16 people, who understood all too literally
Every day we are faced with instructions and guidance which long ago used: from road signs to the requests of relatives. But there are people who take everything too literally and do something unusual.
We at the Site appreciate the originality of this approach, especially because the mood rises from it once or twice! Take a look, maybe around you will find such examples?
Think it's not working
I just need to wash your hands exactly?
Strange request, but if you want
The winner of the "Engraver of the year"
My son chose a gift for a birthday with a "cold calculation" and asked for "cash in hard currency"
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I still do not understand their instructions
Asked my two year old daughter to leave the shoes near the front door
It's not easy, but I will try to follow your rules
Children look at things — the most literal possible
Love to do it right!
He asked his son-a second grader to put these bottles in the bathroom
And this guy realized what was happening!
About the unicycles nothing is said, so that everything is in order
What is the query and the result of
Do not argue, hats so hats
Wife said take a selfie-stick and take some pictures during the day while I do normal things
Photos on the preview JaymoonCoakley/twitter.com
See also
People handing each other the most stupid advice, and it is more than funny
These kids deserve a prize for such responses to control
These people wanted to do the job "perfectly", but something went wrong
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/eti-lyudi-hoteli-vypolnit-rabotu-na-otlichno-no-chto-to-poshlo-ne-tak-1351065/
10 films in which dialogues any more special effects
10 myths about cats, in which all believe, and it's time to stop