Lemon diet

To lose weight by lemons. And if you are not satisfied with a classic 17-day course from a registered dietitian and Creator of the diet Professor Chong, look at the simpler but no less effective options lemon diet.
Option one: almost a classic
In this variant of the diet, as in the classic, you need to drink lemon juice with water every day, adding one Cup of water and one lemon. However, the term diet is reduced to 14 days.
On the 8th day of the diet the number of glasses of water and lemons every day is reduced by one. That is the maximum you will need to drink 6 glasses of water with the juice of six lemons.
Every seventh day of the diet should end the fast day, during which you are allowed to drink only water with lemon. It is recommended to add a spoon of honey to make it easier to deal with weakness from hunger.

To eat on this diet, everything is possible, just need to try not to overeat and do not lean on cakes and sweets. Plain water is allowed to replace mineral, but without gas.
It is important to drink water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach to "Wake up" the digestion. Can't drink all day plenty of water with lemons at once, drink the maximum amount – as much as you can, but not less than one glass. Drink the rest throughout the day. Store and carry this drink in a sealed bottle of dark glass.
Except lemon water during the diet allowed to drink any beverages (tea, coffee, herbal teas and infusions), even a glass of dry wine.
Day 1 – drink 1 glass of water with the juice of 1 lemon on an empty stomach.
Day 2 – drink 2 cups water with the juice of 2 lemons.
Day 3 — drink 3 cups of water with the juice of 3 lemons.
Day 4 — drink 4 cups of water with the juice of 4 lemons.
Day 5 — drink 5 cups of water with the juice of 5 lemons.
Day 6 — drink 6 cups of water with the juice of 6 lemons.
Day 7 — handling: in a glass jar with water to squeeze 3 lemons, put a spoon of honey and drink throughout the day.
Day 8 — drink 6 cups of water with the juice of 6 lemons.
Day 9 — drink 5 cups of water with the juice of 5 lemons.
Day 10 — drink 4 cups of water with the juice of 4 lemons.
Day 11 — drink 3 cups of water with the juice of 3 lemons.
Day 12 — drink 2 cups water with the juice of 2 lemons.
Day 13 — drink 1 glass of water with the juice of 1 lemon on an empty stomach.
Day 14 — fasting: three-liter jar with water to squeeze 3 lemons, put a spoon of honey and drink throughout the day.

To use such an amount of water and lemon juice, of course, is not easy. But after the diet, you will lose 4 to 6 pounds.
Try this diet allowed at least six months, where better to stop for a year.
Source: /users/104