Rumyantsev Nadine (17 pics + text)
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1963)
People's Artist of Russia (2005)
Winner of the All-Union Film Festival in the category "Award for the actors" (1960)
Prize of the International Film Festival in Buenos - Aires (Argentina, 1962) for Best Actress ("Girls»)
Nadine Rumyantsev was born September 9, 1930 in the village of Potapovo Smolensk region.
Mother-housewife loved dancing and cinema, it was she who instilled a love for the art of Hope. Her father was a conductor of long-distance trains, and, having retired, became a forester. Nadia at school called "actress", mainly because of leprosy. "Ozorovala to peers started to respect me," - says the actress. How else could declare itself a girl very low growth and unimpressive physique?
In an interview, Rumyantsev recalled how she loved to work on the stage, "bathed in their profession." With the same enthusiasm she took up the role in the movie: "It's not just shooting in Moscow, but the expedition ... you can go to the sea or to the North Pole, or in the desert. I'm never happen. " Although partners early films - the boys of primary school age - would try to pull her twenty years, with the spit and hit the portfolio, the actress was happy with these pictures
Graduated from school with a gold medal, and then came to an ad in the school-studio at the Central Children's Theatre in Moscow. Wore a straw hat and with a look of Famusov read a monologue, just before the actor Voronov, play this most Famusov CDT. Hat flew across the audience, the selection committee not to laugh, and lively girl presented. And later transferred to the third year of fighting positions.
Rumiantseva debut took place in 1952 in the film "Towards life." To better convey the character of the heroine, she went to a trade school, where she studied for a month turning the matter.
On the film "Towards Life" Rumyantsev had a ride on a motor boat. The director asked if she could handle the boat, and Hope lied that he can. She was afraid that it will be deprived of the role, if she told the truth. And the episode was filmed in October in the Baltic Sea. The boat, of course, turned and unlucky actress was in the icy water. She managed to pull out, however, the survey had to be delayed for a few days until it rest up in the hospital.
Next Hope starred with enviable regularity, adding every year his filmography on one film, and in 1959 went so mature actress, that the role of Nadi Berestovoy in "intractable" was written specifically for her. So it was that by the time the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography Hope Rumyantsev was established actress with roles "travesty."
Finest hour Rumiantseva began shooting the film "Girls". Tossia Kislitsina her performance instantly became one of the symbols of the bright future of a happy and cheerful Soviet youth. Despite the fact that this role claimed dozens of famous actresses, preference is given to funny, sparkling energy Nadia Rumyantsev, "Charlie Chaplin in a skirt" - as called Woman.
Then no one imagined that the picture will be a cult Soviet comedy and Toshu Kislitsyna will learn on the streets. The shooting was extreme. North frost filmed in May and June. And the final scene where the characters kiss under a huge spruce, had to play in Yalta. The heat was thirty degrees - "dumplings with potatoes" would melt in the sun. Actors so believable rubbed his nose mitten, trampled artificial snow and "freezing" in sheepskins, the viewer still shivered. By the way, the candidates for the role of a chef Toshi was a lot, play along with the star of Soviet cinema Nikolai Rybnikov like many.
- Next to it was impossible to be sad - continues Lyudmila Gnilova. - Nadia - it is always smiling, always happy. One day we went to visit a sick friend in the bus did not have seats. Nadia immediately recognized, and they all got up and gave place - as though she could take so many places at once. The neighbors knew and loved her. Come, ask how to get - and immediately prompt: "A Tossia Kislitsyna? Well, let's go, my daughter, spend. " Saleswomen left goods and road shows. The market is the gift of giving. After Nadia - this is happiness. You know, a man can not imagine inanimate.
She was 31 years old, while her character cook Tosya Kislitsyna only knocked on the film 18. For this role, Hope Rumyantsev received a special prize Mar del Plata International Film Festival.
Project leader Mikhail Romm said then: "Play is this" Pichuga. " The director has not lost, the film turned out easy, at all times. Forever young in the minds of viewers and always remained Rumyantsev, who at thirty as a naive, girl-voiced, which later will look like a schoolgirl.
Next role was famous throughout the Union "Queen of the petrol station" Lyudmila Dobryyvecher. Nikolai Litus originally offered the role zapravschitsy Estonian actress Terje Luik. She was beautiful and, as they say, sexy. Only beauty had one drawback - a complete lack of sense of humor, without which, you see, in the comedy acting difficult. The project was on the verge of closing, when the second director Alexey Mishurin, sorting through all the names, stopped at the Hope Rumyantsev.
The difference between the femme fatale and snub-nosed girl was enormous. The plot had to be revised, but in the end the film turned out much better than thought.
Until 1967, Rumyantsev still shot on film a year. But from 1967 until 1975, the actress has not been heard. Someone said that Rumyantsev drank themselves, someone - that her jailed for currency manipulation, someone even said that "miracle with pigtails" fled to America. However, it was much more prosaic: the actress met a man, fell in love immediately and unconditionally - Armenian by nationality, a diplomat by profession Willie Vartanovich Hshtoyana. "I was already luggage roles - told reporters Nadine. - And I thought, well, another role yet - and then what? And so Willie career was that I had to go overseas trade representative. "
Comedy "Die Hard" has caused a flurry of letters from disgruntled workers to the artists, deriding the Red Army. This unpleasant event prompted Rumyantsev to easy solutions, which is already brewing for a long time. Together with her husband, Willie Hshtoyanom who worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Rumyantsev went abroad, where she spent about fifteen years. She lived in Egypt and Malaysia. Of course, during this time her creative baggage could not be replenished one film. But as once said Nadine, "my chief duty - to be with her husband. I learned well, who have the head of the family (for Armenians it is especially important). He should not say, "I am the husband Nadi Rumyantsevo". This I have to say, "I am the wife Willie Vartanovich».
Nadine recalls with pleasure the time: "On the status of the wife trade representative, I was not supposed to work. A lot of time to the sport: tennis, swimming. Good, beautiful life. Such a life and be a star. In the theater, we were never taught to keep yourself in shape, and in these trips, I started to look after themselves. We, Russian, national trait - laziness. Now, if sitting at home watching television, for some tea and cake, you could keep the shape ... »
However, one duty Rumyantsev was abroad - to feed her husband: "Chefs invited only if arranged reception, and she cooked him. If someone else is ready, my husband would not have. Such squeamish people. He Armenians - though Moscow spill. Here was born and lived all his life ... Even in a restaurant salad will not eat. He thinks it is all cleaned up. Yes I was. When my friends, do not refuse treats, I know what is done. And if we are not very familiar go, then eat at home, and then say, "Oh, how I wish I had lunch at home, just sit with you and drink wine!»
