
The film "Girls" has its own unique story. And it begins with the writing of the novel "Girls". It talks about the difficult work, hard way of life, about love, friendship, fervent boyish. As Boris poor worked as an engineer for timber floating, and graduated from the Leningrad Forestry Academy, it was not difficult to describe the life, interests, conflicts and tender relationship working northern forests. Focus Boris - ethos, spiritual growth of the working man.

The director of this film was Yuri Chulyukin. According to his idea the film "Girls" has to be the multi-picture, in the sequel to director wanted to tell the fate of each of the girls, but to continue and not followed. Yuri Stepanovich took a worthy place in the Soviet cinema.
First, when Chulyukin read the script, it seemed to him boring, ordinary comedy, and he wanted to make a lively and witty picture. Note that in the film in great detail spelled out precisely female characters. Therefore quite complex and has been the choice of actors.

On the role of Toshi Kislitsyna tried a lot of famous and not so famous actresses, but the director wanted to star in the film performed his wife Natalia Kustinskaya She unfortunately did not pass the test, although the actress says that her husband does not want to take her in his films as well as strongly upsets her trial on the side. In preparation for the film, Chulyukin promised his wife Natalia Kustinskaya role Toshi.
But one of his decisions was not enough. Kustinskaya seriously preparing for trials: to fit the image of a funny girl-painted face with freckles and changed gait. After the trial she was looking forward to the decision of the artistic council. After a while, from a friend, she learned that the picture is removed and starring Rumyantsev. The house was a terrible scandal.

Chulyukin justified that hudsovet Kustinskaya considered too beautiful for image Toshi. And as reconciliation offered her the role of Anfisa, but Kustinskaya refused. On the role of Tosi invited Hope Rumyantsev, which has successfully starred in "intractable", very playful, charming and immediate actress. Approve it was not very difficult, because the samples Hope charmed everyone with his natural charm and naturalness, the whole crew helped the actress. This role was as if written specifically for her. At the time of working on the film Rumiantseva 31st birthday.

Actor to actor, who was to play with Rumyantsevo already looking directly at her. For example, the actor Yuri Sarantseva not taken only because of the fact that he is not very well looked beside her. On the role of Elijah originally tried and Yuri Belov, but the order came from the top: without trial approve Nicholas Rybnikov. Rybnikovu role liked.

But even though the weight loss of the actor, the hero Rybnikova guy 25 years old, looks in the film as a mature man. The director wanted to offer the role of Elijah Vyacheslav Shalevich, but Nikolai Rybnikov, who later played and Ilya managed to lose weight 20 kg, and has successfully passed the test. Very "heroic" act for the role ... But unfortunately the actors could not stand each other.
The reason for this was that Nicholas wanted to star in a pair with his beloved wife Alla Larionova, and shooting the film emerged as the star. At the time of removal of the film he had starred in several successful films such as "Height" (History of the film) and "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", but Hope Rumyantsev quickly diminished his ardor, explaining simple: "The film is called" Girls ", which means the main role of women ».

And after the director had to reshoot some scenes from the fact that, Rybnikovu not able to play a fondness for Tosya, thoughtful actor, became agitated and quickly broke up with his pride. After the film, Nicholas performed about ten roles in movies, but none of them has ever stood on a par with "Girls».

Nadi role in the film played by Inna Makarova, also auditioned for the role Valentine Talyzina that did not fit on the type. Margarita Krinitsyna, directed by longtime friend Film Institute, which has not passed in the State Cinema picture, though very Chulyukin insisted on it. Directed by Nadia saw a sort of Tikhonov, who resigned to fate, "the guy" and the men were friends with her, but did not like, which was ready to marry Xan Ksanycha, and he was much older than her.
But Inna saw this role more complex and strong-willed, she showed an interesting strong image of the heroine. At the end of the film there was a moment where Nadia rejects the advances of her elderly suitor, refuses arranged life, an established way of life, because it does not like it, but the director cut the episode, for which the actress is very offended at him.

Lucien Ovchinnikov, she's Kate, played in the film almost herself, so she was close to the image and character of its heroine. As she says, filming was easy and fun. After the film we are friends with Tosey, in life, we also made friends with Hope Rumyantsev. Also, the role of Katie auditioned Lyudmila Shagalova, but samples were unsuccessful.

