Mango ginger-mint syrup (exotic dessert, guests battled the spot)

Fresh ginger 1 piece
Water 1 cup
⅓ cup sugar
⅓ cup fresh mint
Mango 400 grams
1. A piece of fresh ginger (about 4 cm) cut into thin slices and toss into the water with sugar. Bring the mixture to a moderately high heat to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes.
2. Remove the pan from the heat, throw in her mint leaves and leave the lid on for 5 minutes.
3. Strain the syrup through a sieve and cool completely.
4. Slice the mango into thin slices, pour syrup and send in the refrigerator for 45 minutes.
5. Before serving, spread out in the mango ice-cream bowls and garnish with mint leaves