In the USSR, the couple returned to late 70s. After that Nadine starred in five films, has been leading the program "Alarm Clock". Her voice began to speak of the Monkey cartoon series about "38 parrots" Dilly Duckling of the Russian dubbing "DuckTales" and Cookies in the "Cat City". And the fact that the new role is not offered, the actress does not upset - she admitted, she did not see anything on the screen, which is worth regret as the lost opportunity.
The success of the young Natalya Varley in the "Caucasian captive" and have a share Rumyantsev. Student member of the Komsomol, athlete and simply beautiful Nina voice says Nadine. As mischievous monkey in the series: "38 parrots", "Hey monkey" and "Grandma boa." And the heroine Audrey Hepburn - Nicole Bonnet in the movie "How to Steal a Million." And hardly intellectuals and fans of the cult TV series David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" thought that the Russian version of Laura Palmer, Donna Hayward, Audrey Horne, Lucy Moran, Madeline Ferguson, Shelly Johnson, Josie Pekkard and Annie Blackburn says the voice of the very cook-detdomovki Toshi, who fervently teasing brigade loggers: "Potatoes fried, boiled, mashed potatoes ... french fries, potato pie ... potato pies with meat, mushrooms, cabbage ... potato pancakes, rolls, stuffing, potatoes stewed with prunes ... shangi!»
- Together we voiced "DuckTales" - says girlfriend Rumiantseva actress Lyudmila Gnilova. - Joked fooling around, talking duck voice on the phone. You pick the phone, and then: "Hello, this is my friend Liu? This is my friend Nadia "- almost like brothers ducklings. Nadia was a truly good man, not once rescued me. I could call her at any time of the day or night. When I had a problem, Nadia was able to say something simple and funny - and immediately became easier.
- We had been friends for almost 30 years - says another close friend of Hope Rumyantsev Galina Peshkov. - Man, she was responsible, surprisingly punctual, always keep his word. But most importantly - it is everything in life belonged positive! Next to her, like to enjoy life, and the joy, the love of her life, she infected each, who talked to her. Nadia loved people, just to notice all of their features. She did a story on the next shopping trip turns into a comic novel.
Once Rumyantsev met in the hallway "Mosfilm" familiar actress, began to complain of her life - and her criticism of abuses, and the directors refuse to invite, and no money, and disease exacerbated, and the husband drinks. Once retired friend, who was present during a conversation with a friend Rumiantseva surprised asked why Hope so exaggerated - after all she was, in general, not bad.
- You know, - said Rumyantsev - the lady that loves to commiserate, and she brings true joy when with someone from friends, especially friends, there is something unpleasant. Why not bring the innocent joy of man?
After returning from abroad Nadine rarely appeared in films. But it was not because it was not invited. In fact, many of the proposals Rumyantsev simply refused. If she was offered a scenario where were shootouts and scenes of violence, she said: "I'd rather go to plant flowers in the country, what I would spend time on such films. Actor must give people the light, goodness, hope and love. If not, then why is the movie ».
- Vilik was with Nadia until the last minute. After all, they lived together for more than 40 years! - Says Galina Peshkov. - Their house was always cheerful, bright and cozy. Many people believe that by marrying Vilik, Nadia forced ceased to act in films. But for her it was not a victim, rather the natural course of events. After all, she was a beloved man! She never regretted unplayed roles.
Life in Malaysia and Egypt Nadia recalled later as crystal childhood dream. After returning home to visit them Vilik daughter from his first marriage (his children Rumyantsev was not) with his son, then grandson was born. Laughter sounded in the house always.
Hope Rumyantsev was not only cheerful, but also very courageous woman. Once in their apartment burst robbers - used the fact that the house waiting for a locksmith. Opened a husband, two burly Ambala pounced on him, beat him. She cooked breakfast in the kitchen when flew thug with a gun. And later recalled: "He told me shouting:" a shot! Quickly give me the money! "And I say, as a partisan:" Shoot - maybe from me wallow money! Lord, be afraid of some scum! This two meters tall robber broke my ribs, broke his mouth. I fight, and she thought, "Well, like the teeth are intact ..." And then came the police - about eight people with guns. One thief we caught Willie, I took away his gun ... »
The whole house to call the police. But after a blow to the head from Nadine began pains.
The couple moved to Rublevo-highway. There's Hope Rumyantsev engaged flowers in secular life did not take part, refused to be interviewed. Lived without fuss, keeping in mind that the images and cook Toshi skater Luda can not destroy the one-day crafts.
She did not like noisy parties, get-togethers do not understand - they seemed to her a feast during the plague. People do not enjoy anything, faces tense, think about a career - she did not want to see it.
Eldar Ryazanov asked her to star in "Promised Heaven", and she flatly refused: "This film does not leave people hope." People must have hope - Hope Rumyantsev always believed it.
She loved his land, planting flowers, digging in the garden. When she was asked why without gloves, hands are dirty because, I repeat the words of his mother: "It's not dirt, it is the land!»
- Nadia well versed in the world of nature, knew the name of every bush, every blade of grass, - said Galina Peshkov. - It is very fond of animals. Pets paid her the same. Her penultimate work in film was the role in the movie "A wonderful valley." In the story of her character is holding a sheep. Came to the shooting. Baran stayed not in the best of moods, and to him, few dared to approach. Once he was approached by Nadia whispered something lamb calm, cheerful.
The family lived Nadi Vilik schnauzer Eugene. Somehow once Nadia walked with him in the woods, and she fell at his feet crow - a tiny, about the size of a matchbox. She brought him home, began to feed from the pipette, fashioned a tiny bus for a broken foot - and out chick! Then he built a house, guarded the baby from Eugene. He grew up and flew away into the forest. And then flew home to Nadi, but not one, but with a friend! And if Nadia little late with food, hard beak knocked out the window - you that, say, a friend? Forgot about me?
April 4 she was taken to one of the capital's hospitals - headaches were so strong that the actress fainted. The husband was on duty at her bedside until the last minute.
- Nadia was a healthy, active person, - says Galina Peshkov. - And suddenly this tumor ... She tormented her year and a half. But Nadia handled it! Fully recovered. And then all of a sudden illness returned ...
Nadine died the evening of April 8, 2008, at age 77, after a long illness. She was buried in the Armenian cemetery Vagankovsky.
Towards Life - 1952
Alyosha Ptitsyn produces character - 1953
Chaser - 1955
Mexican - 1955
Son - 1955
The sea is calling - 1956
Star Boy - 1957
Gori, my star - 1957
Another flight - 1958
Intractable - 1959
Thrice risen - 1960
Free Wind - 1961
Girls - 1961
Gas Station Queen - 1963
Halt - 1963
Pavluha - 1964
Marriage Bal'zaminova - 1964
Easy Life - 1964
Damn portfolio - 1966
Die Hard - 1967
Ay-oo! - 1975
Minors - 1976
Sold Laughter - 1981
Free Wind - 1983
Married Bachelor - 1983
PE District machshtaba - 1988
Vultures on the roads - 1990
Wonderful Valley - 2003
September 9, 1930 - April 8, 2008
People's Artist of Russia (2005)
Winner of the All-Union Film Festival in the category "Award for the actors" (1960)
Prize of the International Film Festival in Buenos - Aires (Argentina, 1962) for Best Actress ("Girls»)