"I remember the audition for the role in the movie Anfisa" Girls ", - says the actress Clara Lucko. - The role I was very interested and I would love to take part in the filming of the picture. "I remember well, the sample - told us Lucko. - I played a passage when girls talk about life in the dormitory; really wanted to play, I do not know why I did not vzyali.Ya then upset - and the role was interesting, and the film turned out great. " I still do not understand why I did not have. " But this role was another - Svetlana Druzhinin. And she gladly accepted the offer, because until this role she was offered to play boring rural toilers. This role has become one of the most beloved.
Anfisku play was interesting. Svetlana sure that it's not a bad girl AFIS, just hard to live when you are beautiful and charming that seems independent. Such a lot of envious girls in the team and it is very difficult to study in the society. They are very vulnerable. After "Girls" many directors have tried to use the image Anfisa and invited Druzhinin in his paintings, but the actress broke the circle and went to filmmakers who have successfully made the movie "Midshipmen».

The film was shot in difficult conditions. The cast and crew had to work in very difficult conditions. Felling for the film arranged in "Mosfilm". In the pavilions built a settlement at the site of more than three hundred planted trees, made Lespromkhoz.
Some location shooting took place in the Northern Urals in real forestry. The weather was very cold, not warm as 50 degrees below zero. When filming the scene where the cook Tossia brings food workers. Workers were given metal cutlery.
Nikolai Rybnikov without thinking picked up and licked the spoon, which instantly stuck to his tongue. Filming had to stop to help the actor unstick a spoon, but did not think Rybnikov wait physicians, he pulled a spoon and unstick her away with the skin ... After this incident, Rumyantsev said that he was very courageous man.

Part of the film was shot in a small village in the Tver region Olenino August heat at this lesoperabyvayuschey base. At the time of filming work on the basis decided not to stop, but just give this lower landing.
There painters decorators prepared the scenery for the film, stacked logs kept on their wool and mothballs, crane for transporting logs smeared with lime to simulate the cold. There for the actors was built a house in which they lived and. Cold imitated wool, salt, foam, special smelly gas that when filming was very similar to par. Actors soared in coats and hats.

The scene was shot with a train in the Ryazan region in the Holy Klepiki (stretch between Christ-Klepiki and Pilevo). The existing narrow-gauge railway was near Moscow, Ryazan region, where the forest was walking shaft.
Went back camera crew. Filming took 2 days. For the filming did not build anything (just nailed a sign with the name of the station. In the film, she can not read). The train used extras - the locals. Under the plan the shooting had to pass one day, but the day of the shooting was bad weather, filming moved to the next day.

Mikhail Pugovkina, who played the commandant did not get the episode when he had to throw pillow on the bed so that she lay down angle. Filmed noon. Finally Pugovkin psihanul, threw it without looking - and accurately hit!

Music for the film was written by Alexander Pakhmutova. The song "Old Maple" and "good girls" that were written specifically for the film, still have a runaway success. Many of the songs Alexandra Pakhmutova in recent years imperceptibly into our lives, become an integral part of it. They sound the official folk festivals, their singing and small friendly party.

Many at the beginning of the film he seemed to pustovat and uninteresting, but in the process it became clear that the picture will be a success. After the release in rent in 1961 audiences were delighted. The film spawned a society many popular expressions, it was quoted at almost every corner. Russian critics were silent, not speaking about the film, and foreign international festivals invited and gladly handed out awards. So the film won an award at Edinburgh in 1961, in Cannes and in Mal del Plata in 1962.

A role for Toshi Kislitsyna Hope Rumyantsev was awarded a special prize, it was called "Chaplin in a skirt." Honored Artist of the RSFSR Nadezhda Rumyantseva said "Girls" his best film and several diminishes its merit in it.
It is believed that when the actress gets into the hands of a wonderful script, which is described in great detail the nature of the role, it is difficult to play badly. Poor Boris comedy script about young people was like that. First applause rang field installation already during the first viewing of the film crew. And these were the most expensive of applause for the creators.