns.
A restless person moves through life through aggression. Actively building a career, controlling his family ("Sasha, did you eat?") You're an A? How much do you earn?). But once you stop, emptiness and fear roll over a person. Did I achieve what I wanted? What took me so long to run for? Who am I really?
In the end, each of us will have to digest all these questions and come to an understanding. Find meaning in the very existence and creation together with the divine.
Most of all, at the level of anxiety, expectations hold us back. That they'll love us. That we'll be happy when something happens. When we are in this matrix, sooner or later we will be confronted with the individual karma of disappointment.
What we have become attached to and feared to lose will fall apart and disappear. Therefore, man will have to turn inside himself. Finding meaning is not in a guru, or a god, or a loved one, but in oneself.
It is important to understand that in this world everything is arranged competently and harmoniously. And even painful fear works for our good. It's what drives movement. It forces us to pursue social status and love, to build families, to have children. We are driven by anxiety of different kinds: not to receive, not to lose, not to achieve, not to be recognized, the main and loved. It shows us our sore spots, our attachments.
Predictions to 2030: The Coming of the Spiritual Man But fear has an evolutionary mission to nurture our spirit, heal codependency, and teach unconditional love and humility. That is why the higher forces want to tear a person from attachment to the body and senses, so that we become wiser and think.
A person who has moved from the physical to the mental plane begins to see with the heart. He can choose his feelings and emotions like clothes. He loves himself without the approval of others.
Heart people are merciful because they accept themselves and others with all their faults. Their wishes are easily fulfilled. Such a person lives goals and has an idea how to achieve the desired. It is the dream that leads to its fulfillment. He is dedicated to service and loves to take care of others. People rally around these people.
At the same time, they are devoid of attachments, codependency and expectations. “I want you to be like this and satisfy my feelings” is not about “heart man.”
How to Remove Anxiety: 2 Alarm workers can only destroy active action and goal setting. If you can’t chart a clear course of action yet, give the energy a way out. Instead of digging into heavy thoughts, go to the store, go for a walk or call a friend. You don’t know what to do – wash the floors or clean the cabinets. You will be surprised when you think about how to solve the problem.
Coach recommends another technique to reduce stress levels. It is necessary not to consciously go into alarm, but to take a look at the situation as if from above, from the outside. Generalize it. Then you will be able to clearly consider your goal, throw away the secondary and build a movement towards it.
Now you know the esoteric predictions until 2030 and can prepare for the upcoming trials. Perhaps you have already found your own recipe for dealing with panic and fear. Share your experience in the comments.

Predictions until 2030 Nadezhda Korolev calls herself a business consultant, psychotherapist and master of working with consciousness. 10 years ago, she founded the Academy of spiritual coaching Omline, where she teaches how to use the laws of the universe in family, relationships and business. In a recent interview, Koroleva spoke about the upcoming spiritual transformations that each of us will face. Not everyone can pass this test. That's why preparation is so important.
A new energy enters our lives. Some 30 years ago, a person was driven by the power of aggression, anger and irritation. It did not accumulate: people gave way to low vibrations through squabbles, swearing and fights. But after the coronavirus pandemic, there was an evolutionary leap. Our vibrations have risen. From now on, civilization is driven by energies of anxiety and fear for the future.

We will live in the era of anxiety until 2030, says the psychologist. Fear will have a stimulant, a new virus that affects the nervous system and synaptic connections. The brain will no longer adequately perceive dopamine, endorphin, serotonin and other neurotransmitters. They tell us whether we feel joy, pleasure or sadness.
Because of the “breakdown” of the perception system, a person will more often experience disorientation of feelings, depression and fear. The disease will begin with a runny nose and severe weakness and develop into Samoyedia and loss of meaning. According to Koroleva, the first cases of the disease we will hear in November-December 2024.
How anxiety works, Lockdown isolated us from a society where we drew approval. He let us know who we really are. Going into a world war with bad news and market crashes has created anxiety.

We are all under pressure from uncertainty, fear for the future and children. The matter of anxiety is dangerous: with prolonged accumulation, it can form a tumor, Korolev warns.
A restless person moves through life through aggression. Actively building a career, controlling his family ("Sasha, did you eat?") You're an A? How much do you earn?). But once you stop, emptiness and fear roll over a person. Did I achieve what I wanted? What took me so long to run for? Who am I really?
In the end, each of us will have to digest all these questions and come to an understanding. Find meaning in the very existence and creation together with the divine.

Most of all, at the level of anxiety, expectations hold us back. That they'll love us. That we'll be happy when something happens. When we are in this matrix, sooner or later we will be confronted with the individual karma of disappointment.
What we have become attached to and feared to lose will fall apart and disappear. Therefore, man will have to turn inside himself. Finding meaning is not in a guru, or a god, or a loved one, but in oneself.
It is important to understand that in this world everything is arranged competently and harmoniously. And even painful fear works for our good. It's what drives movement. It forces us to pursue social status and love, to build families, to have children. We are driven by anxiety of different kinds: not to receive, not to lose, not to achieve, not to be recognized, the main and loved. It shows us our sore spots, our attachments.

Predictions to 2030: The Coming of the Spiritual Man But fear has an evolutionary mission to nurture our spirit, heal codependency, and teach unconditional love and humility. That is why the higher forces want to tear a person from attachment to the body and senses, so that we become wiser and think.
A person who has moved from the physical to the mental plane begins to see with the heart. He can choose his feelings and emotions like clothes. He loves himself without the approval of others.
Heart people are merciful because they accept themselves and others with all their faults. Their wishes are easily fulfilled. Such a person lives goals and has an idea how to achieve the desired. It is the dream that leads to its fulfillment. He is dedicated to service and loves to take care of others. People rally around these people.

At the same time, they are devoid of attachments, codependency and expectations. “I want you to be like this and satisfy my feelings” is not about “heart man.”
How to Remove Anxiety: 2 Alarm workers can only destroy active action and goal setting. If you can’t chart a clear course of action yet, give the energy a way out. Instead of digging into heavy thoughts, go to the store, go for a walk or call a friend. You don’t know what to do – wash the floors or clean the cabinets. You will be surprised when you think about how to solve the problem.

Coach recommends another technique to reduce stress levels. It is necessary not to consciously go into alarm, but to take a look at the situation as if from above, from the outside. Generalize it. Then you will be able to clearly consider your goal, throw away the secondary and build a movement towards it.
Now you know the esoteric predictions until 2030 and can prepare for the upcoming trials. Perhaps you have already found your own recipe for dealing with panic and fear. Share your experience in the comments.
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