Nadine Rumyantsev was born September 9, 1930 in the village of Potapovo Smolensk region.
Mother-housewife loved dancing and cinema, it was she who instilled a love for the art of Hope. Her father was a conductor of long-distance trains, and, having retired, became a forester. Nadia at school called "actress", mainly because of leprosy. "Ozorovala to peers started to respect me," - says the actress. How else could declare itself a girl very low growth and unimpressive physique?
In an interview, Rumyantsev recalled how she loved to work on the stage, "bathed in their profession." With the same enthusiasm she took up the role in the movie: "It's not just shooting in Moscow, but the expedition ... you can go to the sea or to the North Pole, or in the desert. I'm never happen. " Although partners early films - the boys of primary school age - would try to pull her twenty years, with the spit and hit the portfolio, the actress was happy with these pictures
Graduated from school with a gold medal, and then came to an ad in the school-studio at the Central Children's Theatre in Moscow. Wore a straw hat and with a look of Famusov read a monologue, just before the actor Voronov, play this most Famusov CDT. Hat flew across the audience, the selection committee not to laugh, and lively girl presented. And later transferred to the third year of fighting positions.
Rumiantseva debut took place in 1952 in the film "Towards life." To better convey the character of the heroine, she went to a trade school, where she studied for a month turning the matter.

