His young mistress ruined the marriage, but she didn't expect his wife to come back stronger

Whichever. history Wealthy men cannot be heard on vacation. The sea, the sun, a bottle of sparkling and a good listener work better than any psychologist. You can tell everything that has accumulated on your soul and know that you will not be judged. You may not see this person anymore. I love collecting life stories. This story seems banal and worn out, but at the same time it has all the perseverance of the female soul.

Marina and Egor have lived together for 15 years. They grew up in the same yard and as a child took an oath to be together. At the time, it seemed sweet and childish to their parents. But Marina was waiting for Yegor from the army and when he returned they immediately went to the registry office. They supported each other in their studies and in the first steps of a great building empire. When the business began to bring the first income, Egor offered Marina no longer to work, but to engage in home comfort. Soon their son appeared in their family and Marina completely left for life. Egor gave himself completely to work, because he knew that support and support awaited at home. They loved it and talked about new projects.

The son grew up and Marina fully devoted herself to the future of the child. All sorts of sections, circles, tutors. Once upon a time, a young and beautiful woman completely forgot about herself. She had two men to support. Sometimes Marina went home to her parents and on one such trip met her cousin. She just grew up a daughter who really wanted to study at the university, but the family had no money for housing. Marina guilelessly offered the young niece to live in their house for the first time until she got back on her feet in the new city.

Marina was a very open bright person and proudly told about the successes of not only her son, but also her husband. When a young relative came to their home, she was shocked by luxury and well-being. Yegor came home late, and on weekends tried to devote time to his family. And, as is often the case, a young niece has decided that learning and getting back on her feet is a long time. You can get everything right away. She tried to catch Yegor’s eyes as often as possible and behaved very defiantly. Marina noticed all this, but was too confident in her husband. And it was a waste of time.

Egor, as a true businessman, did not darken and honestly admitted to his wife that he was filing for divorce. Like, young blood attracts him more and in front of partners will not be ashamed. And you, Marish, are running out and you don't look good. With these words, Yegor and his young companion packed their suitcases and went to live in an apartment. The house, car and part of the business were left to Marina by right after the divorce proceedings. But Marina didn't want any of that. It seemed that the ground was knocked out from under her feet and her whole fairy-tale world collapsed overnight. What to do next, the woman simply did not imagine.

The only person who supported Marina at the time was her son. He did not want to see his father and did not forgive him such a betrayal. The thirteen-year-old was very wise. He offered to sell his house and buy a small apartment. It was difficult for Marina to be in the house in which she put all her love and life. She sold the house, bought a small apartment in the city center. Marina decided to spend the remaining money on herself. Beautician, stylist, new outfits have made just a woman a real beauty.

And now she and her son came to the resort to feel like a real woman again, not a housewife. At the seaside, she regains herself and is already making plans for her future life. I sat there silently listening to this beautiful, confident woman, and I felt she would be fine now. And the ex-husband will definitely appear in her life and will bite the elbows that lost such an amazing wise woman.


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