Eggs - 3 pcs,
sugar - 1 tablespoon,
condensed milk - 0, 5 banks,
baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
butter or margarine - 100 g,
flour - 4-6 tablespoons
2 lemons
1 tbsp lemon peel
1 tbsp. sugar
Sift the flour and mix with melted margarine or razryhlitelem.Maslo and ohladit.Vzbit saharom.Prodolzhaya eggs with whisk, gradually introduce the condensed milk and beat until smooth massy.Zatem gradually add flour with baking powder and mix well again with the help of a spoon or mixer. Pour the melted butter into the dough and well razmeshat.Zastelit baking sheet with parchment paper or grease with vegetable oil, pour the resulting dough on a baking sheet and flatten it.
Bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes until golden cake tsveta.Goryachy quickly turn into a roll with the parchment paper, set aside and leave to cool.
Lemons clear the peel, peel of the grate. Grind in a blender lemons, add the zest and sugar, and let it dissolve the sugar. Then deploy cooled roll and soak lemon mass roll it back and give propitatsya.Sverhu sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Bon Appetite!