On the film "Towards Life" Rumyantsev had a ride on a motor boat. The director asked if she could handle the boat, and Hope lied that he can. She was afraid that it will be deprived of the role, if she told the truth. And the episode was filmed in October in the Baltic Sea. The boat, of course, turned and unlucky actress was in the icy water. She managed to pull out, however, the survey had to be delayed for a few days until it rest up in the hospital.

Next Hope starred with enviable regularity, adding every year his filmography on one film, and in 1959 went so mature actress, that the role of Nadi Berestovoy in "intractable" was written specifically for her. So it was that by the time the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography Hope Rumyantsev was established actress with roles "travesty."
Finest hour Rumiantseva began shooting the film "Girls". Tossia Kislitsina her performance instantly became one of the symbols of the bright future of a happy and cheerful Soviet youth. Despite the fact that this role claimed dozens of famous actresses, preference is given to funny, sparkling energy Nadia Rumyantsev, "Charlie Chaplin in a skirt" - as called Woman.
Then no one imagined that the picture will be a cult Soviet comedy and Toshu Kislitsyna will learn on the streets. The shooting was extreme. North frost filmed in May and June. And the final scene where the characters kiss under a huge spruce, had to play in Yalta. The heat was thirty degrees - "dumplings with potatoes" would melt in the sun. Actors so believable rubbed his nose mitten, trampled artificial snow and "freezing" in sheepskins, the viewer still shivered. By the way, the candidates for the role of a chef Toshi was a lot, play along with the star of Soviet cinema Nikolai Rybnikov like many.
- Next to it was impossible to be sad - continues Lyudmila Gnilova. - Nadia - it is always smiling, always happy. One day we went to visit a sick friend in the bus did not have seats. Nadia immediately recognized, and they all got up and gave place - as though she could take so many places at once. The neighbors knew and loved her. Come, ask how to get - and immediately prompt: "A Tossia Kislitsyna? Well, let's go, my daughter, spend. " Saleswomen left goods and road shows. The market is the gift of giving. After Nadia - this is happiness. You know, a man can not imagine inanimate.
She was 31 years old, while her character cook Tosya Kislitsyna only knocked on the film 18. For this role, Hope Rumyantsev received a special prize Mar del Plata International Film Festival.
Project leader Mikhail Romm said then: "Play is this" Pichuga. " The director has not lost, the film turned out easy, at all times. Forever young in the minds of viewers and always remained Rumyantsev, who at thirty as a naive, girl-voiced, which later will look like a schoolgirl.

