Foods for blood circulation
1. Beef, pork or chicken liver. To them it would be nice to connect the copper and zinc – these allies increase the absorption of iron and are actively working (along with b vitamins, ascorbic and folic acids) in the field of creation of blood cells. In the liver of heparin, a substance hindering rapid blood clotting. His role is important — blood clots and myocardial infarction are afraid of incidents like fire.
2. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, eel, halibut and fatty herring). Thanks to the seafood unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are great in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Eat delicious fish, and an increased level of cholesterol and sugar in blood or blood clots are not afraid of you. Even in the meat of the inhabitants of the deep sea is taurine – a useful amino acid that regulates blood pressure, insulin production and hypertension warning.
3. Cabbage is a storehouse of folic acid (vitamin B9), essential for the formation of blood cells. But, during the heat treatment a strategic component collapses – that is why in diseases of the blood better to eat Kale raw. Also in cabbage high in vitamin K (bad blood clot), vitamin P (strengthens blood vessels).
4. Broccoli — it has a high content of selenium, essential for heart health. And since the heart works together with blood, the problems of one necessarily affect the other. Tip: to make broccoli not lost the useful properties, cook it a few minutes or cook in a double boiler.
5. Oranges, tangerines, lemons. They are the leaders in content of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid helps to absorb the iron, so that the hemoglobin is actively carrying out its functions — delivers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and takes from them carbon dioxide, are also included in their composition of soluble fibers reduce bad cholesterol, and vitamin a and organic acids help prevent diabetes, disorders in the circulatory system and diseases of the liver, the main filter of the body.
6. Apples. Pectin, which they are rich, reduces the risk of hardening of the vessels, maintains a constant level of sugar in the blood, treacherous binds cholesterol and removes it from the body. Another valuable property of apples is the ability to purify the blood and prevent blood clots. Two apples a day — and the chance to meet you with a heart attack is reduced by 32%.
7. Aboutrehi. Walnut, forest, pine, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts. Not only do they stimulate mental activity, but also extremely healthy for blood. Vitamins a, b, PP, C, E, fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and other important components will do everything to be healthy heart, blood circulation is active, and the blood without harmful components. Mashed hazelnuts with raisins treat chronic anemia, cashew is recommended for elevated pressure, and almond purifies the blood. Note: the nuts though useful, but very high in calories, so consume them by the handful is not worth it.
Source: /users/87

2. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, eel, halibut and fatty herring). Thanks to the seafood unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are great in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Eat delicious fish, and an increased level of cholesterol and sugar in blood or blood clots are not afraid of you. Even in the meat of the inhabitants of the deep sea is taurine – a useful amino acid that regulates blood pressure, insulin production and hypertension warning.

3. Cabbage is a storehouse of folic acid (vitamin B9), essential for the formation of blood cells. But, during the heat treatment a strategic component collapses – that is why in diseases of the blood better to eat Kale raw. Also in cabbage high in vitamin K (bad blood clot), vitamin P (strengthens blood vessels).

4. Broccoli — it has a high content of selenium, essential for heart health. And since the heart works together with blood, the problems of one necessarily affect the other. Tip: to make broccoli not lost the useful properties, cook it a few minutes or cook in a double boiler.

5. Oranges, tangerines, lemons. They are the leaders in content of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid helps to absorb the iron, so that the hemoglobin is actively carrying out its functions — delivers oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and takes from them carbon dioxide, are also included in their composition of soluble fibers reduce bad cholesterol, and vitamin a and organic acids help prevent diabetes, disorders in the circulatory system and diseases of the liver, the main filter of the body.

6. Apples. Pectin, which they are rich, reduces the risk of hardening of the vessels, maintains a constant level of sugar in the blood, treacherous binds cholesterol and removes it from the body. Another valuable property of apples is the ability to purify the blood and prevent blood clots. Two apples a day — and the chance to meet you with a heart attack is reduced by 32%.

7. Aboutrehi. Walnut, forest, pine, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts. Not only do they stimulate mental activity, but also extremely healthy for blood. Vitamins a, b, PP, C, E, fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium and other important components will do everything to be healthy heart, blood circulation is active, and the blood without harmful components. Mashed hazelnuts with raisins treat chronic anemia, cashew is recommended for elevated pressure, and almond purifies the blood. Note: the nuts though useful, but very high in calories, so consume them by the handful is not worth it.

Source: /users/87