Buns with poppy seeds

On 12 pieces (1 baking):
For the dough:
500 g flour (wheat, premium)
185 ml of milk
3 eggs (put the dough 2, 5 eggs, and the rest 0, 5 eggs will be used for lubrication of rolls)
100 grams of sugar
60 g butter
6 g of dry yeast
1/3 (one third) teaspoon salt
For the filling:
150 grams of poppy
70 g of honey
80 grams of sugar
Sift flour. Melt butter over low heat and cool slightly. Milk slightly warmed.
Slightly less than half of the flour mixed with yeast (I have a yeast Saf-point high-speed, they should be immediately mixed with flour, if you have other yeasts, see instructions on the package, perhaps they need to be pre-soaked). Pour the flour mixture and yeast in warm milk, knead. Do not worry, Opara becomes quite dense. Leave a brew in a warm place, covered with a towel (I put in heated to 40 ° C, and then switch off my oven) until the increase in 2 times (I have fits about an hour).
When Opara is ready, proceed to the preparation of the test.
Eggs (2, 5 pieces) break into a bowl and mix with sugar and salt. The remaining 0, 5 eggs, we need to lubricate rolls.
In brew add the eggs with salt and sugar, remaining flour and knead the dough. Then add the melted butter and knead the dough so that it will come off by hand. Do not rush to knead the dough thoroughly. This will depend on your taste buns.
Dough and cover with a towel in a warm place to rise (again, I put in a slightly heated to 40 ° C and off the oven).
While preparing Opara and suitable dough, you can do filling (filling at the time of forming rolls should be cool, so do not delay until the last moment of its preparation).
Mak pour boiling water (water to be 1-2 cm above the poppy), stir, cover and leave for 40 minutes. After that, drain the water, throwing a poppy on a sieve. Take your time, let poppy lie down in a sieve for 5-10 minutes, until all the water is drained. Periodically stir it with a spoon to better water glass. Poppy put back into the saucepan and potoloch tolkushkoy it (or use your method of grinding poppy, for example, in a mortar). I crushed poppy in this way only in part, but it's not terrible, after steaming and so he will be very soft.
Ready Mix with honey and poppy sugar should get a lot of, like a thick jam.
When the dough has increased by 2 times, you can start cutting.
Put the dough on the table, lightly floured, roll it into a ball, divide into 12 pieces. Roll each piece into a lozenge (do not overdo it does not have to roll out the dough too thin, otherwise it will break and filling will leak. Roll out just enough to put a tablespoon of the filling). Roll the cake out onto a little less than a tablespoon of filling quickly tucks the edges (I first zaschipyvaem along as pies, and then collects all shovchik a "pile" and it thoroughly sleplyayu).
Put a bun on a greased baking sheet seam side down. Do the same with all the remaining blanks.
From under the rolls may follow syrup, it's not scary. All poppy remain inside and filling will still be juicy.
Leave buns proofing, cover with a towel, for 20 minutes (again, I put in a warm oven, but you can just in the kitchen).
Grease the muffin mixture of 0, 5 eggs and a teaspoon of milk (or water).
Bake in the heated to 220 degrees C oven (top + bottom) 18 minutes in the middle (if top browns much, put on a lower level in the last 5 minutes).
Buns on the grill to cool.