Next role was famous throughout the Union "Queen of the petrol station" Lyudmila Dobryyvecher. Nikolai Litus originally offered the role zapravschitsy Estonian actress Terje Luik. She was beautiful and, as they say, sexy. Only beauty had one drawback - a complete lack of sense of humor, without which, you see, in the comedy acting difficult. The project was on the verge of closing, when the second director Alexey Mishurin, sorting through all the names, stopped at the Hope Rumyantsev.
The difference between the femme fatale and snub-nosed girl was enormous. The plot had to be revised, but in the end the film turned out much better than thought.
Until 1967, Rumyantsev still shot on film a year. But from 1967 until 1975, the actress has not been heard. Someone said that Rumyantsev drank themselves, someone - that her jailed for currency manipulation, someone even said that "miracle with pigtails" fled to America. However, it was much more prosaic: the actress met a man, fell in love immediately and unconditionally - Armenian by nationality, a diplomat by profession Willie Vartanovich Hshtoyana. "I was already luggage roles - told reporters Nadine. - And I thought, well, another role yet - and then what? And so Willie career was that I had to go overseas trade representative. "
Comedy "Die Hard" has caused a flurry of letters from disgruntled workers to the artists, deriding the Red Army. This unpleasant event prompted Rumyantsev to easy solutions, which is already brewing for a long time. Together with her husband, Willie Hshtoyanom who worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Rumyantsev went abroad, where she spent about fifteen years. She lived in Egypt and Malaysia. Of course, during this time her creative baggage could not be replenished one film. But as once said Nadine, "my chief duty - to be with her husband. I learned well, who have the head of the family (for Armenians it is especially important). He should not say, "I am the husband Nadi Rumyantsevo". This I have to say, "I am the wife Willie Vartanovich».

Nadine recalls with pleasure the time: "On the status of the wife trade representative, I was not supposed to work. A lot of time to the sport: tennis, swimming. Good, beautiful life. Such a life and be a star. In the theater, we were never taught to keep yourself in shape, and in these trips, I started to look after themselves. We, Russian, national trait - laziness. Now, if sitting at home watching television, for some tea and cake, you could keep the shape ... »
However, one duty Rumyantsev was abroad - to feed her husband: "Chefs invited only if arranged reception, and she cooked him. If someone else is ready, my husband would not have. Such squeamish people. He Armenians - though Moscow spill. Here was born and lived all his life ... Even in a restaurant salad will not eat. He thinks it is all cleaned up. Yes I was. When my friends, do not refuse treats, I know what is done. And if we are not very familiar go, then eat at home, and then say, "Oh, how I wish I had lunch at home, just sit with you and drink wine!»
In the USSR, the couple returned to late 70s. After that Nadine starred in five films, has been leading the program "Alarm Clock". Her voice began to speak of the Monkey cartoon series about "38 parrots" Dilly Duckling of the Russian dubbing "DuckTales" and Cookies in the "Cat City". And the fact that the new role is not offered, the actress does not upset - she admitted, she did not see anything on the screen, which is worth regret as the lost opportunity.

The success of the young Natalya Varley in the "Caucasian captive" and have a share Rumyantsev. Student member of the Komsomol, athlete and simply beautiful Nina voice says Nadine. As mischievous monkey in the series: "38 parrots", "Hey monkey" and "Grandma boa." And the heroine Audrey Hepburn - Nicole Bonnet in the movie "How to Steal a Million." And hardly intellectuals and fans of the cult TV series David Lynch's "Twin Peaks" thought that the Russian version of Laura Palmer, Donna Hayward, Audrey Horne, Lucy Moran, Madeline Ferguson, Shelly Johnson, Josie Pekkard and Annie Blackburn says the voice of the very cook-detdomovki Toshi, who fervently teasing brigade loggers: "Potatoes fried, boiled, mashed potatoes ... french fries, potato pie ... potato pies with meat, mushrooms, cabbage ... potato pancakes, rolls, stuffing, potatoes stewed with prunes ... shangi!»
- Together we voiced "DuckTales" - says girlfriend Rumiantseva actress Lyudmila Gnilova. - Joked fooling around, talking duck voice on the phone. You pick the phone, and then: "Hello, this is my friend Liu? This is my friend Nadia "- almost like brothers ducklings. Nadia was a truly good man, not once rescued me. I could call her at any time of the day or night. When I had a problem, Nadia was able to say something simple and funny - and immediately became easier.
- We had been friends for almost 30 years - says another close friend of Hope Rumyantsev Galina Peshkov. - Man, she was responsible, surprisingly punctual, always keep his word. But most importantly - it is everything in life belonged positive! Next to her, like to enjoy life, and the joy, the love of her life, she infected each, who talked to her. Nadia loved people, just to notice all of their features. She did a story on the next shopping trip turns into a comic novel.

Once Rumyantsev met in the hallway "Mosfilm" familiar actress, began to complain of her life - and her criticism of abuses, and the directors refuse to invite, and no money, and disease exacerbated, and the husband drinks. Once retired friend, who was present during a conversation with a friend Rumiantseva surprised asked why Hope so exaggerated - after all she was, in general, not bad.
- You know, - said Rumyantsev - the lady that loves to commiserate, and she brings true joy when with someone from friends, especially friends, there is something unpleasant. Why not bring the innocent joy of man?
After returning from abroad Nadine rarely appeared in films. But it was not because it was not invited. In fact, many of the proposals Rumyantsev simply refused. If she was offered a scenario where were shootouts and scenes of violence, she said: "I'd rather go to plant flowers in the country, what I would spend time on such films. Actor must give people the light, goodness, hope and love. If not, then why is the movie ».

- Vilik was with Nadia until the last minute. After all, they lived together for more than 40 years! - Says Galina Peshkov. - Their house was always cheerful, bright and cozy. Many people believe that by marrying Vilik, Nadia forced ceased to act in films. But for her it was not a victim, rather the natural course of events. After all, she was a beloved man! She never regretted unplayed roles.
Life in Malaysia and Egypt Nadia recalled later as crystal childhood dream. After returning home to visit them Vilik daughter from his first marriage (his children Rumyantsev was not) with his son, then grandson was born. Laughter sounded in the house always.

Hope Rumyantsev was not only cheerful, but also very courageous woman. Once in their apartment burst robbers - used the fact that the house waiting for a locksmith. Opened a husband, two burly Ambala pounced on him, beat him. She cooked breakfast in the kitchen when flew thug with a gun. And later recalled: "He told me shouting:" a shot! Quickly give me the money! "And I say, as a partisan:" Shoot - maybe from me wallow money! Lord, be afraid of some scum! This two meters tall robber broke my ribs, broke his mouth. I fight, and she thought, "Well, like the teeth are intact ..." And then came the police - about eight people with guns. One thief we caught Willie, I took away his gun ... »
The whole house to call the police. But after a blow to the head from Nadine began pains.
The couple moved to Rublevo-highway. There's Hope Rumyantsev engaged flowers in secular life did not take part, refused to be interviewed. Lived without fuss, keeping in mind that the images and cook Toshi skater Luda can not destroy the one-day crafts.
She did not like noisy parties, get-togethers do not understand - they seemed to her a feast during the plague. People do not enjoy anything, faces tense, think about a career - she did not want to see it.
Eldar Ryazanov asked her to star in "Promised Heaven", and she flatly refused: "This film does not leave people hope." People must have hope - Hope Rumyantsev always believed it.
She loved his land, planting flowers, digging in the garden. When she was asked why without gloves, hands are dirty because, I repeat the words of his mother: "It's not dirt, it is the land!»

- Nadia well versed in the world of nature, knew the name of every bush, every blade of grass, - said Galina Peshkov. - It is very fond of animals. Pets paid her the same. Her penultimate work in film was the role in the movie "A wonderful valley." In the story of her character is holding a sheep. Came to the shooting. Baran stayed not in the best of moods, and to him, few dared to approach. Once he was approached by Nadia whispered something lamb calm, cheerful.

The family lived Nadi Vilik schnauzer Eugene. Somehow once Nadia walked with him in the woods, and she fell at his feet crow - a tiny, about the size of a matchbox. She brought him home, began to feed from the pipette, fashioned a tiny bus for a broken foot - and out chick! Then he built a house, guarded the baby from Eugene. He grew up and flew away into the forest. And then flew home to Nadi, but not one, but with a friend! And if Nadia little late with food, hard beak knocked out the window - you that, say, a friend? Forgot about me?

April 4 she was taken to one of the capital's hospitals - headaches were so strong that the actress fainted. The husband was on duty at her bedside until the last minute.
- Nadia was a healthy, active person, - says Galina Peshkov. - And suddenly this tumor ... She tormented her year and a half. But Nadia handled it! Fully recovered. And then all of a sudden illness returned ...
Nadine died the evening of April 8, 2008, at age 77, after a long illness. She was buried in the Armenian cemetery Vagankovsky.

Towards Life - 1952
Alyosha Ptitsyn produces character - 1953
Chaser - 1955
Mexican - 1955
Son - 1955
The sea is calling - 1956
Star Boy - 1957
Gori, my star - 1957
Another flight - 1958
Intractable - 1959
Thrice risen - 1960
Free Wind - 1961
Girls - 1961
Gas Station Queen - 1963
Halt - 1963
Pavluha - 1964
Marriage Bal'zaminova - 1964
Easy Life - 1964
Damn portfolio - 1966
Die Hard - 1967
Ay-oo! - 1975
Minors - 1976
Sold Laughter - 1981
Free Wind - 1983
Married Bachelor - 1983
PE District machshtaba - 1988
Vultures on the roads - 1990
Wonderful Valley - 2003

September 9, 1930 - April 8, 2008